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ODP Announcement 21-079 announces the release of an updated Administrative Review Process Manual. This document replaces the manual that was published in 2018. All prospective and current Administrative Review Committee members are required to be familiar with the Administrative Review Process guidelines that are outlined in the manual.

These changes were made in order to align with Incident Management (IM) Bulletin 00-21-02 (which was issued March 1, 2021 and became effective on July 1, 2021) and the Enterprise Incident Management (EIM) system. Several new or expanded topics have been added to the manual. Major changes to the new manual include:

  • How to complete committee responsibilities while using new EIM functionality changes;
  • How to complete the Administrative Review Information, Administrative Review Summary, Preventative Corrective Actions, and Additional Corrective Actions in EIM;
  • How to complete the Certified Investigator Report and Administrative Review Committee Report forms that are fillable and consistent with screens in EIM;
  • A glossary of terms that are relevant to both the Certified Investigator and the Administrative Review Committee; and
  • How to ensure core principles of objectivity, speed/timeliness, and thoroughness are present while reviewing critical incident investigations.

If you have any questions regarding the 2021 Administrative Review Process Manual, please submit them via email.

A new training program, entitled “Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies for Treating Individuals with Substance Use Disorder,” is now available. The training consists of an online module through TrainPA and in-person/virtual skills training sessions. It contains four levels of trainings, each building upon one another. The four levels are:

  • Level One: Foundational Information on Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies for Treating Individuals with Substance Use Disorder
  • Level Two: Conceptualization and Skills Application
  • Level Three: Demonstration and Evaluation
  • Level Four: Fidelity and Support.

More information is available here.

DDAP has identified a need for substance use disorder (SUD) drop-in centers, which provide harm reduction support services and connections to recovery and treatment services, in areas of the commonwealth where overdose death rates are highest. DDAP will provide funds to existing drop-in centers to expand their services and increase overdose prevention and community-driven harm reduction. Physical locations of the existing drop-in centers can be permanently fixed or temporary, community-based pop-up locations.

More information about the grant is available here. A project summary and budget template are available on DDAP’s website.

All applications should be submitted electronically no later than 12:00 pm, Monday, December 13, 2021.

CMS Announces November 10 COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination Call
Releases Links & Slides From Previous Call

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that another COVID-19 Health Care Staff Vaccination National Stakeholder call (associated with the release of the November 4 emergency regulation) will be conducted on November 10, 2021 from 3:30 pm–4:30 pm. To participate in this call, registration is required. Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email that contains information about joining the webinar. Members are encouraged to log in prior to the call beginning, as the call can only accommodate 10,000 participants.

The slides and video from the November 4, 2021 National Stakeholder call are available if you were unable to get into that call. CMS also released its Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).