Authors Posts by Carol Ferenz

Carol Ferenz


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared an updated version of ODPANN 23-025. This update provides guidance for individuals who previously indicated they wanted to resume Community Participation Support (CPS) services but have not yet continued with the service. Please review the announcement for more information.

OVR is seeking information to refine its “Request for Proposals” for the InVEST (Integrated Vocational Engagement & Support Team) Project.

Pennsylvania’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) would like to hear from interested parties about the management of services delivered through the Integrated Vocational Engagement and Support Team (InVEST) Project. The goal of the InVEST Project is to provide services and supports to individuals and their families, community businesses, and providers in successfully transitioning individuals receiving subminimum wage to competitive integrated employment (CIE). Additionally, the InVEST Project aims to address barriers to CIE for individuals with disabilities in a person-centered, strengths-based and community-integrated approach by using the Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) Framework and tools.

One step in achieving this goal was issuance of a “Request for Proposals” in March 2023 for the Disability Innovation Fund (DIF) 84.421D Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment Grant (SWTCIE). The “Request for Proposals” sought an entity to manage the delivery of services included in the InVEST Project throughout the 5-year term of the project.

Please, join us on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 9:00 am for a Supplier Forum. Registration is required; please use this link for additional information. An RSVP to the supplier forum is due via email to Nicole Moyer by COB Monday, May 15, 2023.

Questions: Contact Nicole Moyer at 717-346-7667 or via email.

DSPs are a vital part of agencies everywhere.

MITC is awarding $5,000 in September to Direct Support Professionals (DSP) who stand out and go above and beyond to provide exemplary service. MITC values the hard work put forth by DSPs every day and is hoping to show our appreciation through these prizes!

Your participation is important — it shows DSPs that you appreciate their hard and, at times, dangerous work. Three prizes will be awarded:

  • First place prize of $3,000
  • Second place prize of $1,500
  • Third place prize of $500

We will share the awardees’ stories with providers. The winners will be announced during DSP Recognition Week in September 2023.

The deadline to nominate a DSP is August 1, 2023.

Nominate Your DSP