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Message from the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP):

To:  ICF/ID Administrators, CFOs, Financial Personnel, Consultants

ID-47 Waiver Submission (Budget Change Requests)

It has been brought to our attention that Appendix D (Historic Commonwealth Documentation Required For Budget Change Requests) items #26 and #31 state that 3 bids are required for purchases or repairs over $1,000. ß This is inconsistent with regulation 55 Pa code §6211.84 which states:

  • Purchase of services, major renovations, capital equipment, and supplies that exceed $5,000 annually must be made through a competitive bidding process or a request for proposal process.

ODP will NOT be requiring competitive bids for items with less than $5,000 annual cost.

Please keep in mind that Appendix D has not been updated or reviewed by ODP since 2006. If you have specific questions regarding documentation required to support your Budget Change Requests, please contact Steve Evitts.

ID-46 Cost Report Electronic Submission

  • ODP email accounts cannot receive zip files
  • Please send unzipped cost report and support files to:

Thank you,

Pamela S. Gilbert | Fiscal Manager
PA Department of Human Services | Office of Developmental Programs
Bureau of Financial Management and Program Support
USPS & InterOffice: P.O. Box 2675 | Forum Place, 8th Fl., ODP Suite | Harrisburg, PA 17105
FedEx/UPS:  555 Walnut St. | 8th Fl., ODP Suite | Harrisburg, PA  17101
Phone:  717.787.7123 (currently voicemail only)

ODP Announcement 21-064 describes how the change to the Medical Assistance state plan impacts the coverage of Home Accessibility Adaptations through the Community Living, Consolidated, Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS), Adult Autism Waivers, and base funding.

The Medical Assistance state plan has been updated to cover home accessibility durable medical equipment used by individuals with a mobility impairment to enter and exit their home or to support activities of daily living. Everyone enrolled in a Waiver must be eligible for items and services covered through the Medical Assistance state plan (either through Fee-For-Service or a physical health managed care organization). For this reason, items and services covered by the Medical Assistance state plan cannot be covered by Waivers (42 CFR §433 Subpart D.).

Please read the announcement for the details of how this change will impact individuals receiving waiver services in ODP. Please direct any questions about this announcement to your respective regional Office of Developmental Programs.

ODP Announcement 21-065 announces that Temple University Harrisburg Certified Investigator Program and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) will be facilitating Forums for Certified Investigators (CIs) and others involved in the incident investigation process. These forums are an opportunity for current Certified Investigators and other interested parties to receive up-to-date information about the incident investigation process.

The session dates and topics are:

  • 2021 CI Manual Updates on October 8, 2021;
  • 2021 Administrative Review Manual Updates on November 12, 2021; and
  • 2021 Peer Review Manual Updates on December 10, 2021.

There will be one session available on each date from 10:00 am–11:30 am. Registration will be open until the close of business on the Wednesday before each scheduled Friday Forum date.

Participants can submit questions prior to the session until close of business (COB) the Friday before the scheduled Forum to Amanda Black, who can also be reached for any questions regarding registration for the CI Fall 2021 Friday Forums.

As your teams begin working on completing the RCPA Work Force Survey, we received a request to have a master list of questions that can be referenced. The Master List of survey questions includes all service line areas, questions on the program operations, and vaccinations.

Again, we thank you for your efforts to complete the survey. Please contact RCPA Children’s Division Director Jim Sharp if you have any questions or concerns.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced the creation of a new Technical Expert Panel (TEP) consisting of 8-15 individuals that will focus on the maintenance and development of vaccination-related items and measures within each post-acute care (PAC) setting (inpatient rehabilitation facilities, home health agencies, skilled nursing facilities, and long-term care hospitals). The TEP will focus on reviewing and identifying potential improvements to existing vaccination measures and the development of a COVID resident/patient-level measure for each PAC setting.

Individuals selected to be a part of the TEP will meet through webinar twice in November. The nomination form is located on the announcement page and should be sent via email by October 11, 2021.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created existential challenges for agencies that provide supports and services to individuals who have disabilities and/or health issues. Staffing has been an area that has been significantly affected. Legislative and State Stakeholders have requested RCPA to quantify the impact of the pandemic on our workforce so that we might effectively lobby for the welfare of the agencies that support and serve individuals with disabilities and health issues.

The work force survey will examine work force topics for a diverse range of programs, including Mental Health, IDD/Autism, Brain Injury, Drug & Alcohol, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRF), and others. The survey responses seek to gather data related to hiring, retention, vacancy rates, pay structures, vaccinations, and COVID-19 impacts on programs as well as access to care associated with the pandemic.

RCPA is making the survey available to providers across Pennsylvania, not just RCPA members. Please be assured that response data will be de-identified and aggregated for reporting by an independent research entity, and your individual data will be shared with no one. A copy of the results of this survey will be available to all participants at the conclusion of the study. Please follow the link to the survey.

We thank you in advance for your time in completing this survey and would ask that you share this information with your colleagues, fellow leaders, and Human Resources teams. The more information collected, the more we will be able to provide to stakeholders, which will affect not only RCPA members but all providers within the Commonwealth.

If you have any questions, please contact Director of Children’s Services Jim Sharp or your RCPA Policy Director.

Having a mental health condition such as depression, anxiety, or a substance use disorder (SUD) can negatively impact one’s oral health, and conversely, poor oral health can create or exacerbate problems with mental health, cognitive health, and/or substance use. RCPA President & CEO Richard S. Edley, PhD, along with other members of the OH/BH Integration Technical Expert Panel, have developed an OH/BH Integration Framework, which includes new and innovative care models designed to enable providers and organizations to start wherever they feel comfortable.

No comprehensive set of resources currently exists to help health organizations that may be interested in more coordination or integration across oral, mental health, and substance use treatment services specifically. This toolkit seeks to help oral health and behavioral health providers and organizations increase coordination and integration by offering practical suggestions, resources, strategies, and on-the-ground examples for implementation of new care models across a continuum, ranging from cross-sector provider and patient education to full system integration. It provides innovative examples from leading-edge programs across the country about how to re-engineer traditional care pathways, especially given broader adoption of telehealth.

Please find the final draft of this framework here.

A Financial Management Services (FMS) Stakeholder meeting has been scheduled for October 1, 2021, from 1:00 pm–2:30 pm. This public meeting will be to discuss upcoming changes for the administration of FMS under the Community HealthChoices (CHC), OBRA Waiver, and Act 150 programs. Representatives from the Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) and CHC Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) will be in attendance to discuss upcoming changes. Meeting details are below:

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Meeting password: dZTPV8HcT33

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Dial 1320595101@pa-hhs.webex.com
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