Brain Injury

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On July 14, Estelle Richman, former secretary of the Department of Human Services (DHS), will conduct a presentation; Person-Driven Services in Managed Care Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS), from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at Temple University, Ritter Annex Room 555, 1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Members can participate in person or online.

Topics will include:

  • Overview of DHS discussion document on managed care;
  • Overview of federal options for self-directed services and supports in managed care; and
  • Discussion of what stakeholders can do to ensure that good self-directed options are available in any managed care model that DHS administers.

The Department of Human Services has announced the July training schedule and related information for the approved and required Medication Administration Training. Training will be available online and at various locations across the Commonwealth. Future classroom training sessions are being scheduled throughout the year; announcements will be released when finalized. Classroom training sites have limited capacity, and training candidates from agencies with no certified medication administration staff are required to complete the online course work before they are permitted to attend the classroom training.

Medication administration training is required for designated staff working in: adult training facilities, adult day services, personal care homes, assisted living residences, child residential and residential treatment and day treatment facilities, community homes for individuals with an intellectual disability, and intermediate care facilities. Questions about the information in the training document can be directed to (717) 221-1630 or email.