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Due to a scheduling conflict with a national conference, the decision has been made to reschedule RCPA’s Physical Disabilities & Aging (PD&A) Division webcast, which was originally scheduled for December 9, 2021. The new date for this meeting is Monday, January 10, 2022, from 1:00 pm–4:00 pm. The meeting will be held via webcast. If you have any suggested agenda topics, please send them to Melissa Dehoff.

PLEASE NOTE: If you previously registered for the December meeting, you WILL need to re-register for the January meeting. Please register here.

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“Examining White Privilege with Jill Freedman, LCSW and Gene Combs, MD”

December 4, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register here. 
This webinar will occur once a week on Saturday from December 4–18, 2021, for a total of three sessions.

This group is intended for white-identifying mental health professionals, students, and supervisors who are committed to engaging in antiracist work.

ODP Announcement 21-087 is to inform all interested parties of CMS’ approval of amendments to the Consolidated, Community Living, and Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) waivers (hereafter referred to as the Intellectual Disability and Autism [ID/A] waivers). The ID/A waiver amendments became effective on November 22, 2021, and are available on the Department of Human Services’ website.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) developed a Record of Change document that contains all of the substantive changes in the approved ID/A amendments. Each full waiver application approved by CMS and the Record of Change document are available as follows:

ODP is also holding a webinar to provide an overview of all substantive changes in the approved ID/A amendments. The date, time, and link for registration to attend the webinar are as follows:

ODP is developing two additional communications regarding the provision of remote supports in residential settings and non-residential settings, including information about webinars that will be held regarding the provision of remote supports.

CONTACT: Questions about this communication should be directed to the appropriate Office of Developmental Programs Regional Office.