Authors Posts by Jim Sharp

Jim Sharp


The Division of Children, Adolescents and Family Services has been added to the Department of Health and Human Services organizational chart under the Bureau of Prevention, Intervention, Treatment and Recovery. Previous versions of the Unification Plan and the accompanying organizational chart did not include a designated division to represent children’s mental health.

The absence of children’s mental health on the overall plan and chart was brought to the attention of the Children’s Steering Committee and the larger RCPA children’s provider members. Numerous comments in support of a children’s division were shared with RCPA leadership.

Richard Edley, RCPA President & CEO, Robena Spangler, RCPA Director of Children’s Division, and Rhea Fernandes from Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health met with the Governor’s team to discuss recommendations to address the concerns. RCPA presented a number of options that were taken into consideration by the team.

We are proud to report that as of June 8, the recommendations were fully implemented and the organizational chart has now been updated to reflect the change. We believe this demonstrates that our voices are being heard and that the Governor’s office does value constructive feedback and input into the successful implementation of the unification plan.

Thank you to the Governor’s staff for their interest and response to this very important issue.

In this year of challenging state-level budget negotiations, RCPA is working with a coalition of community foundations, United Way organizations, Labor Unions, religious and advocacy groups, and other key stakeholders in the #FamilyFirstPA Coalition. The growing list of coalition members can be viewed on the #FamilyFirstPA#FamilyFirstPA website. The main goal of the #FamilyFirstPA Campaign is to ensure that there are no cuts to human services in upcoming 2017/2018 state budget. Cuts to human services not only cause irreparable damage to Pennsylvania families, but they also have adverse impacts on organizations that our families rely on. Sharing family stories via social media was the first phase of this campaign. Now, we need your support to push our efforts to the next level. As a coalition partner, RCPA is encouraging our members to amplify the work of the coalition by making use of the social media resources created by this initiative for the coalition. Engage with #FamilyFirstPA on social media; “Like” us on Facebook and “follow us” on Twitter. The initiative is now sharing family stories from across Pennsylvania and engaging legislators through our posts and tweets. Encourage your staff, families, other organizations, county and state level stakeholders, to like and follow the campaign as well.

Any questions about the work of the #FamilyFirstPA Coalition can be directed to Connell O’Brien, who is serving as liaison between RCPA and the #FamilyFirstPA initiative.

During the past few years, the state Medicaid program, HealthChoices, has begun to implement and expand the use of Value-Based Purchasing models in procurement contracts with all Physical Health Managed Care Organizations (PH-MCOs). With a goal of increasing clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost management, the PH-MCOs have called for increased use of such Value-Based Purchasing models as Pay for Performance, Patient Centered Medical Homes, and Bundled Payments. On May 25, the leadership of the Offices of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP) and Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) conducted a webcast to review the implementation process used in HealthChoices by the PH-MCOs and their provider networks, and to introduce the process of expanding Value-Based Purchasing to the Behavioral Health Managed Care Organizations and their provider networks. The OMHSAS target for introducing this expansion is January, 2018 with a focus on integrated and collaborative behavioral and physical health and care coordination.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health (PA-DOH), in collaboration with the state’s Academy of Pediatrics’ Medical Home Initiative (PA-AAP, MHI), is working to increase access to medical homes for children, youth, and young adults, including those with special health care needs.” Medical Homes are comprehensive, team-based care that takes into account the whole person. Input from a broad range of health, behavioral health, dental, and social support providers, as well as families, is needed. Over the past month, PA-DOH and PA-AAP, MHI have conducted stakeholder meetings across Pennsylvania. Now, you are invited to participate in a Stakeholder Input Survey and provide your ideas about strengthening the medical home approach in your community.

For practitioners, providers, and consumers supporting integrated physical health and behavioral health care, this opportunity to share our perspectives and ideas should not be missed. Also, please feel free to share this survey information with colleagues in health care, mental health, education, children and youth services, and families in your community.

0 2020

The Children’s Steering Committee continues our commitment to prioritizing quality of care across all children’s services. At this time, we would like to ask all children’s services providers for names of individuals who they believe are qualified to participate on one or more of the following work groups:

  • School-Based Behavioral Health (SBBH)
  • Children in Congregate Care – Pediatric Care (children with complex medical issues and IDD)
  • Children in Congregate Care – Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF)

Each work group will be co-chaired by a member of the Steering Committee and a provider representative. Each work group will also have a DHS or ODP representative as a resource.

All interested persons should email the following individuals for the corresponding work group:

• Pediatric Care Work Group – Tammy Marsico
• SBBH Work Group – Barb Saunders or Elspeth Williams
• PRTF Work Group – Robena Spangler **(still seeking a provider representative(s) as co-chair).

Please plan to submit names of individuals no later than COB on Thursday, May 18. Dates, times, and meeting places, including conference call information, are TBD after work group membership is completed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Robena.

Thank you, in advance, for your support!

(From DHS)

May 3, 2017 

Department of Human Services Hosts Mental Health Awareness Fair
Governor Tom Wolf proclaimed May Mental Health Awareness Month 

Harrisburg, PA – Today, the Department of Human Services (DHS) in collaboration with PA System of Care Partnership, PA Healthy Transitions Partnership, and Youth M.O.V.E. PA, hosted the 2017 Mental Health Awareness Fair in Harrisburg to raise awareness and understanding of mental illness and substance use disorders. Governor Tom Wolf has proclaimed May Mental Health Awareness Month.

“Mental illness and substance use disorders affect Pennsylvanians from all walks of life. Only about half of those people, however, seek treatment,” said DHS Secretary Ted Dallas. “The department is committed to increasing awareness and providing quality care to these individuals so that all Pennsylvanians who need help can get it.”

Representative Mike Schlossberg (D-Lehigh) joined the event to speak about the challenges he has seen in trying to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.

“No person with mental illness should ever feel alone,” said Representative Schlossberg. “Events like these are more important than ever because we have to make sure that everyone who suffers from mental illness has the chance to obtain treatment and live healthy, productive, and happy lives.”

To help individuals gain access to treatment, DHS was recently awarded a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) demonstration grant by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. CCBHCs will enhance access to behavioral health services for Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries, help individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders obtain the health care they need, allow individuals to have access to a wide array of services at one location, and remove the barriers that too often exist across physical and behavioral health systems. CCBHCs are a step closer to ending the stigma associated with mental illness.

Each mental illness has its own set of symptoms but some common signs of mental illness can include the following:

  • Excessive worrying or fear
  • Feeling excessively sad or low
  • Confused thinking or problems concentrating and learning
  • Extreme mood changes, including uncontrollable “highs” or feelings of euphoria
  • Prolonged or strong feelings of irritability or anger
  • Avoiding friends and social activities
  • Difficulties in understanding or relating to other people
  • Changes in sleeping habits or feeling tired or experiencing low energy
  • Changes in eating habits such as increased hunger or lack of appetite
  • Difficulty perceiving reality (delusions or hallucinations, in which a person experiences and senses things that don’t exist in objective reality)
  • Inability to perceive changes in one’s own feelings, behavior, or personality
  • Abuse of substances like alcohol or drugs
  • Multiple physical ailments without obvious causes (such as headaches, stomach aches, vague and ongoing “aches and pains”)
  • Thinking about suicide
  • Inability to carry out daily activities or handle daily problems and stress
  • Intense fear of weight gain or concern with appearance (mostly in adolescents)

For more information on how to access mental health services, click here.

MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Kostelac, 717-425-7606

(From DHS)

May 3, 2017


Harrisburg, PA – Today, the Department of Human Services (DHS) released the 2016 Child Protective Services report. The newly formatted report is available here.

“This year’s revamped report includes all county-specific information in one section, which will improve readability and increase usability,” said DHS Secretary Ted Dallas. “We want to ensure this critical information is available for all Pennsylvanians to increase awareness on the issue and empower people to report suspected abuse or neglect.”

The child welfare system in Pennsylvania is state-supervised and county-administered with both agencies having vital roles in the protection of children. DHS is responsible for oversight and enforcement of laws, regulations, and policies that guide the provision of child welfare services at the county level by each of the 67 counties in Pennsylvania. DHS provides funding, oversight, and technical assistance to each county agency. Additionally, DHS is responsible for the licensure of public and private child welfare agencies and the investigation of complaints received regarding these agencies.

In 2016, 46 children lost their lives as a result of abuse, up from 36 in 2015. Seventy-nine nearly died as a result of abuse, an increase from 57 in 2015. Every child fatality and near fatality is closely examined by review teams to determine what, if any, risk factors may have contributed to the child’s death with an eye toward preventing future child fatalities. Most children who die or nearly die due to abuse are under the age of 4 and their parents are most often responsible for their death or near death. Violent acts or lack of supervision are noted as the leading reasons for these fatalities and near fatalities.

“One case of child abuse or neglect will always be one too many. Increased awareness in the commonwealth is leading to more Pennsylvanians taking active steps for prevention,” said Dallas. “Although reports continue to increase, the incidents of substantiated child abuse reports are approximately the same as last year – 1.7 per 1,000 children versus 1.6 in 2015.”

The report includes both child protective services (CPS) and general protective services (GPS) reports.

CPS reports are those that allege a child might have been a victim of child abuse. Reports alleging that a child under 18 years of age may have been abused are accepted for investigation when reported prior to the victim’s 20th birthday.

  • Girls are abused at a higher rate than boys;
  • Rural counties have a higher substantiation rate than urban counties, 2.6 and 1.6 respectively;
  • Statewide substantiated reports of child abuse remained relatively constant from 1.6 per thousand children in 2015 and 1.7 per thousand children in 2016;
  • Sexual abuse remains the leading category of abuse, followed by physical abuse; and
  • Parents continue to constitute the largest group of persons responsible for abuse of their children.

GPS reports are those reports that do not rise to the level of suspected child abuse, but allege a need for intervention to prevent serious harm to children. The department is responsible for receiving and transmitting reports to county children and youth agencies when GPS concerns are alleged.

  • This is only the second year that we have had detailed data on GPS reports statewide.
  • The number of GPS reports received increased from 2015 to 2016 (141,938 to 151,087).
  • 76,384 reports were assessed involving 113,786 children:
    • 31,649 of those reports were determined to be valid involving 46,525 children;
    • Parental substance abuse was the leading factor involved in these reports;
    • Mothers were most often responsible for these allegations;  and
    • Like CPS reports, rural counties have a higher validation rate than urban counties, 27.6 and 13.9 respectively.
  • 72,865 reports were screened out by county children and youth agencies, and 1,838 were awaiting an outcome at the time the data was pulled.

DHS continues to process child abuse clearance requests in less than six days, and in 2016, more than 943,000 employee and volunteer requests were processed.

The 2016 Child Protective Services report is available here. To report suspected child abuse, call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.

MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Kostelac, 717-425-7606

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The Pennsylvania Medical Home Initiative (MHI) is seeking input on opportunities and barriers related to medical homes and a medical home approach for children, youth, and young adults, including those with mental health, developmental and other special health care needs. Please note the dates and locations in each region and plan to attend. The agenda for the meeting includes: MHI briefing, identification of local/regional barriers to medical home approach, identification of local/regional opportunities to build upon a medical home approach, discussion of potential strategies and actions, and consensus building around next steps.

Northwest Region on Tuesday, May 9, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
North Central PA Regional Planning and Development Commission
49 Ridgmont Drive
Ridgway, PA 15853

Southwest Region on Wednesday, May 10, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Blair County Convention Center
One Convention Center Drive
Altoona, PA 16602

Southeast Region on Tuesday, May 16, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Berks County Intermediate Unit – #14
1111 Commons Blvd. – PO Box 16050
Reading, PA 19612-6050

Northeast Region on Wednesday, May 17, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Genetti Hotel & Conference Center
77 East Market Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701

All of the facilities have free parking and are fully accessible. Space is limited, so RSVP early. A light lunch is included.

RSVP by calling 717-772-2763 or replying by email to tochristop@pa.gov at least seven days prior to the meeting(s) you are attending. When RSVPing, include:

1)  Your name
2)  Your email address
3)  Organization you represent (if applicable)
4)  Town where organization is located
5)  Meeting location(s) you are attending

Stipends are available for family members/caregivers. Please call Todd Christophel at 717-772-2763 for more information.

**Please forward this invitation to anyone who has a stake in a medical home approach to primary care, including family members/caregivers, family advocates, health insurers, health systems, public health professionals, health care professionals, mental health professionals, oral health professionals and health care educators.**