Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


Friday, July 9, 2021 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Providers are invited to join Deputy Secretary Ahrens and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Medical Director Dr. Gregory Cherpes for an overview of the updated guidance released on June 23, 2021 in Announcement 21-048 COVID-19 Update: Guidance for Infection Control and Mitigation for ODP Home and Community-Based Services Providers ODP. Register here today.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is excited to announce the first annual publication of the Resource Guide for Supporting Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Individuals. The purpose of this guide is to offer resources in one central location for those who support or care for someone who is Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or DeafBlind and receives supports from ODP. The guide provides some of the most frequently accessed resources to assist in addressing the unique needs of these populations, such as information about ASL courses, apps, home modifications, assistive technology, a foundational organizations directory, and so much more!

Development of this guide included input from individuals within the deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, and hearing communities and will be revised annually by ODP’s Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Advisory Committee.

This Guide is attached and will also be available in the near future on MyODP.org under Training > Special Populations > Deaf Services.

For questions, email ODP Deaf Services.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is pleased to announce that Lauren House will be joining the ODP team July 26, 2021 as the Director for the Bureau of Community Supports. Lauren comes to the Commonwealth from her position as the Deputy Administrator for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Chester County.

She started in the human services field in 2009 and has spent the last decade working to support individuals and families to access needed services and improve the quality of those same service systems. She has done this through working with youth living in out-of-home placement, managing one of the Lehigh Valley’s largest children’s behavioral health outpatient programs, serving in the Administrative Entity of two counties, managing a county Supports Coordination Organization, and, her most current role, leading the county intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) program.

Lauren has completed several certifications and trainings through the Office of Developmental Programs, including the department’s Quality Management Certification, and is a Certified Investigator.

Lauren holds a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in public administration, both from Penn State University.

Message from Kevin Dressler:

Weekly COVID Report
The weekly COVID reports that the Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs) have been sending to the regional office can be discontinued, effective immediately. All COVID cases for people served in the ICFs are required to be reported into EIM. All COVID cases for staff are required to be reported into HRS. We ask that if you have a COVID outbreak in your facility and you are in need of support in any manner, please contact the RA account and the regional office and we can try to assist in addressing your needs. The link to the HRS reporting requirement is COVID-19 Reporting–ODP Announcement 20-061.

Health Alert Network (HAN)
Please continue to monitor the Pennsylvania Department of Health HANs even as the COVID pandemic seems to be easing its spread across Pennsylvania. The HANs offer insight into health related information that is of value in supporting our staff and people served. On the DOH website there is a link that you can sign up to receive new and updated HANs as they are published.

The link to the website is here.

Updated DHS Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities (includes ICFs)
The DHS guidance for long term care facilities was updated and primarily reflects changes to the surveillance testing for unvaccinated staff and residents. Please review and adjust your policies accordingly. The link to the guidance is here.

ICF Task Force Meeting
Reminder the ICF Taskforce meeting is set for Tuesday July 6 from 10:00 am–1:00 pm. The Agenda was emailed on 6-17-21, and the link to register is here (same as per 6/25 email).

Lastly, have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!

Attached is the most current Thresholds for Community Spread Report as described in Updated ODP Announcement 20-101.

Providers are responsible to review the report and make any necessary changes according to the status of their county. The publication of the Threshold for Community Spread Report will follow publication of DOH’s updated Dashboard numbers, which is available on Friday of each week.

A provider is expected to implement recommended operational status by the following Monday.

Message from the Office of Developmental Programs:

Dear Community Participation Service (CPS) Providers:

As vaccination rates have climbed and transmission rates have declined, individuals and families are requesting supports and services return to pre-pandemic levels. CPS programs are a major support, and individuals are anxious to return to their programs, see their friends, and have an active lifestyle once again.

To assess current and future CPS service availability, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is collecting information from providers in order to support individuals and families as we move forward. We request that providers complete the survey for each enrolled service location. This survey is to collect data on in-person services only, not remote services.

To access the survey, please visit here. ODP is requesting that all providers complete by Friday, July 9, 2021. This information is critical for planning purposes, and ODP appreciates provider participation in the survey. Please direct all questions here.

Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova from Pexels

Beginning on July 1, 2021:

  • Anyone wanting to be vaccinated can find a vaccine provider at Vaccines.gov.
  • If you need assistance finding a vaccine provider, you can call 1-800-232-0233. You will need to schedule an appointment to be vaccinated with the selected provider. If you have questions about the vaccination process, call the Pennsylvania Department of Health hotline at 1-877-724-3258.
  • If you are unable to leave your home and wish to be vaccinated, please contact your HealthChoices Managed Care Organization (MCO) or local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) to coordinate your access to the vaccine.
  • Individuals may also contact the ODP Customer Service Line, Monday–Friday from 8:30 am–4:00 pm, at 1-888-565-9435 (TTY number: 1-866-388-1114) if they are unable to secure a vaccination through these other means.

As a reminder, Support Coordinators (SC) should continue to support individuals with ensuring vaccine access and scheduling vaccination appointments. As such, SCs should be aware of vaccine and vaccination process information.

ODP Announcement 21-051 serves as a reminder to all stakeholders that on July 1, 2021, the IM Bulletin 00-21-02 (which was issued March 1, 2021) will be effective. Changes to the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) system that align with the new bulletin will go live July 1, 2021. In addition, this communication is intended to draw attention to existing communications, available trainings, and resources, as well as other necessary activities, in order to ensure successful implementation.

All Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) stakeholders who are responsible for incident management activities are now responsible to adhere to and implement all policies and procedures that are outlined in the IM Bulletin 00-21-021 beginning July 1, 2021.

As outlined in the live EIM training session, the following three EIM reporting and functionality activities will be effective July 1, 2021:

  1. The reporting of COVID-19 positive cases will be captured under the primary category of Illness and a secondary category of COVID. This replaces the use of the reporting categories of Emergency Room Visit — Illness New previously communicated in ODP Announcement 20-037.
  2. An incident that requires investigation by a Department-certified investigator will contain two new documents as part of the workflow:
    • The existing Provider Investigation document has been replaced with the Provider Certified Investigator Report (CIR).
    • The Provider Administrative Review document is a new document and will require completion before an incident may be submitted for review and closure.
  3. A new Incident Administrative Reviewer user access role (PW-EIM-IncidentAdmRev) has been created in EIM. Providers will ensure that this role is added through Identity Manager by the agency’s BP-Admin in order for a user to initiate, data enter, and submit the Provider Administrative Review document.

Reminder: Please continue to visit MyODP and HCSIS, as new trainings and resources will to be posted and updated.

Information from ANCOR and Invite to an ANCOR Member Only Meeting Friday, July 2

Just the Highlights

  • The Better Care Better Jobs Act seeks to translate President Biden’s proposal for $400 billion in HCBS funding into actionable legislation.
  • The proposal offers many positive provisions, some of which have the potential to transform the Medicaid HCBS program, as well as a couple that may potentially raise implementation challenges.
  • Join us this Friday at 11 am EDT to learn more during a members-only briefing that will include remarks from Michael Gamel-McCormick, Disability Policy Director for the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging.

Dear ANCOR members,

I write to share exciting news about a bill ANCOR is supporting that was introduced in Congress late last week. The Better Care Better Jobs Act, or “Better Care” (S. 2210 / H.R. 4131), is being led in the Senate by Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Patty Murray (D-WA), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH), and in the House by Representatives Debbie Dingell (D-MI), Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Doris Matsui (D-CA). The bill has already garnered support from more than 40 co-sponsors in the Senate.

Better Care seeks to translate President Biden’s proposal for $400 billion in HCBS funding into actionable legislation. Although the bill includes a few challenging provisions, on the whole, Better Care is nothing short of transformative, and ANCOR supports it for the investments it would make in the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program, including both significantly expanded funding and structural transformations to strengthen the program. If passed, Better Care would allocate as much as $50 billion per year for the next 10 years in new HCBS spending, making it the single largest investment in the 50-year history of HCBS.

The proposed legislation includes a wide array of provisions, which you can learn more about by reading the full text of the legislation or the accompanying summary. However, there are several key highlights ANCOR is particularly excited about, some of which were included in the proposal expressly because of our advocacy. Among other provisions, Better Care would:

  • Increase the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) by 10 percent for the next 10 years. This FMAP enhancement would be in addition to the current 10-percent increase that went into effect for one year starting on April 1.
  • Allocate $100 billion for states at the onset of the funding increase described above to initiate an implementation planning process that includes stakeholder engagement.
  • Safeguard the delivery of services to current HCBS beneficiaries without jeopardizing the ability of potential beneficiaries to receive services by making new federal funding contingent on agreement by states not to (1) cut existing services or (2) make eligibility standards more stringent.
  • Require that states pay sufficient reimbursement rates to providers and mandate that reimbursement rates be reviewed at least once every two years. The biennial review process would mandate stakeholder engagement, to include providers, people with disabilities and their family members, direct support professionals and others.
  • Establish in statute “direct support professional” as a professional classification (i.e., distinct from personal care attendants, home health aides, etc.) and direct the U.S. Department of Labor to work with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to establish a Standard Occupational Classification for DSPs.
  • Offer, for the first time, FMAP funding to U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico and American Samoa, to supplement the territories’ existing Medicaid block grant funding.
  • Commit to the establishment of a set of standardized quality measures within two years of the bill’s passage.

Individually, these seven provisions have the potential to be gamechangers. Together, their potential is nothing short of transformative.

And—as with all legislation—Better Care is not perfect. Included are two particular provisions that have the potential to raise implementation challenges or be problematic: (1) a requirement that providers pass through a minimum proportional percentage of their increased reimbursement revenue to DSPs, and (2) an additional 2% FMAP incentive if states establish, either directly or through contracting with one or more nonprofit entities, a registry to connect people seeking services with qualified direct care workers. I flag both of these challenges for you not to suggest that ANCOR will or will not ultimately support these provisions, but rather to underscore that the extent to which we support these provisions will ultimately depend on how the details surrounding their implementation are codified into law.

The details of the Better Care proposal—including its many positive provisions as well the few provisions that demand more detail—mean that you will be essential in its pathway toward becoming law. Like most legislation these days, we don’t anticipate the legislation will secure the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster in the Senate, meaning the surest route for this bill to become law is its inclusion in the budget reconciliation process this fall. If you want to lend your support, there are things you can do now, soon and later to increase its chances of passing:

  • Now: Register for a members-only briefing to learn more about the bill and its path to becoming law. The briefing will take place this Friday, July 2 at 11 am EDT, and will feature ANCOR’s government relations professionals, as well as Michael Gamel-McCormick, Disability Policy Director for the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging. Register for free today.
  • Soon: On Friday, we will be issuing an action alert to aggregate support for Better Care and urge members of Congress to sign on in support of the legislation. Be on the lookout for an email from us or visit the ANCOR Amplifier to take action starting Friday.
  • Later: Assuming the bill is destined for the reconciliation process, it will be essential that lawmakers on Capitol Hill hear from constituents like you to preserve its many positive provisions in the version that is ultimately voted on. Stay tuned for more as the events of the summer unfold.

We say it a lot, but the changes ANCOR is championing on your behalf in Washington simply would not be possible without your passion, support and commitment. Thank you for all you’re doing—now, soon and later—to help us ensure this significant federal legislation becomes the law of the land.


Barbara Merrill