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RCPA will close the workforce survey at close of business today, Monday, October 18, 2021. The survey, which is open to all Human Service Providers in Pennsylvania, covers workforce issues for a diverse range of programs, including Mental Health, IDD/Autism, Brain Injury, Drug & Alcohol, and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRF). The survey responses seek to gather data related to hiring, retention, vacancy rates, pay structures, vaccinations, and COVID-19 impacts on programs as well as access to care associated with the pandemic.

We thank you for your time in completing this survey. We will begin the survey analysis of the survey outcomes and will complete a report for distribution to our General Assembly, state stakeholders, members and participants.

Please complete the survey here. If you have any questions, please contact RCPA Director of Children’s Services Jim Sharp.


We are pleased to announce that the first Request for Application (RFA) book for 2022–2026 State Plan is now available for you to download, which includes 13 separate grant opportunities. The deadline to submit applications for these grants is December 1, 2021. Visit here to read more and download the RFA book and other application resources.

In addition, PADDC is offering funding on a rolling basis through our Community Grants Program. Get more information about the Community Grants Program here.

ODP Announcement 21-071 announces the release of additional Incident Management (IM) Bulletin trainings on the MyODP website, which focus on incident response, medication management, and target separation. The first course is titled “Responding to Incidents” and is relevant for all stakeholders. This course contains a series of four webcasts. The series also introduces two guides that are intended to assist individuals and families.

  • Incident Management Family Guide — “When Something Bad Happens to Someone I Care About or Support” : This guide was developed to provide families information about incident management processes and help guide a discussion. This guide is referenced throughout the series.
  • A Guide to Victim’s Assistance — This guide was developed to provide support team members information about resources available to support victims of crime that can be accessed locally. This guide is discussed in Part 3 of the series.

The second course is titled “Agency Focused Incident Management Training” and contains two webcasts that are targeted to Agency Incident Management Representatives and others who may have a role in agency incident reporting, management, oversight, or monitoring activities.

Visit the MyODP website to access Incident Management Bulletin 00-02-21 and attachments, resources, ODP announcements, and other additional ODP Incident Management trainings.

The PA Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) will hold a 30-day public comment period (October 1, 2021–October 30, 2021) on the draft 2-year modification of the 2020–2024 VR Services Portion of the Combined State Plan. All comments should be sent here.

In addition, virtual public meetings will be held on October 19, 2021, from 1:00 pm–3:00 pm, and October 21, 2021, from 10:00 am–12:00 pm. The meetings will be held via Zoom. Meeting details, including information for CART and sign language interpreting, and a copy of the draft plan will be posted on OVR’s website.

Paid for with Pennsylvania taxpayer dollars.

View The Draft Plan

Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay

Open for Public Comment: Proposed Amendments and Fee Schedule Rates for Services Impacted by Waiver Amendments

ODP Announcement 21-072 was distributed by the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) today. The purpose of this communication is to announce that the proposed amendments to the Consolidated, Community Living, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), and Adult Autism (AAW) Waivers are available for public review and comment. ODP is also making available for public review and comment the rate setting methodology and proposed Fee Schedule Rates for services in the Waivers that are impacted by the proposed amendments.

Information regarding the proposed waiver amendment changes, including how to provide comments, can be found in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, Volume 51, Number 42, published on Saturday, October 16, 2021. The waiver amendments, the side-by-side documents, and the assumption logs used to develop the Fee Schedule Rates are available.

There is a 30-day public comment period that starts on October 16, 2021, and ends on November 15, 2021. Comments should be addressed to:

Julie Mochon
Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs
625 Forster Street, Room 510
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Comments may also be submitted to ODP using subject header ”Waiver Amendment Comments.”

This ODP Announcement also includes links to register for three webinars that ODP will hold to receive comments on the proposed Waiver amendments: two webinars for the Consolidated, P/FDS, and Community Living Waivers, and one for the Adult Autism Waiver.

RCPA will be scheduling a member meeting to prepare comments to submit. If you are interested in participating, please contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA Director, IDD Division.

The Intellectual Disability/Autism (ID/A) Coalition is planning a rally to be held on the steps of the Capitol on Monday, October 25, 2021 at 11:00am. We want to make the legislators aware of the urgent need for the American Rescue Plan funds to be released to providers of service in order to enable them to invest in the workforce. Our workforce is fulfilling a critical need to support people with disabilities in their community. The time to release these funds is now!

For more information, contact Carol Ferenz, RCPA Director, IDD Division.