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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has approved the Office of Long-Term Living’s (OLTL) Community HealthChoices (CHC) Waiver amendment. The amendment is effective January 1, 2022.

The changes in the approved amendment include:

  • Revised service definitions, service limitations, and/or provider qualifications for the following CHC waiver services:
    • Adult Daily Living;
    • Home Adaptations;
    • Participant-Directed Community Supports;
    • Personal Assistance Services;
    • Personal Emergency Response System (PERS);
    • Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies; and
    • Vehicle Modifications.
  • Revised waiver performance measures.
  • Revised number of unduplicated recipients for Waiver Years 3–5 and revised corresponding cost neutrality estimates.
  • Revised Service Coordinator selection or assignment time frame from 14 days to 7 days to be consistent with the CHC Agreement.

Questions about the 2022 CHC amendment can be submitted electronically.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has updated the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Medical Assistance (MA) Fee Schedule. The updates reflect the fee schedule rates for Personal Assistance Services (PAS) procedure codes W1793, W1793 TT, W1792, and W1792 TU in the referenced Pennsylvania Bulletin below.

The updated OLTL HCBS MA Fee Schedule (effective January 1, 2022) may be found here. The new rates for the OBRA Waiver and Act 150 Program were announced in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on November 6, 2021, in the Volume 51, Number 45 issue and can be found here.

Questions related to this update should be directed to the OLTL Provider Inquiry Line at 800-932-0939, option 2, Monday–Friday between 9:00 am–12:00 pm and 1:00 pm–4:00 pm.

The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) has issued additional guidance on the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) Enhancements.

As stated in the communication sent on December 10, 2021, Critical Incident Report Extensions changes were implemented in the EIM system on December 11, 2021. With these changes, once the maximum number of allowed extensions is reached, providers and service coordinators (SC) will need to contact OLTL if additional extensions are needed.

The December 10, 2021, communication indicated that OLTL had drafted a form to use in the near future, and once approved, you would be notified. The OLTL EIM Critical Incident Report Extension Request form has been approved and is here for your use.

When requesting incident report extensions, please follow these instructions:

  • Request forms must be submitted to OLTL at least 5 business days prior to incident report due date, via email.
  • Reasons for prior extensions must be clearly documented in the incident report.
  • The reason for an extension request must be detailed, valid, and clearly documented in the incident report as well as in the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS) notes.
  • Incident report extensions will be approved for 30 days from previous report due date.

OLTL staff will respond to extension requests within 3 business days by replying to the requestor to let them know if the request was approved or rejected. If rejected, the reason for the rejection will be included in the response. If approved, OLTL staff will enter the extension in EIM.

Any questions regarding the information in this email should be directed here.

National Core Indicators®-IDD: NCI Family Surveys COVID-19 Supplement — National Report Special Edition

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NCI-IDD added a state-optional COVID-19 Supplement to all NCI-IDD Surveys. The COVID-19 Supplement is intended to support the understanding of the experience of people with disabilities and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as their interactions with services during that time. Data was collected between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021.

This Special Edition Report shows individual state and overall national outcomes for the NCI-IDD COVID-19 Supplement questions. You can see the report here.