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The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has updated its guidance about payments to strengthen the home and community-based services (HCBS) workforce and assist Adult Day Service (ADS) providers. The updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document is available under the “Strengthening the Workforce” heading on the DHS Long-Term Care Providers page.

To maximize the use of federal funding under Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, OLTL has moved the date by which providers must spend “Strengthening the Workforce” and “Adult Day Services” funds from March 31, 2024, to October 1, 2023. This change allows sufficient time for providers to file an expenditure report and return unspent funds as applicable. OLTL will offer additional details about ARPA expenditure reporting in coming months.

Providers that have questions about this information should contact the OLTL Provider Helpline at 800-932-0939.

The Department of Human Services’ (DHS) Division of Adult Protective Services (APS) developed a media toolkit designed for facilities, mandatory reporters, and community members to assist in the awareness of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and abandonment of adults ages 18 to 59 living with a disability within the Commonwealth. Learn more about APS and use these resources to help promote APS to your clients, constituents, and network at the Adult Protective Services Media Toolkit web page.

Additionally, there are several dates (that are subject to change) where DHS will be publishing different social media posts that everyone is encouraged to share. These are available at the Adult Protective Services Media Toolkit web page on:

  • Wednesday, February 9, 2022;
  • Tuesday, February 15, 2022;
  • Wednesday, February 23, 2022;
  • Thursday, March 3, 2022;
  • Monday, March 14, 2022; and
  • Wednesday, March 23, 2022.

Questions regarding the materials found in the APS Media Toolkit or suggestions of additional resources that might be helpful in promoting the program should be directed to the APS Division.

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The American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law invites you to attend their national conferences to be held in person April 5–8, 2022, in Tysons Corner, Virginia (a suburb of Washington, DC). Thanks to the generosity of the PA Department of Human Services’ Office of Children, Youth, and Families, the ABA Permanency and Education Barriers Projects are pleased to offer a 50% discount on registration fees for either one or both of these conferences to all attorneys or child welfare professionals currently practicing in Pennsylvania. Please see the flyer for more information, including a link to the agendas, registration information, and a hotel discount.

A Financial Management Services (FMS) Stakeholder meeting has been scheduled for February 18, 2022, from 1:00 pm–2:30 pm. This public meeting will be held to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 programs. Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) and CHC Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) will be in attendance to discuss these changes.

Those interested in participating should register prior to the meeting. After registering, a confirmation email will be sent containing information about joining the webinar.

If you choose to use your phone to call in, please use the numbers below:

Dial in: 1 (415) 930-5321
Access Code: 159291259#
Audio PIN: shown after joining the webinar

ODPANN 22-019 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding for Respite and Family Driven Support Services (FDSS) informs stakeholders of ARPA funds that are available to AEs to disperse in order to meet respite and/or the Family Driven Support Services (FDSS) needs of individuals on the waiting list who do not currently receive waiver funded services. This communication is intended to:

  • Describe eligibility criteria for the use of these funds;
  • Describe eligible expenditures;
  • Describe responsibilities of counties in allocating funding; and
  • Reporting requirements.

You can also view the family supports funds tracker here.