ODP Announcement 20-063 updates information regarding the expanded target population for which the virtual or remote Supports Intensity Scale-Adult™ (SIS-ATM) and Pennsylvania (PA) Supplement assessments may be scheduled, as well as to provide clarification on individual virtual views, virtual assessments, and remote assessments. Effective June 1, 2020, the SIS-ATM and PA Supplement assessments were reinstated for counties that transitioned to the yellow and green phases of Governor Wolf’s Plan to Reopen Pennsylvania. ODP will be beginning virtual SIS-ATM and PA Supplement assessments through a conservative roll-out strategy, concentrating first on 5-year reassessments, prioritizing those that are overdue, individuals receiving their first assessments, individuals who have a change in need, and select individuals identified by ODP. ODP will gradually increase the target population.
ODP has been working collaboratively with the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) and Keystone Peer Review Organization (KEPRO) to develop operating procedures that will allow for the completion of the SIS-ATM and PA Supplement assessments virtually or remotely.
If a virtual view of the individual is not possible (the device does not support video technology, the internet or cellular service is not available) the assessment will be placed on hold until ODP resumes face-to-face assessments. For individuals who do not have access to a device that supports video technology, KEPRO will work with the support team to try to obtain one.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your SIS Regional Lead.
The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has released a new resource for Service Coordinators (SCs) to utilize for assisting waiver participants with voting, especially with the unique challenges and health risks associated with the pandemic. This two-page document, Facilitating Voting by Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Participants, encourages the SCs to work with the waiver participants to develop plans for voting in the upcoming election. The document also outlines potential challenges and solutions participants may encounter in the voting process. Links for registering to vote and requesting a mail-in or absentee ballot are included in the document.
By Ken Tysiac
Recipients of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans of $50,000 or less will be able to apply for forgiveness using a simplified application that was released Thursday by Treasury and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
A new interim final rule (IFR) provides new guidance concerning forgiveness and loan review processes for PPP loans of $50,000 or less.
Read full article on the Journal of Accountancy website.
We are pleased to announce the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) 2020 Platform Project website is now live! The direct link to the MMIS 2020 homepage is: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/MMIS/Pages/default.aspx.
You may have also noticed the previous MMIS 2020 webpage link, located within the Providers > Sort by Industry section of the Department of Human Services (DHS) website, now appears as “*New* MMIS 2020.” This link will now take you to the new MMIS 2020 website.
What’s New?
Within the new MMIS 2020 website, you will find the following pages which contain topic-specific information related to the project:
The IOP/PHP Rollout Sessions have been rescheduled for the first week of November. Providers should see the schedule (also found on our website) for specific dates, times, links, and call-in details to join the meeting. Participants are highly encouraged to engage in the webinar by Skype rather than by phone in order to access the video portion of the presentation. Detailed information will be shared by video that will be advantageous to participants.
Human Trafficking
Wednesday, October 14 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Family Therapy in Addiction
Thursday, October 15 from 11 am – 12 pm
Tobacco & Nicotine Treatment Options
Thursday, October 22 from 10 am – 11 pm
Course Goals:
Understanding the family disease of addiction
Tuesday, October 27 from 11 am – 12 pm
Participants will be able to:
During the October 7, 2020 MLTSS Subcommittee meeting, representatives from AmeriHealth Caritas shared information about provider education webinars planned during the month of October. The webinars are open to Home-and-Community-Based Services providers and will be conducted via Zoom on the dates below:
Advance registration is required. After registering for a session, a confirmation email will be sent that will contain information about joining the Zoom webinar.
Some of the topics that will covered include:
If there are questions about these webinars, please contact your provider Account Executive. You can locate your Account Executive information on the AmeriHealth Caritas website.
Please send your questions, comments, and feedback to this email.