Authors Posts by Jack Phillips

Jack Phillips

Mr. Phillips is responsible to assist the association with health policy, which primarily includes member communication and advocacy with the Governor’s office, General Assembly, and state regulatory agencies. Mr. Phillips was most recently at the Pennsylvania Department of State as Director of Legislative Affairs.

In response to several questions from RCPA members regarding the CARES Act and FFRCA, RCPA will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday, April 7 at 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm, featuring Diane Edelstein, CPA, Partner, Maher Duessel.

The presentation will cover the various financial resources, grants, and loans available to human service organizations, among other topics. Time will be allowed for your questions.

Please register here to participate.

There will be an opportunity to submit questions on the webinar using the “question” pane in the toolbar. In order for Ms. Edelstein to address as many questions as possible during the webinar, please submit your questions prior to this event by sending them to Allison Brognia, no later than Monday, April 6, 5:00 pm ET. We look forward to your participation.

Information Sharing Opportunity!
Monday, April 13, 2020 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
Practical Review of Alcohol Withdrawal Management During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The Pennsylvania Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs (DDAP) and Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) along with the following partners: UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital, Kolmac Outpatient Recovery, and the University of Pittsburgh Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology are pleased to announce the availability of a practical review on Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome in the times of COVID-19 on Monday, April 13, 2020 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm.

Practical Review of Alcohol Withdrawal Management During the Coronavirus Pandemic
During this COVID-19 emergency, alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) – which can be life threatening – may increase due to limited access to alcohol. In response to the potential increased occurrence of AWS along with the strain to healthcare facilities due to the virus, the Pennsylvania Departments of Drug and Alcohol Programs and Human Services have worked together to bring you a webinar on Ambulatory Alcohol Withdrawal Management, presented by Dr. Antoine Douaihy (UPMC Western Psychiatric Hospital) and Dr. George Kolodner (Kolmac Outpatient Recovery). This webinar will provide an overview on evaluating the severity of AWS, discuss medical protocols and medications for managing mild to moderate withdrawal, and techniques for accomplishing this via telehealth.

Participants in this webinar will have access to a AWS Community of Practice group that will meet several times a week where physicians experienced in ambulatory withdrawal management will answer questions and provide support to colleagues who may not be as experienced in providing this service (1-WM, and 2-WM).

How to Attend
Practical Review of Alcohol Withdrawal Management During the Coronavirus Pandemic is now available for registration. Please use this link to register.

For more information about this webinar, please contact Kathy Jo Stence.

For help with registration and logging on to the webinar, please use this email.

Webinar Platform
This webinar will be hosted on the Zoom platform. The login link and call-in link will be sent to you after you register. For more information on this platform and how to join the meeting please visit this web page.

Questions, please contact Jack Phillips.

Over the past few weeks, RCPA has held numerous webinars, conference calls, and other outreach to our members regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the major issues members are facing concerns the definition of what constitutes a health care provider under the Family First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).

RCPA has received conflicting guidance on the definition of a health care provider; therefore, RCPA sought a legal interpretation from attorneys. The attorneys believe that RCPA mental health, behavioral health, drug and alcohol, and intellectual and physical disability providers are included in the broad language of the definition; however, RCPA and its members have been directed to consult with their own legal counsel or human resources team. With this ambiguity in the definition of what constitutes a health care provider, RCPA members are not able to make appropriate business and health related decisions for their employees and clients.

RCPA and its members need clarification; therefore, RCPA sent Governor Wolf a letter today, requesting him to resolve this issue. As the letter states, RCPA believes the Governor has the authority and may deem our members, who offer mental health, behavioral health, drug and alcohol, as well as intellectual and physical disability services, as essential health care providers.

Questions, please contact Jack Phillips.