Authors Posts by Jack Phillips

Jack Phillips

Mr. Phillips is responsible to assist the association with health policy, which primarily includes member communication and advocacy with the Governor’s office, General Assembly, and state regulatory agencies. Mr. Phillips was most recently at the Pennsylvania Department of State as Director of Legislative Affairs.

Are you looking for solutions to engage youth and screen for substance use during unprecedented times?

If so, join us on Tuesday, October 20, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm (ET), for a peer-led discussion with Sharon Levy, MD, MPH, director of Adolescent Substance Use and Addiction Program, Boston Children’s Hospital, and associate professor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School; Laurie McMahon, NP, nurse practitioner, MHC Healthcare; and Laura Stanley, MSW, behavioral consultant, MHC Healthcare.

Be a part of the discussion! Together, we will:

  • Discuss substance use trends during COVID-19 and the importance of youth screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (YSBIRT) practices, guided by our field-informed standardized guide.
  • Learn how MHC Healthcare has adapted telehealth efforts to engage youth in conversations and build trust.
  • Share experiences on navigating operational barriers to implementing YSBIRT.
  • And more.
Register Today

Questions? Contact us.

The IOP/PHP Rollout Sessions have been rescheduled for the first week of November. Providers should see the schedule (also found on our website) for specific dates, times, links, and call-in details to join the meeting. Participants are highly encouraged to engage in the webinar by Skype rather than by phone in order to access the video portion of the presentation. Detailed information will be shared by video that will be advantageous to participants.

DDAP Logo Website

Human Trafficking
Wednesday, October 14 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm


  • Identify the signs that a client has been trafficked and determine a proper treatment plan
  • Create the appropriate therapeutic environment to enable the best clinical outcomes for a trafficking survivor
  • Differentiate among the various types of trafficking, including: sex trafficking, labor trafficking, child soldiers and organ donation to better inform clinical assessment and treatment interventions

Family Therapy in Addiction
Thursday, October 15 from 11 am – 12 pm


  • To understand why family members who have a loved one with addiction need to find support for themselves first
  • To learn how family members can connect to support for themselves
  • To provide a different perspective of addiction from the lens of a family member who has a loved one struggling with addiction

Tobacco & Nicotine Treatment Options
Thursday, October 22 from 10 am – 11 pm

Course Goals:

  • Understand the health risks related to tobacco/nicotine use through the lens of substance use disorder & behavioral health
  • Understand tobacco/nicotine recovery treatment options, billing and coding
  • Reduce health and cost burdens for substance use disorder providers and patients
  • Foster a culture of tobacco/nicotine treatment in the substance use recovery community
  • Cultivate tobacco/nicotine treatment professionals and champions

Understanding the family disease of addiction
Tuesday, October 27 from 11 am – 12 pm

Participants will be able to:

  • Explain the impact of substance abuse on a family system
  • Identify survival roles in the family and their function
  • Identify survival rules in the family and their impact on the family
  • Explain family triggers
  • Explain PAWS and impact on recovery


Dear Stakeholder,

Thank you for your interest in the Provider Relief Fund as administered by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) via the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). As you may be aware, HHS recently made $20 billion in new funding available for a Phase 3 General Distribution allocation, and the Provider Relief Fund would like your help to reach as many providers as possible.   More information about this distribution can be found in our press release, and by registering for our webcast on October 15 at 3 p.m. ET.

We have created a stakeholder toolkit so interested parties can easily share this funding opportunity with their networks nationwide. In this toolkit, you will find newsletter and email content, social media posts and images, information about next week’s webinar, and also helpful resources for applicants.

For more information, visit the following website: https://www.hhs.gov/coronavirus/cares-act-provider-relief-fund/general-information/stakeholder-toolkit/index.html.

Thank you for sharing,
Provider Relief Fund Team