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RCPA (Rehabilitation & Community Providers Association), PAR (Pennsylvania Advocates and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disabilities), The Arc of Pennsylvania, TPA (The Provider Alliance), The Alliance of Community Service Providers, and MAX Association sent a letter to the general assembly requesting their support of our joint budget request.

As the organizations representing Pennsylvania’s Intellectual Disabilities/Autism (ID/A) service providers, we are asking them to include $430 million in the 2023/24 state general fund budget proposal to significantly improve the wage rates for the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who provide care to individuals with ID/A. This funding and its federal match are crucial because the ID/A system is in crisis. Nearly 60,000 Pennsylvanians with ID/A are at risk of losing or experiencing a reduction of essential services because there are not enough DSPs to care for them.

See the letter for full information.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released two notices of proposed rulemaking (NPRM): Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services and Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality.

If adopted as proposed, the rules would establish national standards for access to care regardless of whether that care is provided through managed care plans or directly by states through fee-for-service (FFS). Specifically, they would establish access standards through Medicaid or CHIP managed care plans, as well as transparency for Medicaid payment rates to providers, including hourly rates and compensation for certain home care and other direct care workers. The rules would also establish other access standards for transparency and accountability and empower beneficiary choice.

The proposed rules together include new and updated proposed requirements for states and managed care plans that would establish tangible, consistent access standards and a consistent way to transparently review and assess Medicaid payment rates across states. The rule also proposes standards to allow enrollees to easily compare plans based on quality and access to providers through the state’s website.

Other highlights from the proposed rules include:

  • Establishing national maximum standards for certain appointment wait times for Medicaid or CHIP managed care enrollees, and stronger state monitoring and reporting requirements related to access and network adequacy for Medicaid or CHIP managed care plans, which now cover the majority of Medicaid or CHIP beneficiaries;
  • Requiring states to conduct independent secret shopper surveys of Medicaid or CHIP managed care plans to verify compliance with appointment wait time standards and to identify where provider directories are inaccurate;
  • Creating new payment transparency requirements for states by requiring disclosure of provider payment rates in both fee-for-service and managed care, with the goal of greater insight into how Medicaid payment levels affect access to care;
  • Establishing additional transparency and interested party engagement requirements for setting Medicaid payment rates for home and community-based services (HCBS), as well as a requirement that at least 80 percent of Medicaid payments for personal care, homemaker, and home health aide services be spent on compensation for direct care workers (as opposed to administrative overhead or profit);
  • Creating timeliness-of-access measures for HCBS and strengthening necessary safeguards to ensure beneficiary health and welfare as well as promote health equity;
  • Strengthening how states use state Medical Care Advisory Committees, through which stakeholders provide guidance to state Medicaid agencies about health and medical care services, to ensure all states are using these committees optimally to realize a more effective and efficient Medicaid program that is informed by the experiences of Medicaid beneficiaries, their caretakers, and other interested parties;
  • Requiring states to conduct enrollee experience surveys in Medicaid managed care annually for each managed care plan to gather input directly from enrollees; and
  • Establishing a framework for states to implement a Medicaid or CHIP quality rating system, a “one-stop-shop” for enrollees to compare Medicaid or CHIP managed care plans based on quality of care, access to providers, covered benefits and drugs, cost, and other plan performance indicators.

The proposed rules will be published in the May 5, 2023, Federal Register, and comments will be accepted through July 3, 2023.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has announced that they will be presenting a live, interactive, six-session webinar series on housing issues.

The webinars will be held every Wednesday, beginning May 24, 2023, through June 28, 2023, from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. They will include targeted content and question and answer sessions with housing experts and staff from OLTL.

The information covered in this webinar series will be similar to the information covered in the 2022 OLTL housing webinar series.

This webinar series builds on information already provided in the Online Housing Training Modules and the Self-Determination Housing of Pennsylvania (SDHP)/Inglis’s Prepared Renter Program (PREP) curriculum.

This series of webinars is designed to be taken in order. The content in each session builds on prior content. Participants will get the most out of the program by taking all of the sessions in order. Although individuals are not required to complete the sessions in order, to keep the sessions focused, the webinar leader may opt to table questions that were covered in prior sessions.

The target audience for this webinar series is Service Coordinators (SC), Managed Care Organizations (MCO), and Service Coordination Entity (SCE) support staff who assist program participants in securing and maintaining affordable, accessible housing through Home and Community-Based Services. Additional target audiences for these webinars includes individuals and organizations who provide long-term services and supports for older Pennsylvanians and people with physical disabilities.

2023 OLTL Housing Series Curriculum

Webinar 1: Understanding Housing Nuances in Pennsylvania

  • 12 Housing Sector Nuances to Be Aware Of

Webinar 2: Recommended Relationships to Have in the Housing Sector

  • 6 Key Partnerships to Cultivate

Webinar 3: Types of Housing Funding Sources

  • 6 Kinds of Funding Sources to Be Aware Of

Webinar 4: Fair Housing with the Housing Equality Center of PA

  • Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications
  • Fair Housing Law

Webinar 5: Keeping Participants Housed with Landlord Engagement Techniques

  • 6 Key Concepts to Understand in Keeping Participants Housed

Webinar 6: Top 7 Housing Information Resources to be Aware Of

  • Housing Resources

Registration is available.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) wishes to create awareness of a recent announcement from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommending consumers, health care providers, and facilities not use certain surgical N95 respirators manufactured by O&M Halyard, and to use caution with certain surgical masks and pediatric face masks manufactured by O&M Halyard. For access to additional details, please visitFDA Safety Communication: O&M Halyard Surgical N95 Respirators, Surgical Masks, and Pediatric Face Masks.”

If this creates a hardship to a provider, please reach out to Douglas Trahey electronically.