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IDD Residential Provider Training

ODP Announcement 19-134 is specifically directed to Residential Providers. The Health Risk Screening Tool (HRST) is a web-based instrument used to detect health risks and destabilization early and to prevent deaths among members of vulnerable populations. The announcement lists the dates and locations of the Clinical Reviewer sessions scheduled for November. Lunch is β€œon your own.” All sessions run 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.

HRS, Inc., in collaboration with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is announcing face to face HRST training for clinical reviewers. This is a reminder that this is the FINAL OPPORTUNITY for 2019. An email containing a link to register for the sessions will be sent directly by HRS, Inc. The sessions for Clinical Reviewers are open to registered nurses (RNs) only. These Clinical Reviewer sessions are mandatory for any RN who will perform clinical reviews. Providers should ensure that RNs who will perform the clinical reviews plan to attend one of the sessions in November if they have not already participated in one of the sessions held in August, September, or October.

To participate in the face to face training, you must have completed the HRST online rater training (ORT). Please see ODP Announcement 19-052, Health Risk Screening Tool Implementation, for information about the online training.

Clinical Reviewers will receive registration information directly from HRST online but may also contact them via email for any questions concerning the training or registration information.