Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


Temple University’s Institute on Protective Services is the entity contracted to deliver the ODP Certified Investigators (CI) Program. ODP and Temple University are conducting Certified Investigator Forums, which provide an opportunity for current Certified Investigators and other interested parties to receive up to date information about the Investigatory Process. This call will also allow participants to network, share best practices, and receive technical assistance in an effort to improve the quality of all investigations.

The next session is scheduled for Friday, November 2, 2018 — there will be two sessions available during the day. If desired, participants may register for both sessions. CI program updates will be the same but other content will be dependent on participant inquiries. Participants can submit questions prior to the session via email. For instructions on registering for the call, see ODP Communication Number 094-18.

Registration for the Pennsylvania Disability Employment and Empowerment Summit (PADES) 2018 will close on October 24, 2018, so don’t delay, register now. PADES 2018 will be held on October 31 and November 1 at the Hilton Harrisburg in Harrisburg, PA.

PADES 2018 will be bigger, better and more valuable than ever before!  If you are a student or a person with a disability seeking employment, an individual who works with students or people with disabilities seeking employment or an employer dedicated to inclusion, PADES is for you.

Richard Edley, PhD, President/CEO, RCPA and Carol Ferenz, Director IDD Division, RCPA will both serve as moderators during breakout sessions.

For more information and to view the agenda, visit the PADES website.

Today the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) approved the adoption of the proposed Chapter 6100 regulations and the accompanying changes to Chapter 2380, 2390, 6400, and 6500 (program requirements for licensed residential and day facilities). The revisions made to the four licensing chapters align requirements to provide continuity across all programs, eliminate conflict for providers, and reduce DHS oversight complexity and costs. Areas that are now compatible include individual planning, individual rights, staff training, incident management, medication administration, and restrictive procedures. Chapter 6100 replaces Chapter 51 which previously regulated program and fiscal rules for services provided in facilities and in the home and Chapter 6200 Room and Board Regulations.

Chapter 6100 was developed over a four-year period of time, with much input from stakeholders including a work group made up of 45 individuals, families, advocates, universities, county programs, and providers that met 15 days over the four years. A smaller fiscal work group also met several times in 2015. Much public comment was received and major changes were made from proposed rulemaking to the final regulations as a result.

Now that the IRRC has approved the regulation, the next step is for the package to be sent to the Attorney General for approval and then to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in Pennsylvania Bulletin. It is anticipated that publication will occur on December 29, 2018.

The effective dates will be as follows:

  • Date of Publication (target date is December 29, 2018) – Reserved Capacity, Claims, Progress Notes, Payment, Enforcement, AWC, OHCDS, Vendors
  • March 17, 2019 – Size of Service Location
  • 120 Days following publication (target date April 29, 2019) – Licensing and Remaining Sections of Chapter 6100

Any questions, contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director.

Office of Developmental Programs Communication Number 093-18 announces the scheduled webcast “Claim and Service Documentation Requirements: for Providers of Consolidated, Community Living and Person/Family Directed Support Waiver Services and Targeted Services Management (TSM)” will be available beginning on Monday October 22, 2018.

The recorded webcast will provide an overview of the intent and purpose of the Interim Technical Guidance for Claim and Service Documentation Bulletin number 00-18-04 and the attachment. The webcast will describe the important relationship between claims submission and service documentation.  This will include describing the differences between Service Notes and Progress Notes.  The webcast also will discuss the benefits of reviewing your own documentation to help ensure practices are in compliance with current Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) policy and regulations.

Additionally, 5 role-specific live webinars are scheduled beginning in November.  These webinars are intended as a follow-up to the webcast and will contain an opportunity for Q & A.  Participants are strongly encouraged to view the webcast in advance of participating in the following webinars.  The scheduled webinars are as follows:

• Claims and Service Documentation Requirements for AE Session
Monday, November 5 – 1:30-3:30

• Claims and Service Documentation Requirements for SCO Session
Wednesday November 7 – 10:00 – 12:00 Online registration for SCO Session

This webinar is a follow-up to the Claims and Service Documentation webcast training available on MyODP.  During the webinar, ODP will be providing additional information and clarifications specific to the responsibilities of Supports Coordination Organizations.  Attendees should be sure to view the Claims and Service Documentation webcast prior to participation in this webinar.

Claims and Service Documentation Requirements for Provider Sessions (Choose one)
Wednesday November 7 – 1:30 – 3:30 – Providers
Thursday November 8 – 1:30 – 3:30 – Providers
Friday November 9 – 10:00 – 12:00 – Providers
Online registration link for Provider Sessions (Using this link, the registrant will be able to choose which one of the three sessions they wish to attend).

This webinar is a follow-up to the Claims and Service Documentation webcast training available on MyODP.  During the webinar ODP will be providing additional information and clarifications specific to the responsibilities of Provider Organizations.  Attendees should be sure to view the Claims and Service Documentation webcast prior to participation in this webinar.  Attendees only need to register for one of the three available sessions.

Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with any questions.

The Bureau of Autism Services (BAS) is pleased to announce the schedule of virtual trainings in BAS Communication Number: BAW 18-23. The trainings will be presented by the BAS Clinical Team in October, November, and December. These trainings are primarily designed for AAW and ACAP providers, but a number of sessions are also relevant to the broader professional community, including providers in the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living waivers.

Pre-registration is required for each session. The Bureau of Autism Services (BAS) uses GoTo Webinar for Virtual Targeted Trainings (VTTs). Every VTT will have its own unique registration link. You must pre-register for each training that you plan to attend by clicking the linked title of the training. Once you preregister, you will receive an email with instructions to participate, including a new link to join the meeting. It is recommended that you register in advance to ensure you receive the meeting reminder.  Attendees will have the option to call into the webinar by phone, in addition to participating online and using the chat feature.

ODP Communication Number 089-18 invites People with Disabilities, Family Members, Supports Coordinators (SCs) and SC Supervisors, Provider Staff, Administrative Entity Staff, and Organizational Leadership to participate in ODP-approved Dual Diagnosis Training curriculum.  The Dual Diagnosis Curriculum is part of a joint initiative of The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) and ODP to address the needs of people who have an intellectual disability as well as mental health challenges.

The statewide Residential Strategic Thinking Workgroup, Regional Clinical Directors and Benjamin Settlement implementation leads have recommended that this training be broadly available in order to ensure that the ODP stakeholder community is more knowledgeable and equipped to meet the needs of individuals and ensure ongoing health and safety. This training is now also required for newly enrolled Residential Habilitation providers in order to expand the clinical capacity of community providers.

ODP Announcement Number 091-18 informs stakeholders that an additional Waiver Amendment Webinar has been scheduled in order to accommodate the amount of interested parties requesting attendance in the first webinar that was announced for October 17,2018.  Due to that session being full, a second session will now be available on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  Use this link to register.

Contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA IDD Division Director, with any questions.

ODP Communication Number 088-18 states that since the HCBS Provider Settings Self-Assessments due date of June 12, 2018, ODP staff have been analyzing and reviewing completed self-assessments.  ODP received over 6,518 HCBS Provider Settings Self-Assessments from Residential Providers, as well as over 676 self-assessments from Non-Residential Providers. ODP appreciates the cooperation of all the providers who have completed the self-assessment by the deadline.

ODP staff have been reaching out to providers that did not complete a self-assessment for an active service location, providers who completed a self-assessment but ODP staff could not match it to a service location, or providers who completed multiple self-assessments for one service location.  ODP previously stated that all providers that completed a self-assessment would receive a report by September 30, 2018 that identifies any areas indicated in the self-assessment that require a transition plan.  Due to amount of outreach and analysis needed, ODP needs additional time to create these reports and will send them to providers by October 31, 2018.

Providers for which ODP has no record of receiving a self-assessment for an active service location were emailed on October 1, 2018 to inform them that an on-site inspection would be scheduled.
scheduled.  This aligns with the latest ODP Announcement, Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Self-Assessment Status Update 1, ODP Communication Number 054-18, which states that service locations for which ODP has not received a completed self-assessment will be deemed non-compliant and will have an on-site inspection scheduled.

For questions related to this communication, please contact RA-OWODPHCBSSETTINGS@pa.gov

The Office of Developmental Programs issued Announcement 090-18:  College of Employment Services ACRE Update – Unlimited Seats Available today.  This certification is available to providers of the following employment services under ODP and or Autism (ID/A) waivers, including the Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), and Community Living Waivers; as well as Base-Funded services:

  • Supported Employment – Support Service Professionals under the Agency with Choice (AWC) Financial Management Service (FMS) and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent (VF/EA) FMS Models; Individual Providers, and Agency Staff
  • Small group employment – Agency Staff
  • Community Participation Support – Prevocational Services Component – Program Specialists and Supervisors of Direct Support Professionals

In order to obtain the complete ACRE Basic Certificate of Achievement, the participant must complete both Part 1 and Part 2 of the CES Certified Training.  There continues to be a discounted cost available through December 31, 2018.