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The Bureau of Human Services Licensing (BHSL) recently issued updated information on the Plan of Correction (POC) process. Beginning on May 1, 2022, the following will be implemented:

  • A new one page Effective Plan of Correction Guide, which the licensing representative will review and leave behind at each Exit Conference;
  • The availability of staff to schedule a phone consultation for technical assistance prior to the submission of the initial Plan of Correction;
  • One reminder phone call and email for any overdue initial or revised Plans of Correction;
  • Return of unacceptable initial submissions of the Plan of Correction in Sanswrite with specific comments on what is required on the resubmission for the Plan to be accepted;
  • One phone call and email to schedule an appointment to walk through the Plan of Correction process for any unacceptable second submission of Plans of Correction; and
  • The opportunity to request an extension of due dates for initial and revised submissions of Plans of Correction.

These actions have been taken so that providers have every opportunity to submit an acceptable POC and, when possible, avoid a directed POC.

Other changes that BHSL is implementing to address quality, consistency, and timeliness include:

  • Initial POC that are missing information or do not adequately address the violation will not be accepted or directed. If the Plan is missing any of the required information, such as when the corrective action will be implanted or who is responsible, OR the plan is inadequate to correct for the violation, the plan will be returned with comments in Sanswrite, even for minor errors.
  • If a POC has not been received past the due date, BHSL will direct the POC no sooner than three business days after one reminder phone call and email have been made. BHSL may accept the provider’s late submission of a POC if a directed POC has not yet been started.

To request technical assistance at any point in the process or an extension of due dates, providers should contact their licensing supervisor (or licensing representative in the Central region) prior to the POC due date. Additional information on submitting an acceptable POC is also available at Personal Care Home Licensing under “Plans of Correction.”

For additional information, please refer to the Effective POC Guide and the Sample Acceptable Plans of Correction for Personal Care Homes (PCHs) and Assisted Living Residences (ALRs).

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    Do you know a social enterprise that is doing great work in your community? Many of the agencies in our communities run amazing social enterprises (businesses that serve a social purpose). These businesses help employ underserved communities, connect individuals with communities, and provide additional funding for the agency. If you know a social enterprise doing amazing work, nominate that social enterprise for a chance to win a $500 donation to help support their programs. View the web page for more information and to submit a nomination.

    ODP Announcement 22-044 serves to clarify that ridesharing services, such as Lyft, Uber, or other similar transportation services, may be reimbursed through the public transportation service. Public transportation services are provided to or purchased for an individual to promote self-determination and enable an individual to gain access to employment, services, and activities specified in the Individual Support Plan (ISP). Public transportation may be purchased by an OHCDS or by an FMS organization for individuals who self-direct services. In addition, public transportation vendors may enroll directly with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP).

    For individuals receiving residential services (Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing, or Supported Living), transportation services may only be used to enable an individual to get to his or her competitive, integrated job. If the individual is using public transportation for other needs, such as community activities, volunteering, visiting family or friends, etc., the cost of this service is included in the rate paid to providers of Residential Habilitation, Life Sharing, and Supported Living.

    The cost of ridesharing services, such as Uber, Lyft, or similar public transportation options, can be reimbursed through the Transportation service. If the Transportation service is under consideration by the individual and their ISP team, the team must determine if using a ridesharing service is a cost-effective, beneficial, and practical transportation option for the individual.

    The team must consider other options available through the transportation service, including publicly available bus passes, rail service, taxi service, and Transportation Trip to ensure the most cost-effective, beneficial, and practical use of the service.

    Please see the full announcement for more details about the use of these services.

    Photo by Copernico on Unsplash

    The Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Advisory Board, established under section 1252 of the Federal Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 1996 (42 U.S.C.A. § 300d-52), will hold a public meeting on May 6, 2022. The meeting will be held in person at the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN), 6340 Flank Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112, in the Dauphin Conference Room from 10:00 am–3:00 pm. There will also be a virtual option available by means of Microsoft Teams. To join the Microsoft Teams meeting, call (267) 332-8737. The conference ID is 126 841 107#.

    Meeting materials will be sent out before the public meeting and will also be available on the website as well as the meeting location. Questions about the meeting should be directed to Nicole Johnson.

    The Department of Health’s (DOH) Head Injury Program (HIP) strives to ensure that eligible individuals who have a TBI receive high quality rehabilitative services aimed at reducing functional limitations and improving quality of life. The Board assists DOH in understanding and meeting the needs of persons living with TBI and their families. This quarterly public meeting will provide updates on a variety of topics, including the number of people served by HIP. In addition, meeting participants will discuss budgetary and programmatic issues, community programs relating to traumatic brain injury, and available advocacy opportunities.

    For additional information, or for persons with a disability who wish to attend the public meeting and require an auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to do so, contact Nicole Johnson, Division of Community Systems Development and Outreach at (717) 772-2763, or for speech and/or hearing-impaired persons, contact V/TT (717) 783-6514 or the Pennsylvania Hamilton Relay Service at (800) 654-5984.

    ODP Announcement 22-045 announces that the renewals of the Consolidated, Community Living, and P/FDS waivers were submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on April 1, 2022. CMS requires Medicaid waivers to be renewed every five years. The submitted waivers included revisions made as a result of over 500 public comments received from individuals and self-advocates, families, agencies, and organizations. Each full waiver application, as well as the Record of Change document that contains the substantive changes made as a result of public comment, is available online.

    It is anticipated that the waiver renewals will be approved and effective July 1, 2022. The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will inform all stakeholders when the waiver renewals have been approved. The approved versions will be made available online at that time.