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Governor Tom Wolf today signed the 14th renewal of his January 2018 opioid disaster declaration to help the state fight the opioid and heroin epidemic. This declaration was the first of its kind for a public health emergency in Pennsylvania that proves to be an important tool to allow the state to respond quickly, adapt to developing needs, increase access to treatment, and save lives.

The declaration allows the state to loosen regulations and work outside of typical procedures to expedite aid and initiatives to help those suffering from opioid use disorder and those who work to prevent and treat this medical condition. It also allows agencies more flexibility to coordinate and share resources to address the changing needs of communities throughout the commonwealth.

Read the full press release here.

ODP Announcement 21-032 Update provides updated guidance for the fiscal year (FY) 2021–2022 renewal period. The following topical areas are addressed in this communication:

  1. General Guidance — Consideration for COVID-19 Pandemic
  2. (Updated) Person/Family Directed Support (P/FDS) and Community Living Waiver (CLW) Cap Exceptions
  3. Variance Process for Established Service Requirements
  4. (Updated) Creating FY 2021–2022 Renewals (Addressing Partial Year Service Segments)
  5. Consolidated Waiver Fee Schedule Residential Rate Exceptions
  6. (Updated) FY 2021–2022 Waiver Rate Load in Home and Community Services Information System (HCSIS)
  7. Resources

This communication is intended to provide guidance to all stakeholders who participate in the FY 2021–2022 renewal ISP process. While the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) has not added any new services that will impact the FY 2021–2022 renewal ISPs, it is anticipated that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to influence FY 2021–2022 service needs.

The duration of COVID-19 and efforts to resume services as approved in the current waivers is unknown at this time. To ensure adequate planning to meet the anticipated needs of individuals during FY 2021–2022, all stakeholders involved in the planning process should assume, at a minimum, that an individual’s current level of service and support needs are reflected in their FY 2021–2022 renewal ISP until ODP issues subsequent guidance.

As part of RPCA’s ongoing effort with members and stakeholders regarding the Alternative Pay Arrangements/Agreements (APAs), we are asking members to complete this brief APA survey.

We respectfully request that the survey be completed as the APAs apply to your Drug & Alcohol, Children’s, and Adult Mental Health services continuum. The data we collect will be instrumental in our collective efforts with DHS and managed care organizations regarding strategic fiscal considerations, as the current APAs are set to end on Wednesday, June 30, 2021.

It has been requested we extend the survey date. The survey will now be available until close of business Monday, May 10, 2021. Thank you, and if you have questions, please contact RCPA Director of Children’s Division Jim Sharp or your RCPA Policy Director.

The American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) and several state provider associations wrote to Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader McCarthy to urge them to support the inclusion of provisions to strengthen Medicaid disability programs in the jobs and infrastructure package Congress is crafting in response to President Biden’s American Jobs Plan.

The letter states, “We appreciate the hard work Congress put into legislation over the past 13 months to ensure that disability programs can weather the pandemic. To ensure that these programs can come back stronger to meet increased demand after the pandemic, we encourage you to adopt policies that recognize that systems designed to deliver care are as essential as physical infrastructure when rebuilding this nation’s care economy.”

The full letter is available here.