RCPA has been advocating for years for significant changes to the Mental Health Outpatient regulations to help to protect and strengthen mental health outpatient services in Pennsylvania. In 2010, RCPA developed a position paper outlining the major problems in this area. In response to this crisis, the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) developed a task force to work on regulation changes. The task force was a broad range of stakeholders which included consumers, counties, providers, and behavioral health managed care organizations. The task force worked for several years to develop a new set of regulations intended to protect and strengthen mental health outpatient services. The job of the task force was complete in 2014 and OMHSAS submitted the revised regulations to internal sources for approval. From beginning to now, it has been six years since we requested help. OMHSAS responded with strong support but the regulations have been held up in various areas of the department and the administration.
We received the following email today from Jean Rush, who has been the lead at OMHSAS since the beginning of the project:
“I wanted to share the current status of the OP regulation package since we drafted the revisions. With the expansion of Medicaid, the department has made changes to our State Plan Amendments for compliance with ACA which have been approved by CMS. This will require some minimal changes to the OP regulation package which were not an issue during our work.
OMHSAS will be making the minimal changes to the regulation package in conjunction with the Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP) as the Medicaid Authority for the Commonwealth, as well as our Office of Legal Counsel.
The changes will not impact your recommendations but are necessary for compliance and the ability to complete the IRRC review. We will share the changes with you via email and if there are any areas where input is needed, I will be contacting you to schedule a call to discuss.
We appreciate all of the time and dedication to this project and will continue to work on making the changes to move this regulation package to completion. It is still a priority for the department.”
RCPA is hopeful that a resolution is forthcoming and will keep you all posted.
The Department of Human Services/Bureau of Adult Protective Services is offering trainings/webinars for Adult Protective Services.
Complete online registration at the Survey Monkey LINK below.
Please feel free to share this information with other staff and providers.
With new webinar software we have twice as many logins available and will hopefully be able to accommodate all requests.
Adult Protective Services and Mandatory Reporting Requirements
How: Webinar and In-Person Attendance available
Where: Clothes Tree Building, DGS Complex (former Harrisburg State Hospital Campus)
What: Overview of Act 70, Adult Protective Services Law, eligibility criteria, DHS and Liberty Healthcare Responsibilities; the process for reporting, mandatory reporting requirements, and statutory definitions.
Complete the online registration survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DHS_APS_Training
Information and webinar link will be sent prior to the presentation. Contact Deborah Bender at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Provider Transformation
Pennsylvania is one of 19 states participating in the federal Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP) which is a cross-disability, cross-systems change initiative.
DHS Transition Plan
On December 14, 2015, the Departments of Human Services and Aging released and posted the December release of the draft agreement, and a summary document, for the Community HealthChoices program. Both documents are available for review and public comment. Comments must be submitted via email by Friday, January 8, 2016.
RCPA President & CEO Richard Edley appeared on Clean and Sober Radio (WWDB-AM), December 4, to discuss issues facing drug and alcohol treatment providers.