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As part of their Get Out the Vaccine campaign, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) is partnering with the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals to present this webinar on COVID-19 vaccination for direct support professionals (DSPs). Hear from DSPs about how they made the decision to get vaccinated to keep themselves, their clients, and their families safe. You can register for the webinar here.


  • Donna Meltzer, NACDD, CEO
  • Joseph Macbeth, NADSP, President & CEO
  • Kelley Shepherd, Mainstay Life Services, Pittsburgh
  • Matthew Crowley, AHRC NYC, New York
  • Pat Ejenavi, Vita Community Living Services, Ontario

If you need accommodations, email NACDD and indicate “April 15th webinar” in the subject line.

NACDD is the national association for the 56 Councils on Developmental Disabilities (DD Councils) across the United States and its territories. The DD Councils receive federal funding to support programs that promote self-determination, integration and inclusion for all people in the United States with developmental disabilities.

We have been asked by ANCOR, who is partnering with the University of Colorado and ACCESS: Supports for Living, to gather data on the impact of the pandemic on the behavioral health of people with I/DD. The survey is targeting people with disabilities, not our staff. You can take the survey here.

The study Impact of the Pandemic on Behavioral Health of People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) is being led by Jessica Solomon Sanders, MD (University of Colorado Departments of Developmental Pediatrics and Neurology) and Benjamin Margolis, MD (Access: Supports for Living). Among those affected by the COVID-19 crisis, there are groups of disproportionally affected individuals, including individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), where we are seeing not only increased morbidity and mortality but also decreased mental health. It is likely that many factors are contributing to decreased overall wellness, not only related to conditions resulting from infection, but also amongst those affected by downstream changes required by the pandemic. We hope to highlight these factors and changes leading to this impact through analysis of this survey.

To learn more, please email Dr. Sanders or Dr. Margolis. This study has been approved by the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board (COMIRB? #21–2546). You can also contact the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board at (303) 724-1055.

The survey takes about 10 minutes. Participation is voluntary and participants’ time and insights are greatly appreciated. All responses are anonymous. Results will only be available in aggregate.

ODP Announcement 21-034 provides updated clarifications on annual training requirements in 55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380, 2390, 6100, 6400, and 6500. In addition, this communication announces the development of a Question and Answer (Q&A) document regarding regulatory orientation and annual training requirements. ODP has developed the first version of an orientation and annual training Q&A document based on questions submitted. The Q&A document will be continually updated and is available here.

Orientation and Annual Training Decision Trees ODP has developed a decision tree for orientation and a decision tree for annual training to assist providers and Supports Coordination Organizations (SCOs) in understanding which positions are required by 55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380, 2390, 6100, and/or 6400 to complete orientation and annual training. A link to these documents is also contained in the Q&A document.

Questions regarding this communication should be submitted here.

Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

As you may know from this announcement, nominations are open for a Region 3 Board representative to the National Council. This region includes Pennsylvania, and currently we have two representatives on the NatCon Board: me and Susan Blue, CEO of Community Services Group.

I did want to alert RCPA members of our strong relationship with the Maryland Association, Community Behavioral Health (CBH), as seen in their joining our upcoming Annual Conference. And this year, CBH has nominated and endorsed Arthur Ginsberg as the Region 3 representative for the National Council’s Board. Arthur brings well-rounded experience in the behavioral health field to the Board. He has leadership experience at organizations in both inpatient and outpatient settings in behavioral health, as well as deep experience in the field serving individuals with developmental disabilities.

Arthur’s professional experience includes robust participation in provider associations. He served on the Board of ANCOR and led the DC chapter. He has also served on CBH’s Board since 2018.

I would like to ask each of you to consider supporting Arthur for this nomination and Board seat. It would well serve our partnership with Maryland and allow for a continued strong voice at the NatCon Board level. Arthur’s CV is available here for your review.

Thank you,
Richard S. Edley, PhD
Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association (RCPA)

The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP), along with the Liberty Mid-Atlantic High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, will again hold a virtual Psychostimulant Symposium December 1–2, 2021. The data continue to show a need for this interdisciplinary information sharing. Feedback from last year’s event was overwhelmingly positive, a direct result of the many excellent speakers and presenters.

Dates: December 1–2, 2021

Format: This is proposed as a one and a half-day virtual event featuring plenary and breakout sessions.

Overview: Both public health and public safety professionals require additional training and information to more readily detect these substances and better respond to psychostimulant overdose victims, and treatment professionals require additional tools to effectively treat patients who misuse psychostimulants. Strategies essential for detecting surges in psychostimulant supply and consumption can aid policymakers and agency leaders in directing resources where most needed.

Target Audience: Law enforcement, criminal justice, health care providers, emergency medical services personnel, drug and alcohol prevention and treatment providers, Single County Authorities (SCAs), government officials, public health professionals, harm-reduction organizations and other interested stakeholders.

Registration: Attendance is free, but pre-registration will be required and limited. More information will be forthcoming.

More Information: Please visit our web page for information about our 2019 and 2020 PA Psychostimulant Symposium.

Proposals to present at this year’s event or questions can be submitted by emailing PA Psychostimulant Symposium on or before June 1, 2021. Proposals should include:

  • Proposed topic
  • Relevance of topic
  • Presenter knowledge/credentials
  • Engagement strategies

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Bids are now being accepted for the Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Opioid Training Request for Approval (RFA) that was posted today on the state’s eMarketplace website. The description for this RFA reads: Acquired Brain Injury and Opioid Use training for professionals who work with individuals with an ABI or opioid use problem. The duration of the program is January 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024. Bids must be submitted by May 19, 2021.

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As has been discussed in the RCPA Brain Injury Committee meetings regarding becoming Medicare certified, a full-day training has been scheduled for May 25, 2021 from 9:00 am–3:00 pm. The training will be conducted by Novitas Solutions, Inc., Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for Jurisdiction L, which includes Pennsylvania.

Additional information will be shared, including the agenda, in the very near future. Please mark your calendars!