The 2015 Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week is September 13-19. At RCPA’s request, Governor Wolf has issued a Pennsylvania proclamation in recognition of direct support workers. In addition, RCPA members that employ direct support professionals (DSPs) in the intellectual, developmental, and other disability service systems, are asked to contact local media outlets and county governments to generate coverage of DSP Week. It is critical that community providers remind the public of the important work these staff members provide.
This national advocacy campaign is coordinated by ANCOR (American Network of Community Options and Resources), which has resources
As previously reported, the first meeting of the statewide HealthChoices Behavioral Health Managed Care Organization (BHMCO)/RCPA Task Force was held on July 16, 2015, and all BHMCOs attended, along with numerous oversight bodies. The purpose of this task force is to identify any operational compatibilities
On May 29, the Department of Human Services released a request for information (RFI) to help guide the department’s planning process for the release of a new procurement for the provision of managed care services for physical health. RCPA submitted comments and recommendations to the department in response to the RFI. Secretary Dallas has worked to be transparent during this process and has published a summary of some of the most frequently provided comments in the responses to the RFI. He has also identified some of the changes that the department is considering for the new HealthChoices physical health managed care procurement. This list is not intended to be final and merely reflects some of the ideas that are being considered at this time. Because many of the comments and related action plans communicated by Secretary Dallas address integrated physical and behavioral health care, data and information sharing, service system simplification, and other initiatives that have implications for RCPA members, this interim report is being shared at this time. Please submit any additional comments on the concepts included in this summary, or an area that is not listed in the document, via email by August 10.
RCPA was pleased to have played a role in Pennsylvania’s Collaborative Care Summit. This joint effort was sponsored by the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Department of Health, Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, Office of Medical Assistance Programs, Pennsylvania Psychiatric Leadership Council, Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society, Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association, PH/BH Learning Community, Community Care Behavioral Health Organization, and Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. The information presented focused on the importance of strengthening the link between meeting individuals’ physical and behavioral health care needs, and the collaboration between medical and behavioral health professionals. The presentation materials from the summit are now available to practitioners, providers, health system and health insurance leaders, and policymakers across Pennsylvania.