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The Department of Human Services’ Office of Children, Youth and Families (OCYF) has submitted Pennsylvania’s Family First Five-Year Prevention Services Plan to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) for approval of the Pa. plan. At this time, the plan has not been approved by ACF, and RCPA will continue to update members as OCYF receives feedback from ACF and works towards finalization of the plan.

Please feel free to reach out to RCPA Children’s Policy Director Jim Sharp with any questions.

At 12:00pm Thursday, Sept. 9, Spotlight PA is hosting a panel on oversight of the drug and alcohol treatment system. The discussion is an extension of Spotlight’s reporting on the Department of Drug and Alcohol Program’s regulation of the system. Jason Snyder, Director of RCPA’s Drug and Alcohol Division, will participate on the panel. Others include:

  • Spotlight PA investigative reporter Ed Mahon;
  • Kaiser Health News correspondent Aneri Pattani;
  • Opioid Crisis Action Network board member Sharon White; and
  • Frank Greenagel, adjunct professor at the Rutgers School of Social Work, instructor at the Center of Alcohol Studies, and recovery supervisor at Prevention Links.

More information is available here.

Register here.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has designed a new online concussion training for school professionals. This new free training, HEADS UP to Schools: Online Concussion Training for School Professionals, which takes 45-60 minutes to complete, is designed to help classroom teachers (grades K-12), school administrators, paraprofessionals, teacher’s aides, and other staff who work with students to understand the following:

  • How a concussion may affect a student’s learning, emotions, and behavior;
  • How to identify and monitor signs and symptoms of concussion; and
  • How to help students successfully return to school and recover from a concussion.

Preview the CDC HEADS UP Trainings on Concussion:

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

The National Disability Rights Network and the American Association of People with Disabilities will be hosting the 2021 Disability Vote Summit on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, from 12:00 pm–4:00 pm EST.

At the virtual summit, they will explore:

  • The power of the disability vote
  • Lessons learned from 2020 turnout
  • How to use data to mobilize the disability vote

Confirmed presenters include representatives from the National Disability Rights Network, the National Federation of the Blind, SABE Go Voter Project, and more! Join national disability advocates, state and local organizers, policymakers, and others who are working to get out the disability vote.

If you have any questions, please contact Lilian Aluri or Jack Rosen.