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A message from Rick Smith of the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP):

Dear Providers of ODP Waiver or Base Funded Services:

ODP is currently in the process of refreshing data for Fee Schedule services. The data gathered by this survey will help inform ODP rate assumptions.

By September 20, providers are asked to answer the following questions for ODP waiver or base funded services only; which includes Consolidated, Community Living, P/FDS, Adult Autism waivers and Base. Do not include ICF/ID data in your agency’s response. Please provide only one survey response per organization (MPI). If the data is not available, please skip that question and move to the next question.

ODP Rate Assumption Survey link 


Rick Smith
Director of Fiscal Operations

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will conduct a national stakeholder call tomorrow, September 17, 2021 at 12:30 pm. The call will be led by new Administrator, Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, and her leadership team, and will focus on key updates from her first 100 days in office. The Administrator’s vision is for CMS to serve the public as a trusted partner and steward, dedicated to advancing health equity, expanding coverage, and improving health outcomes. Members are encouraged to join this first national stakeholder call to learn more about how you can partner with CMS as they implement their vision.

Join the Call here:


Call: 833-568-8864 (Toll Free)
Webinar ID: 161 910 6718
Passcode: 891135

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a second Information Collection Request (ICR) notice in the September 8, 2021 Federal Register related to the proposed inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) Review Choice Demonstration. Similar to the original notice, CMS proposes that IRFs in certain states would be subjected to 100 percent pre- or post-claim review for Medicare Part A fee-for-service payments until the IRF meets the target affirmation or claim approval rate. The demonstration is set to begin in Alabama, followed by California, Texas and Pennsylvania. In conjunction with this notice, there is additional information that includes limited revisions from the initial December 2020 proposal, including expanding the language from “trained nurse reviewers” to instead include registered nurses, therapists, or physician reviewers and the elimination of some documentation requirements that were listed in the initial proposal.

Individuals are invited to submit comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including the necessity and utility of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of the agency’s functions, the accuracy of the estimated burden, ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected, and the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology to minimize the information collection burden. Comments must be submitted by October 8, 2021.

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry has announced several grants geared to workforce development. Throughout the commonwealth and the nation, there are numerous grants and financial aid resources available that can assist individuals and organizations in meeting their goals.

PAsmart Apprenticeship Grants

Throughout the commonwealth and the nation, numerous grants and financial aid resources available can assist individuals and organizations in meeting their goals. The grants and financial aid information below is provided with the intent to help you begin the search, not an all-inclusive link to resources that may be available. Learn more about L&I’s other grants and related programs.

PAsmart grant funds are used to support the growth of Registered Apprenticeship and Pre-Apprenticeship Programs, creating opportunities in new industries and occupations for Pennsylvania workers to advance along career pathways. This grant program will support schools, students, workers, and businesses across the Commonwealth and reach underrepresented populations, including women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, veterans, socio-economic disadvantaged individuals, individuals who speak English as a second language, individuals who were previously incarcerated, or individuals experiencing multiple barriers to employment. Ultimately, PAsmart will help Pennsylvanians develop the skills they need for the job they want, and in turn, support businesses by creating a skilled workforce to hire. Learn more about PAsmart Apprenticeship Grants.

Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 13, 2021.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) announce a funding opportunity to support the implementation of evidence-based approaches to prevent overdose, substance use disorders (SUD), adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and other potentially traumatic events in the homes and families of those most at risk of overdose. Through this funding opportunity, NACCHO and CDC will award up to seven applicants to implement or expand programs that prevent SUD or overdose and that also have the potential to simultaneously prevent ACEs within the selected communities and populations of focus. Applicants may request up to $450,000.

For full details about the funding opportunity, please review the Request for Applications. Please email your questions about the RFA and application process.

The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP), along with partners from other state agencies and treatment providers across the continuum, is beginning a monthly ASAM technical assistance series. Each month, DDAP and its partners will present up-to-date information regarding ASAM alignment or will provide training on a specific topic related to ASAM alignment. This is a time-limited series running monthly from October 2021 to October 2022 with the purpose of providing resources, training, and information to support providers with ASAM alignment across all levels of care.

More information, including dates, times, and other frequently asked questions, is available here.