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Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

The 2023 RCPA Conference, which will be celebrating our 10-year anniversary as a leader in shaping policy and enhancing lives, will be held October 10 – 13 at the Hershey Lodge for a statewide audience. The Conference Committee is seeking workshop proposals in every area for possible inclusion, particularly those that assist providers in developing and maintaining high-quality, stable, and effective treatments, services, and agencies in an industry where change is constant. The committee looks for presentations that:

  • Highlight new policy, research, and treatment initiatives, such as telehealth innovations, suicide prevention, and employing people with disabilities;
  • Provide specific skills and information related to individual and organizational leadership development and enhancement;
  • Discuss advanced ethics practices;
  • Address system changes that affect business practices, including integrated care strategies, value-based purchasing, acquisitions/mergers, and alternative payment models;
  • Provide guidance on building a culture of a committed workforce, including recruitment and employee development as well as effective remote workforce strategies;
  • Offer concrete skills and tools to operate more efficient, effective agencies; and
  • Inspire ideas for organizations to be leaders in their field.

The committee welcomes any proposal that addresses these and other topics essential to rehabilitation, mental health, substance use disorder, children’s health, aging, physical disabilities, and intellectual/developmental disabilities & autism. Members are encouraged to consider submitting and to forward this opportunity to those who are exceptionally good speakers and have state-of-the-art information to share.

The Call for Proposals (featuring a complete listing of focus tracks) and accompanying Guidelines for Developing Educational Objectives detail requirements for submissions. The deadline for submissions is Monday, March 13, 2023, at 5:00 pm. Proposals must be submitted electronically on the form provided; confirmation of receipt will be sent. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

If the proposal is accepted, individuals must be prepared to present on any day of the conference. Workshops are 90 or 180 minutes in length. At the time of acceptance, presenters will be required to confirm the ability to submit workshop handouts electronically four weeks prior to the conference. Individuals unable to meet this expectation should not submit proposals for consideration.

Individuals are welcome to submit multiple proposals. Notification of inclusion will be made via email by Friday, May 12, 2023. Questions may be directed to Carol Ferenz, Conference Coordinator.

Access, Empowerment, Experience: Driving Voice Behind Change

This issue of Positive Approaches focuses on the importance of advocacy for individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism, and serious mental illness. Article topics include barriers to self-advocacy; the complicated language of autism advocacy; and the history, evolution, and importance of advocacy at state mental hospitals. Also presented is an article on two mothers’ experiences advocating for family members throughout their lifespan.

This issue of the Positive Approaches Journal is in digital form, available for viewing online or for downloading. To print a copy of the PDF, online journal, or a specific article, find these options within the left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page. A new window will open with the selected document. In the browser, you may click the print button in the top left corner of the page or use the print capability within your browser.

Please submit feedback regarding your experience with the Positive Approaches Journal on MyODP by selecting the feedback image on MyODP within your left navigation bar on any Positive Approaches Journal page. The Positive Approaches Journal is published quarterly. For additional information, please contact ODP Training.

ODP Announcement 23-024 states that the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Columbus Organization are pleased to announce the release of a new Incident Management (IM) training series on the MyODP website. The course, “Leadership’s Role in Reporting, Investigating, and Responding to Incidents,” focuses on the responsibility of leaders for the overall implementation of a high-quality Incident Management system that effectively protects the health and safety of individuals and aligns with the requirements set forth in Incident Management Bulletin 00-21-02.

You can access the course, which contains the webcast series, here.

Resources for Integrated Care (RIC) recently released a brief on telehealth and its impact on dually eligible people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). As noted by RIC, people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, as well as people with I/DD, are diagnosed with multiple chronic conditions at higher rates than the general population and often face barriers with access to healthcare.

Telehealth services have been increasing in popularity and usage and have the potential to positively impact people with I/DD. Health plans can utilize this information to further their understanding of how telehealth modalities can improve access to person-centered care for people with I/DD.

RCPA has partnered with other organizations representing intellectual disability and/or autism (ID/A) providers to send a letter to Governor Josh Shapiro asking him to invest an additional $430 million for IDD services in the 2023/24 state budget proposal. Governor Shapiro needs to hear from providers, families, individuals, and advocates for the IDD system that we are in critical need of this additional funding. This investment would enable providers to improve the wages for the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who provide care to individuals with ID/A. Improving wages will help to ensure services are available to the individuals and families who rely on these services.

Currently, thousands of Pennsylvanians with ID/A are not receiving the supports they are entitled to through Medicaid, and those individuals who are currently receiving services are in danger of losing them. The current rate system does not support the ever rising costs of providing services and paying the DSPs a wage that is reflective of their duties. Our workforce is not sufficient to meet the needs of everyone who requires care.

The additional investment into the Home and Community-Based Services rates will enable providers to give their DSPs a raise and a better starting wage to compete with other employers.

Please reach out to our Governor and ask for his support today! You can reach Governor Shapiro via this online form.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
6:00 pm ET
Register here

Pennsylvania’s ABLE program provides individuals with qualifying disabilities a way to save and invest without affecting their benefits. What is new with ABLE? Join PATF and find out!

A lot has happened in the last few months, and more is to come. Diana Fishlock of the Pennsylvania Treasury Department will discuss the details of Pennsylvania’s ABLE program. Susan Tachau and Karen Hassett, Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF), along with the following partners will provide a brief introduction:

  • Melissa Hawkins, Director, Pennsylvania Office of Deaf and Hard of Hearing;
  • Amy Nieves, Executive Director, Mayor’s Commission for People with Disabilities; and
  • Amy Levine, Director of Institutional Advancement, Pennsylvania School for the Deaf.

ASL, CART, and Spanish interpretation will be provided for the webinar. If you require additional accommodations, please let PATF know if you require additional accommodations when you register for the webinar no later than March 1, 2023.

PLEASE NOTE: PATF will host an in-person workshop with ASL and tactile interpreters in late Spring 2023.

This webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be sent out after the event via email to all who register. If you have any questions or need assistance with registering, please contact Karen Hassett at 484-675-0506 or via email.