Authors Posts by Melissa Dehoff

Melissa Dehoff

Melissa Dehoff is responsible for all medical rehabilitation and brain injury service issues. Ms. Dehoff attends multiple state-level meetings to advocate on behalf of members on brain injury and rehabilitation issues and is a member of the Department of Health Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board.

The Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Subcommittee meeting convened on February 5, 2025. During the meeting, a number of presentations were given. In addition to the presentations, the February meeting agenda and the meeting transcript from the January 8, 2025, LTSS Subcommittee meeting were provided.

Members should take time to review the PowerPoint presentations from the meeting:

The meeting transcript is available here.

The next LTSS Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2025, from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm and will be held via webinar and remote streaming.

To participate in the meeting via webinar, please register here.
If calling into the meeting, the dial-in information is: 1 (562) 247-8422; Access Code: 145-307-305#

Tomorrow, February 5, the House Human Services Committee will hold a second informational meeting on the treatment and support for Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). The meeting will be held at 9:00 am in Room G-50 in the Irvis Office Building of the Capitol.

The hearing will include testimony to be provided by the PA Department of Health, NeuroRestorative, Woods Services, Penn State Health, and Penn State College of Medicine. Following the testimony from the panelists, they will receive questions from the members of the Committees.

The meeting will be livestreamed, which can be accessed from the Human Services website here.

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As was shared in the RCPA Alert sent on Tuesday, January 28, the House Human Services and Insurance Committees held a joint informational meeting on January 29 on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Care Needs and Coverage Options, where testimony was provided by RCPA, OLTL, Success Rehabilitation, BIAPA, and insurers.

Following the hearing, leadership from the House Human Services Committee has requested additional information from BI providers. Please review the questions below and provide responses to Melissa Dehoff by close of business Monday, February 3.

  1. Is your organization accredited by CARF as a Brain Injury Residential Rehabilitation Program (Adult) or Community Housing?
  2. Do you provide other non-residential services through the waiver? If so, please list them.

The important message to share is that we have the legislators’ attention! Things are moving very quickly; there are many meetings, calls, and ongoing communications with leadership in the legislature as we enter the key phase of budget negotiations.

It is critical that we have full participation in providing this information from every single BI provider/program. If we do not provide responses from 100% of our BI members, it could have an impact on funds being allocated to us in the budget.

Please contact Melissa Dehoff with questions and your responses.

Tomorrow, January 29, the House Human Services and Insurance Committees will hold a joint informational meeting on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Care Needs and Coverage Options. The meeting is scheduled at 9:00 am in Room G-50 in the Irvis Office Building of the Capitol.

The hearing will include three separate panels that will include testimony to be provided by:

  • Richard Edley, President & CEO, RCPA;
  • Joanne Tangney, President & CEO, Success Rehabilitation;
  • Juliet Marsala, Deputy Secretary, Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL);
  • Drew Nagele, Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania (BIAPA);
  • Tim Law, Chief Medical Officer, Highmark; and
  • Jonathan Greer, President, Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania.

Following the testimonies from the panelists, they will receive questions from the members of the Committees.

The meeting will be livestreamed, which can be accessed from the Human Services website here.

For additional information, please view the agenda here.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) is partnering with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, College of Education and Human Development, and the University of Kansas Center on Disabilities’ State of the States team to host Pennsylvania Technology Summits as part of a statewide initiative called PA Tech Accelerator.

The goal of the Summits is to expand the awareness of, and access to, assistive technology and remote technologies in order to build capacity of technology users throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The Summits will be held on March 6, 2025, in Philadelphia and March 13, 2025, in Pittsburgh. To attend, please register here.

The Summits will feature a keynote address by Rebekah Taussig, PhD; a panel of technology users giving advice, sharing their stories, and answering questions; and vendors showcasing services, devices, and solutions.

Who is invited?

  • People with disabilities and their families.
  • Direct Support Providers and professionals working with people with disabilities, such as Direct Care Workers, Direct Support Professionals, Support Service Professionals, Supports Coordinators, Job Coaches, and healthcare professionals.
  • Organizations and providers who serve people with disabilities.
  • Policymakers, advocates, and allies for people with lived disability experience.
  • Students looking to work in disability-related fields.
  • Anyone interested in technological supports for people with disabilities.

If you have additional questions about the Summit, please contact Kristy Crocetto at (215) 204-1356 or via email.

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NOTE TO INSPECTOR: The word "iridium" on the pen's nib is not a brand: it's the name of the metal of which the nib is made. Thanks. Inky old fountain pen on a $100 bill.

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) held their regular public meeting on January 16 – 17, 2025. During one of their presentations, “Assessing Payment Adequacy and Updating Payments: Skilled Nursing Facility Services; Home Health Agency Services; Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Services; Outpatient Dialysis Services; and Hospice Services,” there was a draft recommendation specific to inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRF). The draft recommendation was for fiscal year 2026 and noted that Congress should reduce the 2025 Medicare base payment rate by 7 percent. The PowerPoint presentation is available here.

During this public meeting, MedPAC voted to finalize this recommended payment reduction to fiscal year 2026 IRF Prospective Payment System (PPS) payments. Both AMRPA and other national hospital stakeholders, on behalf of IRFs, strongly opposed this proposed payment cut (prior to the public meeting). However, MedPAC advanced the recommended cut with limited discussion about the potential impacts on patient access and IRF operations.

MedPAC’s recommendations do require Congressional action. As a result, advocacy will be planned to continue to voice concerns with this recommendation. Members will be kept apprised of any upcoming changes.

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published and released a summary report from a recent inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) listening session that focused on revising the transmission schedule for the inpatient rehabilitation facility Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI).

The summary highlights the discussion about potential changes to the IRF-PAI transmission schedule for unplanned discharges as well as changes in payer source, providing the rationale for this discussion, and questions posed during the listening session. The listening session also discussed opportunities to improve the assessment and data collection for pediatric patients.