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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released their quarterly question and answer (Q&A) document on completing the inpatient rehabilitation facility patient assessment instrument (IRF-PAI). This document includes all prior Q&A documents as well as new clarification and guidance. CMS developed the guidance based on questions that have been received through the Quality Reporting Program (QRP) Help Desk.

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is happy to announce the publication of the next online Visual Gestural Communication (VGC) training module! Over 8,000 individuals supported in the ODP system have VGC listed as their primary mode of communication.

The first module previously published went over the basics of VGC. The next module will review visual schedules. To take this module, you will first need to complete module 1. These modules can be found on MyODP.org under Trainings > Special Populations > Non-traditional Communication.

*Please Note: Closed captioning and transcription available.

For questions, email ODP Deaf Services.

Please register here to join the next RCPA Member Update Webinar on Friday, June 25, 2021 at 10:00 am. This webinar will feature a presentation on Cybersecurity in Healthcare, sponsored by Lockton Companies. In addition to the Cybersecurity topic, please join us for a discussion of budget and legislative issues, including the American Rescue Plan. Jack Phillips, Paul Dlugolecki, and Pat Brier will be present to discuss and take questions and comments. RCPA will then present member updates, including budget and legislative information.

We look forward to your participation!

Image by succo from Pixabay

Please join RCPA in supporting this important legislation.

Message from Michael Gamel-McCormick:

Senators Casey, Wyden and Schumer, along with Senators Murray, Duckworth, Brown and Hassan, and Representatives Dingell, Pallone, Schakowsky and Matsui will soon introduce the bicameral Better Care Better Jobs Act. The Better Care Better Jobs Act will make President Biden’s bold vision to expand home and community-based services (HCBS) infrastructure, a key component of the American Jobs Plan, a reality.

  • The one-pager and section-by-section can be found here.
  • The legislative text can be found here.

If your organization would like to be listed as a supporting organization of the bill, please email: josh_kramer@aging.senate.gov.

For questions about the policy, contact Liz Dervan, Keith Miller, Michael Gamel-McCormick, Tim Huebner, or Rick Van Buren.

We hope that your organization will support this transformative piece of legislation. Thank you.

Michael Gamel-McCormick
Disability Policy Director
Special Committee on Aging
Sen. Bob Casey, Chair

The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) plans to distribute a 3% rate increase for Infant/Toddler Early Intervention services due to funding available as a result of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021. Visit here to see the announcement.

OCDEL plans to use the combined federal funds (ARP Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C & Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) increase) to support a 3% rate increase across all rates for Infant/Toddler Early Intervention services. This will also allow all providers of Early Intervention services, including service coordination, to receive the 3% rate increase for services. OCDEL anticipates that the 3% rate increase will be supported by these two federal increases through March 2024. This 3% increase is time-limited and will end. The rates may return to previous state-set rates.

The 3% rate increase will be effective for dates of service as of July 1, 2021. There is an updated Early Intervention Fee Schedule, and OCDEL will update the rate tables in PROMISe to reflect the increased rates.

Special Instruction Vision and Special Instruction Hearing are included in the 3% rate increase. The 3% will be added to the Special Instruction Vision and Special Instruction Hearing current negotiated rates for fiscal year 2021–22.

Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Programs are responsible for monitoring providers to ensure contracted providers are submitting claims for eligible services that are delivered by qualified professionals. This responsibility includes confirming procedures are in place to ensure the appropriate use of funds that meet federal, state, and local requirements.


  1. OCDEL will coordinate the rate changes in the Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS)/PELICAN-EI.
  2. Infant/Toddler Early Intervention leadership shall utilize the enclosed Early Intervention Fee Schedule for services delivered in fiscal year 2021–22.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Office of Child Development and Early Learning, Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports, or RCPA Director, Children’s Division Jim Sharp.

RCPA is working with the legislature, which is working with the governor’s office, to finalize an application process that would allow for an extension from the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)/the Department of Human Services (DHS) in substantially aligning with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), including the PA-specific requirements. The extensions would be approved for up to six months to December 31, 2021.

We will continue to keep you updated on this process. Email Jason Snyder, Director, Drug & Alcohol Division, with questions.

The RCPA IDD Committee met to discuss Pennsylvania’s plan for use of the American Rescue Plan funds. The comments gathered at this meeting will be used to develop RCPA’s comments that will be submitted to the Department of Human Services (DHS). The recording is available to members only here. If you have comments you would like added to our response, please contact Carol Ferenz, Director of IDD Division.