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Tuesday, August 6, 2024
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CDT;
11:00 am – 12:00 pm MDT; 10:00 am – 11:00 am PDT
Register Here

Jennifer Bernstein, PT, DPT

Speaker Bio:

Jennifer Bernstein, PT, DPT, is a Board-Certified Specialist in Oncologic Physical Therapy. Dr. Bernstein has been a practicing physical therapist for over 10 years, all of which have been spent at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her areas of specialty practice within physical therapy include Oncology, Hematology, and Bone Marrow Transplant for pediatric, adolescent, and young adult patients. Jennifer received her Board Certification in Oncology in 2020 and has been involved in extensive program development and leadership roles representing the hospital’s occupational and physical therapists. She serves as the Specialization Chair for the Oncology section of the APTA, which allows her to actively engage with other passionate members of the organization. She serves as a mentor in the APTA Oncology Mentorship Program and has greatly enjoyed sharing her knowledge about the world of oncology physical therapy. Most recently, Whole-Body Vibration in Oncology Rehabilitation: Perceived Benefits, Barriers and Clinical Willingness was published in the Rehabilitation Oncology Journal, serving as Jen’s second publication. She has enjoyed being featured on “The OncoPT Podcast” and serving as a guest contributor for a Medbridge Course About Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology.

Objectives: At the end of this session, the learner will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the evidence on exercise and patients with cancer;
  • Identify precautions, indications, and contraindications to be considered when working with individuals under treatment for cancer​;
  • Acknowledge the diversity, complexity, and variability involved in a cancer diagnosis at various life stages; and
  • Establish an understanding of the role of rehab professionals throughout the continuum of care for patients undergoing treatment for cancer in various practice settings​.

Audience: This webinar is intended for all interested members of the rehabilitation team.

Level: Beginner – Intermediate

Certificate of Attendance: Certificates of attendance are available for all attendees. No CEs are provided for this course.

Complimentary webinars are a benefit of membership in IPRC/RCPA. Registration fee for non-members is $179. Not a member yet? Consider joining today.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has released a message providing advance notice of the 2024 pre-administration of the home and community-based services (HCBS) Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey.

OLTL has the HCBS CAHPS survey administered to participants who receive HCBS through the Act 150 Program as well as the OBRA and the Community HealthChoices (CHC) Waiver Programs in the fall. The department then uses the responses received to assist them with improving the services participants receive. To increase response rates, OLTL is requesting Service Coordinators to begin having conversations with the HCBS participants in order to provide an introduction and encourage participation in the upcoming administration of the survey.

The HCBS CAHPS Survey will be administered from August 1, 2024, to October 31, 2024. This survey will ask questions about the services HCBS participants receive at home or in the community and how well the services meet their needs. Press Ganey, an independent firm, will conduct the survey. They will call participants to set up a time to talk. Member’s participants may also call Press Ganey toll free at 1-800-588-1659 (TTY: 711) if they would like to take the 30-minute survey. The number can also be used to make an appointment to take the survey at a time that works for them. Participants are randomly selected to participate in the survey from a list of all participants receiving HCBS through either the Act 150 Program, the OBRA Waiver, or the CHC Waiver Programs. Language Services can be provided to HCBS participants at no cost.

Members are encouraged to remind participants that their privacy is important. If they choose to participate, any information that they provide will be kept confidential. Participants will not be identified in any report that is released, and their answers will not be shared with their providers, Service Coordinator, or anyone else who assists them. It is the participant’s choice whether to participate, and their decision to participate will not affect any HCBS received through OLTL.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has shared ODPANN 24-058. This communication announces the start of Cycle 2, Year 3 (C2Y3) of the Quality Assessment & Improvement (QA&I) Process on July 1, 2024. All Administrative Entities, Supports Coordination Organizations, and Providers, regardless of receiving a full review or not, are required to complete a QA&I self-assessment of their performance on the provision of services and supports to individuals annually based on key quality metrics and implementation of “Everyday Lives: Values into Action.”

Please view the announcement for information and details.

Thursday June 20, the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) held the fourth Provider Preparedness Summit for residential providers. Additional discussion on specific performance standards for Performance-Based Contracting took place.

The PowerPoint can be viewed here, and a recording of the session will be posted shortly on the MyODP website.

ODP staff answered many questions submitted by providers and will take questions/comments into consideration for change. The discussion was primarily focused on an overview of the performance standards, including Competitive Integrated Employment, Community Inclusion, and use of Remote Support Technology.

ODP staff referenced the ISP Manual, which contains useful information on Remote Supports.

ODP also polled participants for questions such as the possibility of postponing Provider Tier assignments until March, and acceptable referral process for individuals in Needs Group 4.

No changes have been made at this time, but ODP is interested in feedback from stakeholders.

Providers are encouraged to attend all four sessions as well as watch a pre-recorded webinar. All of these recordings and resources can be found on the MyODP website.

The agenda for the July 2, 2024 Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Subcommittee meeting has been released. Included in the agenda is the recent release of the Community HealthChoices (CHC) Waiver renewal and OBRA Waiver amendments proposed for January 2025. There will also be a discussion on the Mercer rate and wage study that will be coming up in the very near future.

As a reminder, the meeting is hybrid, held both in person and via webinar. The meeting is held in the Honors Suite, 1st floor, 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17126 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. The meeting information is provided below:

Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

RCPA is partnering with The Arc of PA, PAR, TPA, The Alliance of Community Service Providers, and MAX to hold a press conference on Wednesday, June 26, 10:00 am – 11:00 am. Speakers scheduled to participate include House Human Services Co-Chairs Rep. Doyle Heffley and Rep. Stephen Kinsey, self -advocates, families, and DSPs to express our appreciation and support of the governor’s proposed budget funding for ID/A services in PA. Members are welcome to join us in the rotunda of the Capitol. No registration is necessary. There is a limit to the amount of people who are permitted to be in the rotunda for these events, so we are not encouraging large groups to attend. Any questions, please contact Carol Ferenz.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that payments under the Accelerated and Advance Payment (AAP) Program for the Change Healthcare/Optum Payment Disruption (CHOPD) will end on July 12, 2024.

CMS has reported that CHOPD accelerated payments totaling more than $2.55 billion have been issued to over 4,200 Medicare Part A providers, and another 4,722 CHOPD advance payments, totaling more than $717.18 million, have been issued to Part B suppliers. CMS also states that providers of services and suppliers are now successfully billing Medicare, and to date, CMS has already recovered over 96% of the CHOPD payments. After July 12, providers that are having difficulty with billing or receiving payments should contact Change Healthcare and/or their Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) directly.

Additional information can be found on the Healthcare and Public Health Cybersecurity Performance Goals web page.