Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Regional Collaborative interactive map on Pennsylvania’s Community of Practice (CoP) for Supporting Families web page has been updated with contact information for each county as well as website/social media links, communication and meeting structures, goals, next steps or action plans, and community partners where available. The CoP web page on MyODP also includes contacts for the ODP Regional Leads, information about the Charting the LifeCourse framework and tools, and vision and ways to connect with the four Areas of Innovation work groups within the CoP: Employment, Front Door, Supports Coordination, and Supporting Families. An account is not needed to access these pages, though more of the MyODP platform can be accessed with an account.

Pennsylvania Autism (Virtual) Training Conference
Conference Dates: October 5–7, 2021

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is requesting proposals from professionals who provide support for individuals with autism for stories that focus on their lived experience. As a provider, you probably experienced many challenges and adversity in the past months, both related and unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic. How can we take the hardships, learn from them, and integrate that knowledge as we move into the future?

During PATC 2021, we will be highlighting the concept of post-traumatic growth, that from difficult experiences comes opportunity and the chance for progress. We want to give you the opportunity to share your experience, your stories of ordeals and difficulties, and of recovery and resilience.

Further instructions, including how to submit your story, can be found here.
Submission due date has been extended to August 20, 2021!

In February 2020, ANCOR surveyed providers of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) services regarding their workforce issues. The survey closed March 15, 2020, just before the pandemic hit our nation.

The findings include data that is very concerning:

  • 66% of providers were turning away new referrals due to insufficient staffing;
  • 43% of providers had discontinued programs or services due to insufficient staffing;
  • 65% of providers reported delaying the launch of new programs or services; and
  • 7 in 10 reported experiencing difficulties in achieving quality standards.

To read the survey results, follow this link.

ANCOR is requesting that all providers participate in an updated survey to allow them to collect data that is up-to-date. Please take the time to complete this updated survey.

A Review of PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2021 – PAHAN – 569 – 4-30 – UPD UPDATE: Work Restrictions for Healthcare Personnel with Exposure to COVID-19

Friday, August 6, 2021
9:30 am–10:30 am

COVID-19 infection rates are projected to increase in Pennsylvania due to a number of factors. There is concern that this increase in infections will exacerbate the already straining staffing capacity of long-term care facilities. To ensure that we are prepared to support some of the most vulnerable populations, Holly Simpson from the Pennsylvania Department of Health will present a review of the information contained in PA HAN 569. This review will include topics such as defining a “high-risk” exposure for healthcare personnel (HCP), how and when work exclusion for HCP should occur, testing strategies for HCP, and criteria for reducing work exclusion for HCP to mitigate staffing shortages.

Register here.

ODP Announcement 21-061 announces a full-day virtual training session available for registration in August, September, and October 2021 on Residential ISP Staffing, as described in ODP Announcement 21-057.

The 20 full-day virtual training sessions are geared toward key residential provider and SCO staff who regularly attend team meetings, supervise staff who attend team meetings, or train staff that attend team meetings, and AE staff who review and approve plans. It is expected to be conducted in “mixed” audience groups (Provider, SCO, AE reps and Office of Developmental Programs’ staff) to better assure exposure to a variety of perspectives and roles.

One person per entity is invited to attend to provide a maximum of 30–35 people per session. Participants and their agencies will need to commit to the understanding that, upon completion, they will be a resource at their home agency. The training will be interactive. All training participants must complete the prerequisites located on MyODP on the course registration page.

Guidance - wooden signpost, roadsign with one arrow

Alison V. Beam, JD, Acting Secretary of Health
Public Health Recommendations for People Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19 DISTRIBUTION

Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) provides this guidance based on available information about COVID-19 and is subject to change. On July 28, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their recommendations for individuals who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 given new evidence on the B.1.617.2. (Delta) variant currently circulating in the United States.

Based on these updated recommendations, the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) is updating guidance for individuals exposed to COVID-19. This guidance, which replaces PA-HAN-566, provides clarification on quarantine guidance and public health mitigation strategies (e.g., masking, social distancing) based on vaccination status.

  • This guidance replaces PA-HAN-566 and provides clarification on quarantine recommendations for persons exposed to SARS-CoV-2.
  • In counties with substantial or high transmission, CDC and DOH recommend all persons, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask in public indoor settings.
  • Fully vaccinated people who have had a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are to be tested 2–5 days after exposure and should wear a mask in public indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test.
  • Regardless of vaccination status, any person with new or unexplained symptoms of COVID-19 still needs to isolate and be evaluated for SARS-CoV-2 testing.
  • If you have questions about this guidance, please call your local health department or 877-PA-HEALTH (877-724-3258).

ODP Announcement 21-060 provides guidance for compliance with annual training requirements specified in the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) regulations for training years that end in 2021 and 2022. ODP’s regulations require that select staff shall complete 24 hours of training related to job skills and knowledge each year and that the annual training content must encompass six areas. Providers that are recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic or who are struggling with an insufficient workforce may experience difficulty meeting the 24-hour training requirements.

Please be advised that ODP does not intend to suspend any regulation that requires completion of 24 hours of training related to job skills and knowledge each year, and does not intend to suspend any regulation that requires the provision of training that encompasses the six areas required by regulation.  Providers must comply with these requirements. However, in recognition of the potential difficulties that may be experienced in meeting the 24-hour training requirements, the announcement provides guidance that will be applied for training years that end in calendar years 2021 or 2022.

Any training provided that is specific to the COVID-19 pandemic may be counted towards the 24-hour training requirements required by regulation. Training that is specific to the COVID-19 pandemic or is a component of a Department-approved Medication Administration Course may be in addition to training in the six content areas required by regulation or may be a component of these areas.

Regardless of which training method is used, providers must be able to demonstrate to QA&I and Provider Qualification Teams and the Department’s licensing staff that:

  • A total of 24 hours of training was provided;
  • Some portion of the 24 hours encompassed the six required content areas; and
  • Any additional training provided that is counted towards the 24-hour requirement is specific to the COVID-19 pandemic or a Department-approved Medication Administration Course.

For full details, please see ODP Announcement 21-060. Any questions about this guidance should be directed to the appropriate ODP Regional Program Office or the Department’s Regulatory Administration Unit.

ODP Announcement 21-059 is to inform stakeholders of the rate load timeline and to provide guidance for the temporary enhanced rates associated with Community Participation Supports (CPS) and Transportation Trip services.

The enhanced rates are anticipated to be visible on Individual Support Plans (ISPs) in the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS) on August 1, 2021 with an effective date of August 1, 2021. For the most part, services should auto-authorize, and there should be no need for manual intervention. However, if errors set, see the section of this communication titled “Manual Review Process in HCSIS For a Mass Rate Change,” which is found on the next page. Providers are strongly encouraged to review Service Authorization Notices or the Provider Service Detail report in HCSIS to confirm the enhanced rates were loaded and authorized before attempting to bill for any CPS or Transportation Trip services rendered August 1, 2021 and after.

Compensation for Temporary Enhanced Rates for the Period July 1, 2021 – July 31, 2021

The enhanced CPS and Transportation Trip rates will not be loaded in ISPs for the period July 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021. Instead, the current rate will remain for that period, and ODP will be compensating providers, via gross adjustments, for the difference between the rate billed and the temporary enhanced rate for CPS and Transportation Trip services that were rendered during the period July 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021. This is intended to eliminate the effort of voiding and re-billing claims. ODP anticipates processing gross adjustments during October 2021 to ensure all billing for the month of July 2021 has been completed. Providers are requested to bill in a timely manner to minimize the need for corrections.

Rate Load Impact on ISPs in Draft and Pending Approval Status

Plans in draft or pending approval status will be updated with the temporary enhanced rates for CPS and Transportation Trip services. If there are any exceptions that set on the draft or pending approval plan as a result of the rate load, these plans will be “locked” and the AEs must resolve the issue using the View Modifications screen found in the Mass Rate Change tab in HCSIS.

Two Service Segments on ISPs for CPS and Transportation Trip Services

Since the temporary enhanced rates for CPS and Transportation Trip services will have a begin the date of August 1, 2021, two service/rate segments in authorized status will be present on ISPs, assuming no errors set. One service/rate segment will reflect the period July 1, 2021 to July 31, 2021 and the second service/rate segment will reflect the period August 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

Rate Load Causing Cap Limitation to be Exceeded

It is possible that once the temporary enhanced rate load occurs in HCSIS, cap limitations may be exceeded for individuals not currently approved for a cap exception. Plans associated with individuals approved for a cap exception should not experience an enhanced rate load issue. If a cap limitation prevents the enhanced rate to update, the service will be in a pending authorization status until AEs modify the plan accordingly or a cap exception is put in place.

Manual Review Process in HCSIS for a Mass Rate Change

Once the rate change is initiated, if one or more plans are not updated automatically by HCSIS, AEs may review the errors that set the exception and fix the errors accordingly. Administrative Entities may view the impacted service contracts, impacted claims, impacted plans, and exceptions, resulting from a mass rate change, via the View Modifications screen in HCSIS. All line items with a status of “Updates in Progress” will need to be addressed by the AE before the rate change is finalized.

See ODP Announcement 21-059 for full details.

A PA ABLE Savings Program account gives individuals with qualified disabilities (Eligible Individuals), and their families and friends a tax-free way to save for a wide range of disability-related expenses while maintaining government benefits. The state and federal tax-free investment options are offered to encourage Eligible Individuals and their families to save private funds to support health, independence, and quality of life.

To help you learn about the important features and benefits of PA ABLE, the Pennsylvania Treasury Department is hosting free webinars.

Some of the topics that will be discussed include eligibility requirements for opening a PA ABLE account, the federal and state tax benefits of PA ABLE, and how PA ABLE account interacts with current benefits.

Employers and HR professionals can participate in an overview webinar about the PA ABLE program, learning:

  • What PA ABLE is;
  • Who is eligible;
  • How employees use accounts; and
  • How to set up payroll deduction.

Offer PA ABLE Savings Program to Your Employees For FREE: