
The RCPA Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Committee created this resource to answer frequently asked questions regarding DEI policy development and refinement. Following a survey of available resources, this compilation was developed as a guide for interested parties and is intended as a springboard to further research with links to additional resources to aid their DEI policy development process. Please send questions or feedback to Cindi Hobbes or Jim Sharp.

As part of Pennsylvania’s Life Unites Us initiative to end the stigma surrounding opioid use disorder, the webinar “Life Unites Us: Race & Recovery” is being held at 12:00 pm on Tuesday, March 23.

In this webinar, participants will learn about:

  • Key data from SAMHSA’s 2019 report on race, treatment, and recovery;
  • The specific barriers that hinder long-term recovery;
  • DDAP’s action plan for recovery equity; and
  • How you can help shatter these barriers and advocate for equitable recovery programs.

Register here for the webinar. Visit Life Unites Us for more information about the initiative.

DATES: 3/24/21 – 5/19/21

The University of Southern Florida Muma College of Business is offering this free course and certificate to the public. The two-hour weekly modules will begin on March 24 with a new module offered every Wednesday until May 19. Modules/work do not need to be completed live.

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has released Racial Equity Report 2021, including a message from Teresa Miller, Secretary of Human Services. The report addresses several areas and concludes with this message about Moving Forward:

In the more than seven years since the Black Lives Matter movement began, there have been overdue
and necessary conversations about the treatment of people who are Black, Latinx, Asian, Middle
Eastern, and other non-White identities in the United States. Open and honest conversation and
education are critically important. Each of us only truly knows the world as we experience it, and there
is no shame in that. It is incumbent on each of us, though, to not let our experiences alone drive our
worldview and the way we treat and empathize with others. We must listen to others’ experiences,
challenge our own reactions and pre-conceived notions, and act from a more informed lens that
includes multiple perspectives.

The work must continue, and we must use these conversations and education to drive meaningful
change. We must use our platform to be actively anti-racist and educate our staff, the stakeholders and
constituencies we work with, and the broader public as much as possible. Challenging stereotypes and
biases is not a fight that DHS can win unilaterally, but we can use our position and our platform to
challenge and change these conversations where we can. We must actively build equity, inclusion, and
diversity into our work to overcome circumstances of the past that still persist. We cannot change the
past, but we can be a part of a solution moving forward by seeking to eliminate unintentional and
implicit consequences and be an active ally in this work. The more than 3 million people DHS serves,
our nearly 16,000 employees, and the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a whole
deserve this.