ODP Announcement 20-066 provides guidance on establishing visitation policies in residential settings when a county transitions to the Green Phase of Governor Wolf’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania. Residential settings include licensed and unlicensed community homes (55 Pa. Code Chapter 6400) and licensed and unlicensed family living homes (55 Pa. Code Chapter 6500).
Per the Governor’s Process to Reopen Pennsylvania, homes located in counties in the “Green Phase” may lift visitation restrictions in certain congregate care settings using the guidance provided in this document. ODP recognizes that many families and persons designated by individuals who live in residential settings are eager to resume in-person visits with their friends and loved ones and fully encourages all providers in counties in the Green Phase to resume in person visits as soon as possible.
However, ODP also acknowledges that providers must remain diligent in their efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus, especially in residential settings that support individuals at higher risk for contracting the virus.
Residential providers should establish or update a written “Visitation Policy” for in person visits. This policy should be shared with all individuals and persons designated by the individual. The announcement outlines the requirements for these policies.
The provider must offer assistance to the individual to communicate with friends and family, when needed. The provider should be creative in ways that assist the individual to remain in contact with family and friends and feel comfortable with the method of communication.
Residential providers also have a responsibility to identify any skills the individuals need to acquire or practice to participate in desired in-person visits and assist individuals in learning skills. This includes learning how to practice social distancing, wear masks, and hand washing protocols. The following websites have helpful resources to assist with these activities:
Please contact the ODP Regional Office with any questions about this announcement.