Authors Posts by Jack Phillips

Jack Phillips

Mr. Phillips is responsible to assist the association with health policy, which primarily includes member communication and advocacy with the Governor’s office, General Assembly, and state regulatory agencies. Mr. Phillips was most recently at the Pennsylvania Department of State as Director of Legislative Affairs.

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HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania Gov.-elect Josh Shapiro and Lieutenant Gov.-elect Austin Davis held a news conference Wednesday to announce the first steps in the transition to their incoming administration.

Outgoing Gov. Tom Wolf joined Shapiro and Davis for the announcement at the state Capitol in Harrisburg.

Shapiro and Davis will be sworn in on Jan. 17. The transition team will include executive director Akbar Hossain, who was the policy director on Shapiro’s gubernatorial campaign, and communications director Manuel Bonder, who was Shapiro’s campaign press secretary. Directing the inauguration will be Amanda Warren, who served as finance director on the campaign.

Shapiro also announced a transition website, shapirodavis.org, encouraging Pennsylvanians to learn more about the inauguration and to apply for roles in the new administration.

Shapiro is currently the state attorney general, and his term ends in January 2025. The governor will nominate someone to fill out the term, and that person will need Senate approval. The first deputy will take over the duties of attorney general until the position is filled.

Currently a state representative for the 35th District, Davis was reelected to that office in last week’s election while he also ran for lieutenant governor. A special election will be held to replace Davis in the state House.

Today, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee unanimously voted HB 2530, which focused on the elimination of prudent pay for IDD providers, out of committee. The bill will be placed on the Senate voting calendar and is expected to have a final vote next week, which is the final fall session week for the Senate. Once the bill is approved, it will go to the Governor for his signature.

RCPA is grateful for all the technical assistance Bill Harriger, President and CEO of Verland, provided throughout the legislative process, and to all RCPA members who contacted their state legislators.

If you have questions, please contact Jack Phillips, Director of Government Affairs.

Yesterday, RCPA held its 2022 Capitol Day on the Capitol steps in Harrisburg. Members had the opportunity to meet with their legislators and hear from Charlie Barber, RCPA Board Chair, Sherri Landis, Executive Director for the ARC of Pennsylvania, Rep. Jessica Benham, Rep. Dan Miller, and Rep. Carrie Lewis DelRosso about the importance of funding intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and behavioral health services.

As a follow-up to Capitol Day, RCPA would like those members who attended to give an update about their legislative meetings. This member intel will be beneficial for RCPA staff to effectively lobby the Governor and the General Assembly over the next few weeks.

RCPA is hosting this follow-up to Capitol Day on Wednesday, June 1, at 9:00 am. Members can register for the call here.

Please contact Jack Phillips with questions.