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When Carter G. Woodson established “Negro History Week” in 1926, he realized the importance of providing a theme to focus the attention of the public. The intention has never been to dictate or limit the exploration of the Black experience, but to bring to the public’s attention important developments that merit emphasis.

For those interested in the study of identity and ideology, an exploration of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History’s (ASALH) Black History themes is itself instructive. Over the years, the themes reflect changes in how people of African descent in the United States have viewed themselves, the influence of social movements on racial ideologies, and the aspirations of the Black community.

The changes notwithstanding, the list reveals an overarching continuity to exploring historical issues of importance to people of African descent and race relations in America.*

*excerpts taken from ASALH web page on Black History Themes.

Further your education on Black Health and Wellness with these resources:

The Council on Brain Injury (CoBI) has announced an upcoming clinical forum entitled “Brain Injury Across the Pediatric Lifespan” on February 8, 2022, from 3:30 pm–5:00 pm. The presentation and discussion will be conducted by Dr. Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa.

Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa, PhD, is a senior health scientist on the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Team in the Division of Injury Prevention (DIP) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Injury Center. As a health scientist, her role on the TBI team is to devise research projects and products to better understand trends in TBI in the United States and to improve health outcomes for individuals living with a TBI. She is Project Lead on the Report to Congress on the Management of Traumatic Brain Injury in Children and a scientific collaborator for clinical decision support and return to school projects in the division.

This webinar is intended for a professional audience and is free of charge. Attendees must register prior to the webinar. Questions about the webinar should be directed to MJ Schmidt via email.

The following request is for licensed Chapter 6400 Residential Providers only.

The Department of Human Services has a critical need for updated vaccine uptake information as a result of the recent increase in COVID-19 cases and availability of boosters. We need your help to gather this important information. Please complete this brief survey by 5:00 pm on Monday, February 14, 2022.

This survey is part of a larger effort to obtain a point-in-time view of the vaccination rate of staff and residents in all 6400 Residential Community Homes licensed by DHS. For the number of staff, please use the count for those currently employed and who work within the licensed residential setting(s) operated by your agency (even if they might not come into direct contact with individuals receiving services).

We realize that you have provided this information in the past and appreciate your ongoing cooperation in stopping the spread of the virus. You will note that this survey is much shorter than previous versions and should not take a great deal of time to complete. Please respond by agency, not licensed home.

For any questions regarding this survey, please contact ODP via email.

Thank you for your support in our ongoing fight against COVID-19.

Survey Link

As the state’s primary contractor for Medicaid-funded behavioral health (BH) care services (HealthChoices), Allegheny County DHS is responsible for $420M in state-managed care funding to deliver behavioral health services to approximately 260,000 county residents through its contracted partnership with Community Care Behavioral Health.

Historically, as the primary contractor to the state for the HealthChoices program, DHS has delegated its oversight and monitoring functions for this program to Allegheny Health Choices, Inc. (AHCI), and AHCI has done tremendous work helping the county to meet state obligations over the years. Increasingly however, the county has determined that making a structural change to bring monitoring and oversight in-house can streamline those functions and further strengthen the HC program for Allegheny County.

For this reason, the county, together with DHS, has made the decision to transition HealthChoices oversight and monitoring functions from AHCI to DHS, with expected changes to occur in the first quarter of 2023.

See below for further information: