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ICF/ID Services

Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

ODP shared the following message with the ODP ICF/ID Task Force members:

We would like to thank the provider community for your feedback in response to the draft forms which were shared on 6-14-21 and discussed during the 7-6-21 Task Force meeting. ODP & Mercer gave your concerns considerable attention. Attached is a copy of the updated feedback with responses added.

In addition to writing responses, we discussed your concerns and made changes to the approach which was initially shared to better address all parties’ interests. Please join us on Thursday, August 19, 2021 from 1:30 pm–2:30 pm for a webinar to review the new process.

Significant changes have been made to the reporting process for FY 2021–2022 in consideration of provider feedback from the July 6 Task Force meeting.

Note that this meeting will be a demonstration of the final changes and key concepts — along with a visual/graphic of the overall change in the process/templates. We are operating under a revised timeline to deliver the finished product by September 1 for use for FY 21–22 waiver submissions; therefore, this presentation will not include a questions and answers segment.

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