Authors Posts by Tina Miletic

Tina Miletic


RCPA is pleased to offer this webinar on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at 1:00 pm to discuss moving beyond the Carve-out/Carve-in debate.

In an age of integrated care, specialty behavioral health care matters. For more than two decades, the debate of what to do in Medicaid managed care with physical health care (PH) and behavioral health care (BH) centered on the question: should a state carve-out BH from PH managed care contracts or carve-in BH to PH managed care contracts? This presentation will focus on the most current answers to that question. Please register here if you have not registered yet for this event.

Presenters include:

Panelists will review:

  • Pennsylvania’s Behavioral HealthChoices;
  • Discuss managed care models utilized in other States; and
  • Asses how the debate is changing from carve-out vs. carve-in to a focus on contractual standards and accountability.

Achieving whole-person care and addressing social determinants of health by doing specialty behavioral health care directly through various Medicaid managed care approaches will be considered. While there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the time of the presentation, we encourage you to submit questions in advance to Tina Miletic.

Please register here to attend this webinar. We look forward to your participation!

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

We are excited to announce the National Council for Mental Wellbeing Conference will be held in-person on April 11–13, 2022, at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Washington, DC. As we have done in previous years, RCPA will host a Pennsylvania Reception at the National Council Conference. The PA Reception will be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2022. As we near the event, additional details will be provided.

We hope to count on your organization to sponsor this exciting event — and we’ll be back in person! Our members and Pennsylvania providers look forward to this networking event to share their experiences and discuss new trends and initiatives. We depend on our sponsors for support of this PA Reception. Historically there have been approximately 350 PA registrants at the NC Conference, and more than half of them attended the PA Reception, along with several NC staff, presenters, and invited guests. In the past, this reception has been extremely well attended and is a highlight of the conference for PA registrants.

We thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you. We thank all previous sponsors and hope we can count on your continued sponsorship. Please contact Tina Miletic with any questions. We thank you for your continued support of RCPA activities.

COVID-19 Safety Acknowledgement: The National Council will implement health-and-safety protocols appropriate to the public health circumstances existing at the time of the conference. Those protocols may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • proof of vaccination and/or negative COVID-19 status;
  • self-monitoring;
  • biometric screening;
  • symptom checkers;
  • contact tracing;
  • wearing a mask mandate;
  • use of additional personal protective equipment, social distancing, and space management; and/or
  • other similar measures.

Compliance with some or all of the protocols adopted by the National Council may be mandatory for in-person attendance and participation at the conference. Additional information regarding the specific health and safety measures, and any necessary consents by you, will be communicated to attendees prior to the first day of the Conference.

RCPA will hold its next member update webinar on Friday, November 19 at 9:00 am. Please register here to participate. This update will feature a presentation by Jeffrey J. Worley, Esq. of Gibbel, Kraybill & Hess LLP entitled “Federal Vaccine Mandate — Managing Your Workforce Through the Requirements and the Exemptions.” In addition, RCPA will provide updates in each policy area.

We look forward to your participation.