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Today, President Biden released his proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. ADvancing States sent analysis of the FY 2022 President’s Recommended Budget in an email to ADvancing States members. This email included two key documents:

  1. A memorandum highlighting key takeaways and considerations from the budget proposal. Visit here to read the analysis.
  2. Budget charts that summarize the potential impact of the funding recommendations on a number of important aging and disability programs if they were to become law. Visit here to view the charts.

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office black telephone with hand isolated on white

The PA BI Coalition has organized a 30 minute educational webinar for the entire State House and Senate with the help of the PA BI Caucus in Harrisburg. PLEASE take 5 minutes to call your legislator today and tell them to attend! Here are the high points they should expect:

  • Who is the Coalition and Caucus
  • Past accomplishments by these two groups
  • What is a brain injury
  • Unique crisis of brain injury and opioids & COVID
  • PA programs serving people with ABI (TBI, stroke, tumor)
  • Resources for your constituents

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance distributing the following communication: ODPANN 21-040: Open for Public Comment: Appendices I & J, Proposed Fee Schedule Rates, and Proposed Department-Established Fees for the Renewal of the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW). Public comments may be submitted through 11:59 pm on Monday, June 21, 2021. Please review the attached announcement for information on how to submit comments and to view the proposed changes.

RCPA will be submitting comments. Please contact Carol Ferenz, Director of IDD Division, if you have comments you would like us to include.

Updates from ANCOR:

What: American Rescue Plan HCBS Funding: What You Need To Know
When: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 3:00 pm

Hear from national experts on the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) funding included in the American Rescue Plan Act. Information will focus on the guidance released on May 12, 2021 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on how states can use the funding as well as the guidance on supplementing and not supplanting federal funds. You will learn what you need to do to ensure the funding coming into your state for strengthening and expanding access to HCBS is spent well.

Also, ANCOR wanted to let folks know that CMS announced on a call this week that states will be able to request a 30-day extension (to July 12, 2021) to submit their American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) spending plan!

Register for the webinar here.