The presentation materials, handouts, and a recording of the June 9 meeting of the RCPA Children’s Committee are now available:
The presentation materials, handouts, and a recording of the June 9 meeting of the RCPA Children’s Committee are now available:
RCPA was pleased to have played a role in Pennsylvania’s Collaborative Care Summit. This joint effort was sponsored by the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Department of Health, Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, Office of Medical Assistance Programs, Pennsylvania Psychiatric Leadership Council, Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society, Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association, PH/BH Learning Community, Community Care Behavioral Health Organization, and Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. The information presented focused on the importance of strengthening the link between meeting individuals’ physical and behavioral health care needs, and the collaboration between medical and behavioral health professionals. The presentation materials from the summit are now available to practitioners, providers, health system and health insurance leaders, and policymakers across Pennsylvania.