ODP Updated Guidance on Face Coverings, Close Contact, Screening Protocols, and Hand Washing

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Announcement 20-088 update provides guidance on face coverings, close contact, screening protocols, and hand-washing procedures for all stakeholders. Updates appear in red in the document.
Updates Include:
Masks and Face Coverings:
On November 17, 2020, Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine signed an updated order requiring universal face coverings.
As explained in the November 17, 2020 order, a face shield is a plastic shield that covers the nose and mouth, extends below the chin and to the ears, and leaves no exposed gap between the forehead and the shield’s headpiece. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has advised that it does not recommend using face shields or goggles as a substitute for masks.
Mask Use for Individuals Residing in Private Homes and Receiving Service:
- If the direct support professional (DSP) or support service worker (SSW) (1) provides health-care/personal care services, (2) is trained in personal protective equipment (PPE), and (3) has access to PPE, apply the following guidance:
- When a direct support professional (DSP) or support service worker (SSW) is providing services in a private home in which the DSP or SSW does not reside, the individual and the individual’s family members should, and are strongly encouraged to, wear masks for the duration of the visit. Family members should minimize contact with DSPs or SSWs who work in private homes. If an individual has COVID-19, is suspected to have COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone who is suspected of having COVID-19 or has COVID-19, the individual should follow recommended quarantine/isolation procedures. If the individual requires services during the quarantine or isolation period when the individual may be contagious, the individual must wear a mask during the DSP or SSW visit. Please remember that an individual should not wear a mask if the individual has trouble breathing, is unconscious, is incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. The DSP or SSW must wear personal protective equipment as per PA-HAN-524 or its successor for visits with any person under quarantine or isolation.
- For DSPs or SSWs who have any of the following missing (provide health-care/personal care services, are trained in PPE, or access to PPE), apply the following guidance:
- When a direct support professional (DSP) or support service worker (SSW) is providing services in a private home in which the DSP or SSW does not reside, the individual and the individual’s family members should, and are strongly encouraged to, wear masks for the duration of the visit. Family members should minimize contact with DSPs or SSWs who work in private homes. If an individual has COVID-19, is suspected to have COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone who is suspected of having COVID-19 or has COVID-19, the individual should follow recommended quarantine/isolation procedures. Home visits by DSPs and SSWs should not occur until the person no longer needs to be in home isolation per PA-HAN-518 or its successor.
Mask Use for Individuals Receiving ODP Residential Services:
Individuals who reside in a licensed or unlicensed community home are not expected to wear a mask for extended periods of time while in their own homes. If an individual has COVID-19, is suspected to have COVID-19, or has been exposed to someone who is suspected of having COVID-19 or has COVID-19, the individual, and all other residents and DSPs in the home, should follow recommended quarantine/isolation procedures, including but not limited to wearing a mask during the period in which the individual may be contagious and is in close contact with a DSP or other residents. Please remember that an individual should not wear a mask if the individual has trouble breathing, is unconscious, is incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. If an individual is positive for COVID-19 and is unable to wear a mask, they should consult with their physician for alternative infection control procedures.
Mask use for the individual and staff in a private home is not expected when the DSP or SSW lives with the individual receiving the service.
If after working with the individual to encourage the individual to wear a mask, the individual is still only able to tolerate wearing a mask or face covering for a short period of time, the individual should wear a mask or face covering during activities that may have an increased risk of transmission of COVID 19.
Close Contact:
The definition of close contact has been updated by the CDC and is included in the November 17, 2020 Order Requiring Universal Face Coverings. The following definition can be found in the order; it is further described in PA HAN 533: Additional Factors to Determine Close Contacts of Persons with COVID-19.
How to Handle Potential Exposure to a Person with COVID-19, Someone Who is Waiting for Test Results for COVID-19, and Travel to Any State Outside of Pennsylvania:
Check the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) travelers website for the most up-to-date information about travel.
Screening Guidance for Residential Settings:
Residential providers should continue to follow the Long-Term Care Guidance for Screening and Infection Control established by the CDC and found at on this website.
Please see the ODP Announcement 20-088 update for full information.