Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


SCO Committee Clarification
The December 10, 2015, 9:00-11:00 am SCO Committee meeting is for RCPA’s Supports Coordination Organizations that are ODP funded. It is not for Service Coordination under the OLTL waivers.

Benjamin Lawsuit
A class action lawsuit filed against the state in 2009, Benjamin v. Department of Public Welfare, with a settlement agreement finalized in 2014, focuses on transitioning 80 individuals from state centers to the community by June 30, 2015. Since these transfers were not accomplished, an independent reviewer has been retained by the settlement parties to address the reasons and seek recommendations.

Home Care Rule
Linda Drummond, RCPA director, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Division, is working with the PA State Independent Living Council and Temple’s Institute on Disabilities, to determine the impact of the new US Department of Labor’s Home Care Rule on providers. Please share any questions, issues, or recommendations regarding this rule with Linda Drummond, for inclusion with the document being developed for the Department of Human Services, on areas of concern impacting service providers on implementation of this rule. This may be impacting LifeSharing/Shared Living, Participant Directed, and Companionship services.

Governor Tom Wolf has issued a proclamation, stating “October is Disability Employment Awareness Month.” This recognizes individuals with disabilities and promotes awareness of employment options and initiatives for these individuals.

The state’s efforts on Employment First are in collaboration with the Department of Human Services and Department of Labor and Industry. This also includes

ODP Announcement 090-15: New Schedule to Update Rates and ISP Data in HCSIS to Support the Provider Settlement Agreement

Waiver Residential Habilitation Service Providers who signed the Provider Settlement Agreement Addendum, Administrative Entities (AE), Supports Coordination Organizations (SCO) and All Interested Parties.

This Office of Developmental Program (ODP) communication is intended to inform waiver residential habilitation service providers, who signed the Provider Settlement Agreement Addendum and participated in the rate retention factor (RRF) process, of the following: 

ODP Updates
The Office of Developmental Programs has released the following information:

  • Nominations for Community Rehabilitation Providers for Case Studies on Organizational Transformation; Institute for Community Inclusion is seeking nominations of community rehabilitation providers that have moved successfully through the change process that prioritizes integrated and competitive employment for individuals with IDD.