Authors Posts by Jack Phillips

Jack Phillips

Mr. Phillips is responsible to assist the association with health policy, which primarily includes member communication and advocacy with the Governor’s office, General Assembly, and state regulatory agencies. Mr. Phillips was most recently at the Pennsylvania Department of State as Director of Legislative Affairs.

By Robert Swift, Staff Writer, Capitolwire

HARRISBURG (June 9) – A Senate-passed bill to expand eligibility for a medical assistance program for working individuals with disabilities was approved unanimously Wednesday by the House Health Committee.

Members from both parties call Senate Bill 156 a bipartisan bill.

SB156 which now heads to a floor vote would increase the income eligibility limit from $32,000 to $76,000 annually so more individuals are eligible for the Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities (MAWD) program.

This would cover newcomers to the program and those defined as a “worker with job success” being age 16 an older, earning at least the minimum wage and meeting federal poverty income guidelines.

MAWD provides disabled workers access to home and community-based services that are important to them, but typically aren’t covered by private insurance.

The worker pays a percentage portion of their income to MAWD to cover health care.

Under SB156 sponsored by Sen. Bob Mensch, R-Lehigh, workers with the job success designation will pay 7.5 percent of their income to cover health care, a 2.5 percent increase above the current rate.

The bill would allow individuals to work to their full potential without fear of losing health benefits, said Mensch. Only 35 percent of people with disabilities are working with only 21 percent of that category working full-time, he added.

Increasing the income limit will improve the quality of life for the disabled, said Rep. Kate Klunk, R-York, sponsor of the related House Bill 1115 and of a previous bill that passed the House last session.

If SB156 is enacted, MAWD enrollment will increase by more than 1,000 individuals, according to a state Department of Human Services estimate. This is based on the number of MAWD recipients disenrolled due to being over income limits.

A Senate Appropriations Committee fiscal note estimates SB156 would cost $9.7 million with $4.6 million coming from state funds.

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) today released the latest issue of the Positive Approaches Journal, which aims to provide the most recent research and resources for people with mental health and behavioral challenges, intellectual disabilities, autism, and other developmental disabilities to live an everyday life. This edition focuses on sexuality and connectedness.

“Part of DHS’ mission is to ensure that people, regardless of disability, have the resources and information they need to live an everyday life. But too often, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not receive the support or education they need to be safe and healthy while exploring and experiencing social connections and sexuality,” said Acting DHS Secretary Meg Snead. “We hope that this edition of the Positive Approaches Journal will provide some of those resources and will chip away at myths and misconceptions about socialization and sexuality within the disability community.”

This edition features research and articles on the following:

  • Embracing Inclusion: Prioritizing LGBTQIA+ Inclusion for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: This article outlines the barriers and lack of supports that LGBTQIA+ people with disabilities face and emphasizes the importance of recognizing the needs of people who live at the intersection of these two identities.
  • Responding to the Victimization of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: This article details how sexual education and resources for people with disabilities can improve relationships and reduce the risk of victimization.
  • Detangling Sexuality Information: Misinformation, Confusion or Hope: This article outlines the importance of comprehensive sexual education, as lack of such education can create a dangerous lack of understanding of consequences and a misinterpretation of sexual nuances.
  • Approaching Sexuality in Service Spaces: An Invitation to Deeper Inquiry: This article explores ways both behavioral health providers and clients can express vulnerability in discussing sexuality and the sensitivities that surround it.
  • Building a Socially Fulfilling Life with a Mental Health Diagnosis: A Firsthand Perspective: A Certified Peer Specialist’s personal story of how helping others in managing their mental health was a crucial part of understanding social needs and their own recovery.
  • Social Skills for the “Real World”: Lessons Learned from the Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training (ASERT) Social Skills Groups: This article highlights research on effective social skills intervention methods to help caretakers address identified challenges for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The journal is a collaboration of DHS’ Office of Developmental Programs and Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and collects resources, observations, and advancements in mental and behavioral health in order to better serve people with dual diagnoses in their communities.

Read this edition of the Positive Approaches Journal.

For more information visit DHS’ website.


Capitolwire: After May’s $1.6 Billion Tax Revenue Collection Overage, PA is Sitting at $2.9 Billion in Excess Revenue With One Month to Go in the Current Fiscal Year

By Chris Comisac, Bureau Chief, Capitolwire

HARRISBURG (June 2) — Less than a week after the state’s Independent Fiscal Office forecast Pennsylvania would end its current fiscal year with a $3.16 billion revenue surplus, the state Department of Revenue announced the commonwealth is well on its way to reaching that mark.

General Fund revenue collections for the month of May came in far stronger than originally estimated – totaling $3.9 billion, which was $1.6 billion, or 65.4 percent, ahead of expectations – mostly due to a one-month delay of the collection deadline for personal income taxes (PIT), pushing the state’s year-to-date collections to $2.9 billion, or 8.5 percent, above estimate with one more month of collections to go.

“We are also nearly $2.9 billion above our estimate for the fiscal year as of today,” said Revenue Secretary Dan Hassell on Tuesday in a press release announcing May’s General Fund Revenue collections. “This is very positive news with one month to go in the current fiscal year.”

Last week, the IFO updated its revenue forecast for the current fiscal year, FY2020-21, indicating the state’s General Fund would end the year with $1.674 billion more than the agency had estimated in January, pushing the estimated General Fund total, once June’s collections are in, to $40.111 billion, which is $3.16 billion more than was expected when the budget was finalized in November. The IFO’s report also included the agency’s initial revenue estimate for the coming fiscal year,FY2021-22, with that figure being over $2.1 billion less than what the state is expected to collect during the current fiscal year.

PIT collections totaled $1.9 billion last month, which was $1 billion, or 111 percent, more than anticipated, due to the tax filing deadline extension until May 17, more than making up for the $571.8 million shortfall experienced in April by the PIT because of the deadline extension. Through 11 months of the fiscal year, the PIT has collected $14.9 billion, which is $747.7 million, or 5.3 percent, above estimate.

While May’s revenue collection results were mostly due to the PIT, the PIT wasn’t the only revenue source performing above expectations, with those performances in most cases directly tied to the billions in federal dollars pumped into the state as part of the various COVID-19 stimulus initiatives during the past year. The IFO last week indicated there have been nearly $78 billion in direct federal payments to individual Pennsylvanians (by way of unemployment benefits and stimulus checks) during Calendar Years 2020 and 2021, along with another nearly $79 billion in federal support to businesses, as well as the state government and the commonwealth’s local levels of governments.

Revenue collections from the state’s Sales and Use Tax (SUT) continued their strong performance over the past several months, with the tax – helped by heightened consumer demand due to both additional federal dollars in people’s pockets as well as the COVID-19 virus in decided retreat prompting more people to get out and engage in economic activity – producing $1.2 billion in May, a total that was $211.8 million, or 22 percent, above estimate. Year-to-date SUT collections total $11.6 billion, which is $741.7 million, or 6.8 percent, ahead of expectations.

May corporation tax revenue collections were $163.7 million, or 61.4 percent, more than anticipated, producing a monthly total of $430.1 million, of which $417.5 million came from the state’s Corporate Net Income Tax (CNIT). For the year thus far, corporation taxes have generated $5.6 billion, which is $892.2 million, or 18.9 percent, above estimate.

An unfortunate side-effect of the past year of COVID-19 and the deaths the virus has caused has been a boost in the revenue generated by the state’s inheritance tax. In May, the tax’s collections were $136 million, which was $53.5 million, or 64.8 percent, above estimate, pushing total collections for the last 11 months of the fiscal year to $1.2 billion, which is $216.5 million, or 21.1 percent, above estimate.

The real estate market has been on fire in most areas of the nation, and Pennsylvania has been no exception. In May, the realty transfer tax produced $56.9 million in revenue, which was $14.8 million, or 35.1 percent, above estimate. Year-to-date, the tax has brought it $575.1 million, which is $95.5 million, or 19.9 percent, ahead of expectations.

The state’s “sin taxes” – including cigarette, malt beverage, liquor and gaming taxes – also continued to perform well in May, totaling $191 million in revenue, which was $24.5 million, or 14.7 percent, above estimate, pushing the fiscal-year revenue total to $1.6 billion, which is $132.3 million, or 9.1 percent, more than anticipated.

Non-tax revenue was likewise above estimate last month, by a total of $45.6 million, or a whopping 377 percent, which the IFO attributed to higher-than-expected license and fee collections, as well as other miscellaneous collections. May’s $57.7 million in collections brings the year-to-date total to $1.1 billion, which is $42.8 million, or 4 percent, above estimate.

June begins what most hope will be the homestretch toward a finalized budget for FY2021-22, though reports emanating from the state Capitol suggest there are several areas of disagreement between Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf and the Republican-controlled General Assembly, including issues related to proposed tax and spending hikes (as well as the redirection of existing education and other spending), and the appropriation of the more than $7 billion in federal COVID-19 stimulus/relief funding distributed to Pennsylvania as part of the last federal stimulus initiative.

Capitolwire: New IFO Report Indicates PA Should End FY 2020–21 With a Sizable Revenue Surplus, But With Direct Federal Payments Ending, Things Look to be Far Different for the FY 2021–22 Budget Now in Development

By Chris Comisac, Bureau Chief, Capitolwire

HARRISBURG (May 27) – Pennsylvania’s current fiscal year should wrap up on a very positive revenue note, but the coming fiscal year could be a rocky one to negotiate for state lawmakers preparing a state budget, according to the latest revenue updates released Wednesday afternoon by the Independent Fiscal Office.

Thanks to nearly $78 billion in direct federal payments to individual Pennsylvanians during Calendar Years 2020 and 2021, along with another nearly $79 billion in federal support to businesses, as well as the state government and the commonwealth’s local levels of governments, the IFO forecasts the state’s General Fund will end with $1.674 billion more than the agency had estimated in January.

What makes that upward adjustment to $40.111 billion even more impressive is that when the IFO forecast in January the state’s General Fund would end Fiscal Year 2020-21 with $38.437 billion, that total, after applying estimated tax refunds and expected state expenditures, produced a revenue surplus of $1.481 billion.

And while there are more state expenditures to rectify than had been contemplated by the IFO in January, the total revenue surplus from which those additional expenditures will be deducted now appears as though it will be more than $3.1 billion.

It’s important to note the IFO’s revenue estimates and overall General Fund forecasts differ from those used by the state Budget Office. Revenue collections for May won’t be released until the start of June next week, but the figures for the month are expected to be in excess of estimate by a sizable amount given that the deadline for personal income tax (PIT) return filing was delayed from April 15 until May 17. That pushed into May a significant portion of PIT collections that would have been received by the state in April. Even with those delayed payments, Pennsylvania’s General Fund collections in April managed to stay slightly ahead of estimate, with the Fund, through April, having $1.3 billion more than expected.

So, while the state might not end the current fiscal year on June 30 with a surplus of more than $3.1 billion, things do appear to be trending in a positive direction.

That’s a good thing, since there’s around $1 billion in state Department of Human Services spending, in excess of approved appropriations, that will have to be paid, and having a surplus makes that easier to do. And whatever is left over may be needed to address what the IFO says will be a decidedly different story in Fiscal Year 2021-22.

The IFO initial General Fund revenue estimate for FY2021-22 is built on the expectation that once there’s an end to the massive amount of COVID-19 federal spending – much of it direct payments to individuals in the form of unemployment benefits and stimulus payments – the state’s economy, and the revenues generated from various sources, will revert back to the former path it was on prior to COVID-19.

While that doesn’t sound problematic, it is forecast by the IFO to result in FY2021-22 General Fund revenue retreating to $37.96 billion, a decline of $2.152 billion compared to FY2020-21.

That’s bit of a problem since the IFO in January projected state expenditures would hit $37.975 billion in FY2021-22, and the $37.96 billion in General Fund revenue forecast by the IFO for FY2021-22 isn’t the final amount of revenue that would be available, as tax refunds (normally around $1.3 billion) would still have to be deducted. There’s also the matter of the considerable amount of one-time revenues and expenditure offsets – approaching $5 billion – used to construct the FY2020-21 state budget, with at least a portion of that adding to the hole to be filled in FY2021-22.

Additionally, this all assumes the General Assembly doesn’t approve plans to generate additional expenditures or revenue, both of which Gov. Tom Wolf would like to do as part of the FY2021-22 budget he proposed in February.

While it remains unclear how much of a hole will have to be filled for the FY2021-22 budget to balance, it will be a daunting figure.

Of course, the state lawmakers developing the budget always seem to find ways of moving money around to fill holes, and with some amount of FY2020-21 surplus likely to be available after all the bills are paid, and potentially some amount of the $7 billion in federal COVID-19 stimulus available for budget stabilization (though lawmakers have been warned about using those federal dollars to pay for recurring expenditures), it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the hole – whatever it ends up being before the budgeteers get to it – could be made smaller or erased as has been repeatedly done in the past.

Not factored into the IFO’s revenue forecast is the more than $13 billion in federal funds from the latest round of stimulus, of which, as already noted, roughly $7 billion is coming directly to state government (the rest of which is flowing to local governments throughout the state), and has yet to be appropriated for anything.

IFO director Matt Knittel said that money could have some impact on the state’s economy, though not nearly the same effect that the nearly $78 billion in direct payments made to individual Pennsylvanians who injected quite a lot of that money directly into the state’s economy.

The IFO forecast also does not contemplate the impact of additional stimulus initiatives, such as plans to direct more federal dollars to infrastructure or other items that could provide more direct payments to Pennsylvanians.

“Bear in mind, there’s a lot of moving parts for the revenues … it’s more complicated than usual,” said Knittel at the outset of his presentation Wednesday, noting the difficulty in determining what will occur when federal dollars are no longer being injected into the state’s economy and the effect that will have on the behavior of Pennsylvanians who no longer have access to those additional federal dollars, as well as the tax shifting that could occur as businesses not only react to those dollars but also potential tax changes being considered at the federal level (with the Biden administration suggesting a repeal or at least a trimming of the business tax reductions made during the Trump administration).

The IFO report identified one of the big wildcards as employment, as the state is still well over 400,000 jobs short of where it was pre-COVID-19.

Knittel warned it’s unlikely all those Pennsylvanians currently unemployed – roughly 900,000 potential workers as of April (which excludes most high school and college students) – will find a job when their unemployment benefits run out, particularly if they wait until September when the extra federal unemployment benefit is scheduled to end.

He said many businesses have already adjusted to the current economic climate and labor market, filling some jobs with workers earning higher wages, and finding other ways to improve productivity – through such things as automation and using other forms of technology – to replace the jobs that employers can’t currently fill.

It’s possible those who wait until the fall to begin looking for jobs may find there are more people looking for jobs than there are available jobs, said Knittel, a situation that will put negative pressure on wages and ultimately impact state revenues based on personal income and consumer spending.

Note: This is just a reminder; no changes have been made to date.

Over the past week, RCPA has received some inquiries about the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) final rule regarding overtime pay under the Minimum Wage Act. Back in late fall and early winter, RCPA sent out notices informing RCPA members that the new rule would become effective January 1, 2021. RCPA is sending out this alert as a reminder to members. To view the new rule in its entirety, please visit the Pennsylvania Bulletin’s website.

The highlights of L&I’s final rule are as follows:

  • Raises the salary threshold.
  • Automatic increases in 2021, 2022 and 2023 and every three years thereafter (i.e. after 2023 the next increase will occur in 2026).
  • The employee still must meet both the salary test and the duties test to qualify as exempt.

If you recall, the Federal Department of Labor published its final rule on Friday, September 27, 2019. The Federal rule:

  • Raised the salary threshold from the current $23,660 ($455/week) to $35,568 ($684/week);
  • Was effective January 1, 2020;
  • Includes no automatic updates or changes to the duties test; and
  • Allows nondiscretionary bonuses, incentive payments, and commissions to satisfy up to 10 percent of the salary requirement.

Please contact Jack Phillips, RCPA Director of Government Affairs, with any questions.

Harrisburg, PA – Department of Human Services (DHS) Acting Secretary Meg Snead today joined Attorney General Josh Shapiro to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and wellness, mental illness, and substance use disorders and encourage people who are experiencing these to seek help. The COVID-19 pandemic and economic crises have created anxiety and grief that are affecting all of us in different ways, but resources are available across Pennsylvania, so no one has to go through this alone.

“The past year has made each of us acutely aware of our mental health, and many of us have been struggling with feelings of fear, depression, and anxiety. It is okay to feel this way, but please know that help is available so you do not have to endure this alone,” said Acting Secretary Snead. “These feelings may seem isolating but recognizing them in yourself or a loved one can help you begin to work through and process these challenges and trauma. Clinicians have expanded the use of telehealth throughout this past year making it easier to access services. If you need help, do not hesitate to reach out.”

“I traveled across Pennsylvania to talk to students about Safe2Say, and they told me over and over that they were most concerned about their peers’ mental health,” said Attorney General Josh Shapiro. “It was important to my office that we respond to these concerns and provide students with the help they need and are asking for. As our students return to the classroom, we must continue to find innovative ways to reach young people in need, including making child protective and mental health services available 24/7.”

Pennsylvanians struggling with anxiety and other challenging emotions due to COVID-19 and the accompanying economic insecurity can contact the Persevere PA Support & Referral Helpline toll-free, 24/7 at 1-855-284-2494. For TTY, dial 724-631-5600. The helpline is staffed by skilled and compassionate caseworkers who will be available to counsel struggling Pennsylvanians and refer them to resources in their community that can further help to meet individual needs. Since its launch in April 2020, the helpline has received more than 22,900 calls.

The Attorney General’s Safe2Say program is available to Pennsylvania children and teenagers to anonymously and safely seek assistance and report threats of violence, harassment, and bullying, is also still operating and can be reached 24/7 at 1-844-723-2729 or at Safe2SayPA.

Many other resources also remain available to Pennsylvanians in need of support, including:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Línea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio: 1-888-628-9454
  • Crisis Text Line: Text “PA” to 741-741
  • Veteran Crisis Line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990
  • Get Help Now Hotline (for substance use disorders): 1-800-662-4357
  • Pennsylvania Sexual Assault Helpline: 1-888-772-7227 or PCAR
  • National Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-800-799-7233 or PCADV

Available online resources include:

The pandemic has created economic uncertainties for many Pennsylvanians, making it difficult for some to access essential needs or feel secure about the future. Resources are available in your community to help address these feelings of stress and anxiety. The United Way of Pennsylvania can help connect you to resources that are available in your community to help you meet these needs. Text your zip code to 898-211 to be connected to programs and resources in your community or visit United Way of Pennsylvania. People in need of assistance can also visit Compass to learn more and apply for assistance programs that can help with health care, food, rental and utility bills, and other needs.

More information on mental health resources can be found here.


Now, more than ever, health and human service providers need to be proactive in supporting elected officials work towards common sense solutions in the areas of workforce, tax, regulation, health care, and human services.

The Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association Political Action Committee (RCPA-PAC) is asking members to assist RCPA with raising funds for RCPA-PAC. RCPA is advocating for our members with regard to telehealth, regulations, and legislation. RCPA-PAC funds are utilized to attend legislative fundraisers in order for RCPA to lobby legislators face-to-face on health and human service issues.

We need you and your staff to donate to RCPA-PAC because it provides an avenue for our members and staff to make a meaningful impact on the political process. Any funds that you and your staff can contribute will be greatly appreciated. Please note that RCPA-PAC cannot accept corporate checks. Personal checks should be made payable to RCPA-PAC.

Interested in learning more about RCPA-PAC or in donating now? Please visit our website, download the PAC FAQ CardDonation Card, or email Jack Phillips, RCPA Director of Government Affairs.

Your participation in the RCPA-PAC is completely voluntary, and you may contribute as much or as little as you choose. Donations are not tax-deductible and will be used for political purposes. You may choose not to participate without fear of reprisal. You will not be favored or disadvantaged by reason of the amount of your contribution or decision not to contribute.

Pennsylvania’s 2021 municipal primary took place yesterday (Tuesday, May 18). Statewide, Pennsylvania officials sent out 820,757 mail and absentee ballots. As of 5/18, voters had returned roughly 69% of these ballots. With vote tallying still ongoing, all results are UNOFFICIAL.

Statewide Ballot Questions

Four statewide ballot questions were on the primary election slate for Pennsylvania voters to decide; including three that would make changes to the state’s constitution. The questions included two specific referendums that address how future state of emergencies will be handled in Pennsylvania.

  • Question one asked voters to amend the state constitution to limit all state of emergencies issued by a governor to 21 days. 53.61% voted YES. 
  • Question two asked voters to give the state’s General Assembly authority to extend or terminate a governor’s initial order. 53.58 % voted YES 
  • Question three asked voters to amend the state constitution to specifically prohibit restricting or denying a person’s equal rights on the grounds of race or ethnicity. 71.36% voted YES
  • The last question asked voters to authorize permission for paid municipal fire and medical rescue companies to apply for loans from a state program that currently provides funding only for volunteer fire and EMS agencies. 72.19% voted YES 

Statewide Judicial Races (Candidates leading in RED)
Justice of the Supreme Court: 2021- One Vacancy

  • Democrat Maria McLaughlin was running unopposed in the primary and will advance to the General Election.
  • Paula Patrick, Kevin Brobson and Patricia McCullough were running for the Republican nomination. Brobson will advance to the General Election.

Judge of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania: 2021- One Vacancy

  • Jill Beck, Timika Lane and Bryan Neft were running for the Democrat nomination. Lane will advance to the General Election.
  • Republican Megan Sullivan was running unopposed in the primary and will advance to the General Election.

Judge of the Commonwealth Court: 2021- Two Vacancies

  • Lori Dumas, Sierra Street, David Spurgeon, Amanda Green Hawkins were running for the Democrat nomination. Dumas and Spurgeon will advance to the General Election
  • Republicans Drew Crompton and Stacy Marie Wallace were running unopposed in the primary and will advance to the General Election.

Special Elections- State House & State Senate (Candidates leading in RED)
Four special elections were held during the primary to fill vacant seats in the General Assembly. Once election results are certified, the winners will be sworn-in and immediately take over the vacant seat.

  • A special election was held for the 59th House District left vacant after the death of state Rep. Mike Reese, R-Mt. Pleasant. The district includes parts of Westmoreland and Somerset counties. Democrat Mariah Fisher, Republican Leslie Baum Rossi and Libertarian Robb Luther were on the ballot. The unofficial winner is Leslie Baum Rossi.
  • A special election was held in the 60th House District left vacant after the retirement of Rep. Jeff Pyle, R-Ford City. The district includes parts of Armstrong, Butler and Indiana counties. Republican Abby Major, Democratic Frank Prazenica, and Libertarian Andrew Hreha were on the ballot. The unofficial winner is Abby Major.
  • A special election was held in the 48th Senate District left vacant after the death of Sen. Dave Arnold. The district includes Lebanon and parts of Dauphin and York counties. Republican candidate Christopher Gebhard, Democrat Calvin Clements, Independent Ed Krebs and Libertarian Tim McMaster were on the ballot. The unofficial winner is Christopher Gebhard.
  • A special election was held in the 22nd Senate District left vacant after the retirement of Sen. John Blake, D.  The district includes parts of Lackawanna, Luzerne and Monroe counties. Republican Chris Chermak, Democrat Marty Flynn (current state representative), Libertarian Nathan Covington and Green Party Marlene Sebastianellli were on the ballot. The unofficial winner is Marty Flynn.

County/local Races Receiving Statewide Attention

  • In Allegheny County, Pittsburgh voters headed to the polls to choose their party’s candidate for Mayor. Shortly after midnight, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto conceded defeat to state Rep. Ed Gainey in a four-way Democratic primary race for mayor, positioning Gainey to become the first Black mayor in the city’s history.
  • In Dauphin County, there was a 5-way contest for the Democrat nomination for Harrisburg mayor. Incumbent Mayor Eric Papenfuse, seeking a third term, City Council President Wanda Williams; former city Councilman Otto Banks; retired media executive Dave Schankweiler; and Kevyn Knox. The sole candidate on the Republican ballot is businessman Timothy Rowbottom. The unofficial winner of the Democrat primary is Wanda Williams. As of this 11a.m. this morning, Williams was holding a 56 vote lead over Papenfuse.
  • In Philadelphia, voters picked their party nominee for district attorney, city controller, and several judgeships. Incumbent DA Larry Krasner will win the Democrat nomination for District Attorney.

Link to results.

May 12, 2021

Harrisburg, PA – The Departments of Human Services, Labor & Industry, and Education today announced the availability of the federal Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB), a program that will assist eligible households in paying for internet service and certain electronic devices.

The EBB, which is administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), is a temporary program that provides a discount of up to $50 per month off a qualifying household’s internet bill and associated equipment rental. Additionally, eligible households can receive a one-time discount of up to $100 towards a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer, provided that the household contributes more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. The EBB is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household, and the discount will be provided by the FCC directly to the service provider.

“The past year has shown us just how essential internet access is in order to connect with our loved ones, our workplaces and schools, and even to basic needs like telehealth and grocery delivery. We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for many to keep up with bills and expenses, so we are glad that the FCC is providing this benefit to people who need it,” said Acting DHS Secretary Meg Snead. “Assistance programs like this exist to help get you through tough times. I encourage anybody who has struggled to pay their internet bills to apply for this benefit.”

A household is eligible if one member of the household meets at least one of the criteria below:

  • Receives benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch program or the school breakfast program, including through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision, or did so in the 2019–2020 school year;
  • Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year;
  • Experienced a substantial loss of income since February 29, 2020, and the household had a total income in 2020 below $99,000 for single filers and $198,000 for joint filers;
  • Meets the eligibility criteria for a participating internet provider’s existing low-income or COVID-19 program; or,
  • Qualifies for the FCC’s Lifeline program.
    • Households qualify for the federal Lifeline program if their income is less than 135% of the federal poverty guidelines or if they or their child participate in programs including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA), or other federal programs. Eligible participants can receive Lifeline and EBB at the same time.
    • DHS has partnered with the FCC to provide a real time data exchange that verifies whether an individual is already receiving SNAP, Medicaid or SSI so that individuals receiving these programs will be able to more easily qualify for this new benefit as well as Lifeline.

“Strong, reliable access to the internet is a necessity for workers because today’s job search and hiring process is conducted almost exclusively online,” said L&I Acting Secretary Jennifer Berrier. “The Emergency Broadband Benefit will help struggling Pennsylvanians apply for jobs, communicate with hiring managers, and engage in online training programs that will help lift them out of poverty.”

“Access to the internet could be considered a school supply; a critical resource that supports learning beyond classroom walls,” said Acting Secretary of Education Noe Ortega. “The Emergency Broadband Benefit serves as another means to bridge the digital divide and create digital equity for students and families across the state.”

Applications for this program open today and will end once the funds are exhausted or six months after the federal Department of Health and Human Services declares the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Service providers will be required to give notice on the last date when the EBB program will end.

To apply for the EBB program, contact your participating broadband service provider, or visit Get Emergency Broadband to apply online or print a paper application to mail in.

More information on the EBB can be found here. For more information on other public assistance programs, visit the DHS website.

Erin James, DHS
Sarah DeSantis, L&I
Kendall Alexander, PDE