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The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, conducted an environmental scan to determine how overdose prevention and response efforts are currently implemented in community corrections. This effort included a literature review, 19 key informant interviews, and a roundtable discussion with a diverse group of individuals with experience in community corrections, overdose prevention, or harm reduction.

Key findings, along with the full report, are available on the National Council’s website.

The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) announced more than $15 million in grant funding for stabilization payments to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers to assist with pandemic-related expenses.

Through 108 grant agreements, 375 SUD treatment provider locations will receive funding. Grantees span across every Pennsylvania county, and all eligible applicants who applied were awarded funding. A list of grantees and awards are available on the DDAP website. However, funding amounts will not be finalized until all grant agreements are fully executed. This funding will aid in pandemic-related expenses, including but not limited to minimizing the spread of COVID-19 by ensuring the provision of testing and support of vaccines as appropriate and delivering quality, evidence-based treatment to individuals who are underinsured or uninsured.

The grants are part of $55 million in federal funding awarded to Pennsylvania through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental Awards.

With the staffing crisis showing no signs of easing, the need for help supporting the Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled community has never been more acute. SafeinHome has numerous tools to help enhance independence and self-direction while helping to ease staffing shortages. David Thom, Account Executive in the Philadelphia Region, has scheduled drop-in hours for the next few weeks to discuss how Remote Supports (RS) and Assistive Technology (AT) can help the people we all serve.

SafeinHome invites you to learn about their Remote Supports and Assistive Technology during office hours at the following times via Zoom or Teams. Whether you’d like to talk about a specific individual, or just discuss Remote Supports and Assistive Technology in general, please feel free to join the office hours or reach out any time via the contact information below:

Tara Harmening, Southwestern PA, 724-433-9401
Every Tuesday 10:00 am–11:00 am through 3-15-22
Visit here to join the meeting.

Season Jackson, Northeastern PA, 570-840-2240
Every Thursday 9:00 am–10 am through 3-24-22
Visit here to join the meeting.

Christina Romel, Western PA, 412-779-3100
Every Tuesday 11:00 am–12:00 pm
Visit here to join the Zoom meeting.

Kristie Ondisco, Central PA, 570-640-0663
Every two weeks on Wednesdays 1:00 pm–2:00 pm, starting 3-23-22 to 4-20-22.
Visit here to join the meeting.

David Thom, Southeastern PA, 510-333-4909

Visit SafeinHome’s website for more details.

The 2022 RCPA Conference, Together, will be held October 11–14 at the Hershey Lodge as a premier statewide event. The Conference Committee is seeking workshop proposals in every area for possible inclusion. Encouraged presentations are those that assist providers in developing and maintaining high-quality, stable, and effective treatments, services, and agencies in an industry where change is constant. The committee looks for presentations that:

  • Highlight new policy, research, and treatment initiatives, such as telehealth innovations;
  • Provide specific skills and information related to individual and organizational leadership development and enhancement;
  • Address system changes that affect business practices, including value-based purchasing and alternative payment models;
  • Provide guidance on recruiting and developing a committed workforce;
  • Offer concrete skills and tools to operate more efficient, effective agencies; and
  • Inspire ideas for organizations to work Together.

Workshop ideas for 2022 include:

  • Workforce shortage solutions;
  • The changing health care landscape, including telehealth changes;
  • Executive leadership;
  • Integrated care strategies for implementation and reimbursement;
  • Managed care models for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, including other state experiences;
  • Advanced ethics topics;
  • Acquisitions/mergers and consolidations;
  • Value-based purchasing and alternative payment options; and
  • Employing people with disabilities.

The committee welcomes any proposal that addresses these and other topics essential to rehabilitation, mental health, substance use, children’s, aging, physical disabilities, and intellectual/developmental disabilities & autism. Members are encouraged to consider submitting and to forward this opportunity to those who are exceptionally good speakers and have state-of-the-art information to share.

The Call for Proposals (featuring a complete listing of focus tracks) and accompanying Guidelines for Developing Educational Objectives outline requirements for submissions. Proposals must be submitted electronically on the form provided; confirmation of receipt will be sent. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

If the proposal is accepted, individuals must be prepared to present on any day of the conference. Workshops are 90 or 180 minutes in length. At the time of acceptance, presenters will be required to confirm the ability to submit workshop handouts electronically four weeks prior to the conference. Individuals unable to meet this expectation should not submit proposals for consideration.

Individuals are welcome to submit multiple proposals. Notification of inclusion will be made via email by May 13, 2022. Questions may be directed to Sarah Eyster or Carol Ferenz, Conference Coordinators.

We look forward to coming together again this October!