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The following is a notice provided by Community Care Behavioral Health (CCBH) regarding the future status of provider Alternative Pay Agreements/Arrangements (APA):

“Community Care, in collaboration with our Primary Contractors/county partners, has been closely monitoring service delivery volumes in order to assess the level of need to continue with the current Ambulatory Alternative Payment Arrangement (APA). In order to continue to support providers to ensure member access to essential behavioral health services, we collectively have determined the need to continue the current terms of the Ambulatory APA and are committed to doing so through December 31, 2021. Community Care and our Primary Contractors will continue to work with our contracted providers to prepare for the future and the eventual discontinuation of our APAs.

Please review your previous contract amendment. In lieu of an extension for additional one (1) month periods, this email serves as formal notification to extend the APA through December 31, 2021. The criterion for eligibility and the methodology for APA calculations will remain unchanged from the contract language. Please add this document to your previous contract exhibit listed below.

APA Exhibit
Ambulatory Services Advance Payment Arrangement Exhibit P


As noted in the contract amendment, Community Care will perform a reconciliation process for the payments providers receive under this agreement. The reconciliation process for 2021 will begin 90 days after the APA ends.

Providers have the option to opt-out of the APA payments by submitting notice to the following email address. Please use the subject line Opt Out – your organization’s name.

Continue to check our website (COVID-19 Information: HealthChoices Providers – Community Care (ccbh.com)) for other important COVID updates. If you have any questions, please contact your Community Care Provider Relations representative. A list of Provider Relations representatives and contact information may be found at Provider Representatives: HealthChoices Providers – Community Care (ccbh.com).”

RCPA is grateful for these efforts by CCBH for their continued support of providers during this time. If you have any questions, please contact your RCPA Policy Director.

Maher Duessel is hosting a free summer ethics webinar Wednesday, August 25, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm. The session will be four (4) Continuing Professional Education credits. Please register here, and a link to the meeting in Teams will be emailed to you in advance of the session.

The ID/A Coalition, comprised of RCPA, The Arc of PA, PAR, and Disability Rights of PA, sent a letter to the members of Pennsylvania’s Congressional Delegation to express their support of the $400 billion in funding to strengthen the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) infrastructure and workforce, which supports the states intellectual disability (ID) and autism communities.

The coalition also sent a letter to the Pennsylvania Legislative leaders calling upon the general assembly to immediately release the funds allocated to the state through the American Rescue Plan to provide critical supports to the ID/A community.

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Save the Date!
Registration will soon be opening for the 2021 Pennsylvania Autism Training Conference (PATC).

The Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP’s) Pennsylvania Autism Training Conference (PATC) will be taking the virtual stage once again in early October 2021. Due to the continuing pandemic, this conference will be conducted virtually on a three-day schedule that will include presentations and panels from subject matter experts, providers, self-advocates, and families. Personal narratives will be interspersed throughout the conference in an effort to highlight the perspective of the individual at the core of what we do.

This conference will provide professionals working directly with children and/or adults with autism, with tools, strategies, and resources to help provide the most effective support.

See the attached flyer for more information!

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) will be offering a free webinar on September 1, 2021 at 3:00pm. The webinar, titled “The Cutting Edge of Brain Injury Evaluation in the ED: Using Biomarkers for Objective Assessment of Suspected Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI),” will provide the latest research into blood-based biomarkers and their potential to predict the absence of intracranial injury. Jeff Bazarian, M.D., M.P.H., Paul Jarvis, M.D., and Jesse M. Pines, M.D. will also provide information on how two proteins, Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-L1 (UCH-L1) and Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), have emerged as promising biomarkers that can be used in conjunction with other clinical information to aid in the evaluation of suspected mTBI patients in the Emergency Department (ED).

The deadline to register is August 31, 2021.

A Message from Deputy Secretary Kristin Ahrens:

To: Licensed Residential Providers

We thank those who have taken the time to complete this survey. For those that have yet to do so, we ask you complete by close of business this Friday. The survey will only take a few minutes. This information will be critical to assist DHS in helping promote vaccination and ensure that all facilities have the provider partners they need to do so. Thanks for all the work you do.

Thank you again for all your support throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. As PA DOH and DHS prepare for the potential for updated vaccine guidance from the CDC, we request that all Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs), Congregate Care Facilities and Residential Providers fill out the below one-time survey discussing each facility or community home’s vaccine access plan. The survey consists of only a few questions and should take no more than 3 minutes of your time.

Survey: https://form.jotform.com/212066323150139

Long Term Care and Congregate Care Facilities are asked to share the following information about vaccine access in their facilities:

  • Plan for accessing COVID-19 vaccine doses for residents
  • Who will administer the COVID-19 vaccine at the facility

Please respond to this survey no later than Tuesday, August 17th.

Please notify PA DOH if you have any questions about the survey or how to access the COVID-19 vaccines with the subject of the email “Long Term Care Facility Survey Questions.”

Survey: https://form.jotform.com/212066323150139

Thank you for all of the work you’ve done to vaccinate residents and community members during this pandemic.

Kristin Ahrens | Deputy Secretary
PA Department of Human Services | Office of Developmental Programs