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February 19, 2021

Harrisburg, PA – The Wolf Administration today provided an update on Pennsylvania’s progress administering COVID-19 vaccines to residents and staff of long-term and congregate care facilities eligible in Phase 1A. To date, more than 193,000 residents and staff of nursing facilities, personal care homes, and assisted living facilities have received their first COVID-19 vaccine dose through the federal Pharmacy Partnership Program. Additionally, nearly 10,000 residents and staff of other long-term and congregate care facilities licensed by the Department of Human Services (DHS) have received their first vaccine dose through the partnership with Pennsylvania-based Rite Aid, and this partnership is being expanded to include residential drug and alcohol treatment providers licensed by the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) who identified as needing a vaccine provider.

“Vaccinating residents and staff of long-term and congregate care facilities – people who are often most at-risk of a severe case of COVID-19 if exposed – protects our most vulnerable residents who are not leaving their facilities and homes themselves but are most affected by rates of COVID-19 in our broader community,” said DHS Secretary Teresa Miller. “This progress is a much-needed reprieve for long-term care facilities that have been particularly challenged by COVID-19 and community transmission, and it’s a line of defense for our health care system as a whole.”

Pennsylvanians living in these facilities eligible for the federal program are receiving vaccines from CVS Pharmacy and Walgreens. As of February 19 all skilled nursing facilities have had their first round of COVID-19 vaccine doses, CVS has completed 100 percent of the second dose clinics and Walgreens is working to vaccinate the remaining second dose clinics before all nursing facilities are complete. More than 70 percent of personal care homes and assisted living facilities covered through the partnership have received their first round of vaccine doses, and CVS and Walgreens expect to finish first rounds before the end of the month. To date, the partnership has administered:

Vaccinations as of Feb. 19 First Doses Second Doses Total Doses
CVS Pharmacy 161,935 86,567 248,502
Walgreens 31,358 9,788 41,146


“Through the work of the Federal Pharmacy Partnership’s (FPP) we are able to ensure every nursing home resident and staff member who wants a vaccine can receive it – and we are proud of the progress thus far,” Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said. “As nursing homes finish administering the remaining second dose clinics, we know that when the federal government’s mission for the FPP program is complete we will remain committed to getting vaccine to incoming residents and staff in the future. The Department of Health and long term care facilities remain vigilant and will continue to vaccinate through existing relationships with health care providers, just as with routine medication and flu vaccinations.”

Other long-term and congregate care settings included in Phase 1A of Pennsylvania’s Interim Vaccination Plan, including group homes for people with disabilities; residential treatment facilities and long-term structured residences for adults with behavioral health needs; and private psychiatric hospitals, are not included in the federal partnership but are still in the Phase 1A due to the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks in congregate settings.

These settings serve people who have co-occurring medical needs that put them at higher risk of severe cases and death if they contract the virus. Some personal care homes and assisted living facilities also were not enrolled in the Federal Pharmacy Partnership program and may be served by the Rite Aid partnership for DHS-licensed facilities.

Vaccine clinics for these facilities are being held on-site for facilities where people served are not able to travel off-site. Additional clinics are being scheduled at centralized locations when possible to accommodate more facilities and community group homes, which are typically small, private residences. To date, the partnership has administered:

Facilities with First Doses Administered Total Doses Administered to Date Facilities Scheduled for Vaccination Expected Doses through Scheduled Clinics
Office of Developmental Programs Facilities 1,512 4,978 102 753
Office of Long-Term Living Facilities 83 3,539 32 1,920
Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Facilities 13 1,342 13 988


Nearly 9,900 people have been vaccinated so far through this partnership. Approximately 3,660 people living and working in 147 DHS-licensed facilities and group homes are currently scheduled to be vaccinated through this partnership. Expected reach of this partnership has shifted as some facilities have ended up receiving vaccinations through other contacts.

Additionally, the Rite Aid partnership is expanding to vaccinate residential drug and alcohol treatment providers licensed by DDAP who identified as needing an established partnership with a vaccine provider through a survey administered by the department. Approximately 450 people will be vaccinated at 12 scheduled clinics at residential treatment providers where people served are not able to travel off site through early March.

“Often, residential drug and alcohol treatment providers are forgotten among other congregate care settings, however some of Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable citizens are receiving treatment for the disease of addiction in these facilities,” said DDAP Secretary Jen Smith. “The Rite Aid partnership is another tool in our COVID-19 toolbox to minimize community transmission and ensure all health care providers have established partnerships with vaccine providers.”

Learn more about the partnership with Rite Aid and view more data here.

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
Every day tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians are receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination numbers for Pennsylvania do not include Philadelphia, which is its own jurisdiction, or federal facilities, which are working directly with the federal government.

  • This week, a total of 326,850 doses will have been allocated through February 20:
    • 183,575 first doses will have been allocated this week.
    • 143,275 second doses will have been allocated this week.
  • To date, of the 2,766,400 doses allocated through February 20, we have administered 1,867,240 doses total through February 18:
    • First doses, 86 percent (1,387,443 administered of 1,610,175 allocated)
    • Second doses, 41 percent (479,797 administered of 1,156,225 allocated) 

Vaccine Order signed Feb. 12
Last week, Sec. Beam signed an order outlining appropriate steps and recognized best practices to ensure vaccine providers deliver 80 percent of doses within seven days of receipt, provide a phone number where people can speak to an individual to make an appointment and report race and ethnicity data for everyone vaccinated.

Your Turn tool
Last week, Pennsylvania launched the Your Turn tool to help everyone understand where they fall in the vaccination prioritization effort. The Your Turn tool directs eligible residents to the department’s vaccine provider map online to locate a trusted local provider and schedule a vaccination appointment. Your Turn also allows people to register to receive updates about vaccine distribution and allows the department to let you know when it is your turn to get vaccinated.

In addition to the Your Turn tool and while vaccine supply from the federal government remains limited, the Department of Health is working to ensure the vaccine is provided in a way that is ethical, equitable and efficient.

The Wolf Administration stresses the role Pennsylvanians play in helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  • Cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow, not your hands.
  • Clean surfaces frequently.
  • Stay home to avoid spreading COVID-19, especially if you are unwell.
  • If you must go out, you are required to wear a mask when in a business or where it is difficult to maintain proper social distancing.
  • Download the COVID Alert PA app and make your phone part of the fight. The free app can be found in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store by searching for “covid alert pa”.

Updated Coronavirus Links: Press Releases, State Lab Photos, Graphics

Community preparedness and procedures materials

MEDIA CONTACTS: Barry Ciccocioppo, Health – ra-dhpressoffice@pa.gov
Erin James, DHS – ra-pwdhspressoffice@pa.gov
Rachel Kostelac, DDAP – 717-547-3314

“President Joe Biden will nominate seasoned Democratic health policy broker Chiquita Brooks-LaSure to helm the trillion-dollar Medicare and Medicaid agency. Brooks-LaSure, an Obama administration veteran who oversaw implementation of Obamacare, if confirmed will play a leading role in crafting Biden’s plans to expand on the health care law…”

During the Obama administration, Brooks-LaSure was deputy director at a top CMS office overseeing the health insurance markets. She had previously helped enforce Obamacare insurance reforms at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and worked on parts of Obamacare during the law’s drafting as a health staffer on the House Ways and Means Committee. Read Politico’s article.

As part of its campaign to end the stigma surrounding opioid use disorder in Pennsylvania, Life Unites Us will host a webinar at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, Feb. 23, “Life Unites Us: Recovery in the Workplace.”

Sarah Kawasaki, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health and Department of Medicine at Penn State, will lead the webinar.

Register Here

In this webinar, participants will learn about:

  • Methadone and the stages of recovery;
  • Stigma in the way the medical community treats substance use disorder;
  • Effective terminology to use when discussing substance use disorder in the workplace; and
  • How best to support co-workers and employees at work.

See the flyer for more information and registration.

The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) is announcing the temporary suspension of provisions in certain bulletins and other non-regulatory guidance documents. The temporary suspension of the specified provisions in these bulletins and other non-regulatory guidance documents is intended to support the health and safety efforts of the agencies and facilities by affording them the flexibility needed to focus on patient care in the most effective way possible. The suspension supports the continued and uninterrupted delivery of behavioral health services in the face of the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The suspensions will remain in place while the Governor’s Disaster Proclamation remains in effect or such other time as the Department of Human Services or OMHSAS directs.

This document outlines the various provisions being suspended, scope of the suspensions, and any binding conditions for the suspensions. Highlights of the suspensions are noted below:

  • Suspension of requirements for face-to-face contacts with beneficiaries if it is clinically appropriate to utilize telehealth/telephone to provide those Services.
  • Suspension of training and certification requirements for staff for certain Services.
  • Suspension of timeframes for assessments, treatment/service plan development
  • and revisions.
  • Suspension of requirements around signatures.
  • Suspension of staff to beneficiary ratio in certain Services.
  • Suspension of fidelity assessments.

The memorandum announcing the suspension, along with a detailed list of the specified provisions suspended, can be read here. Any comments or questions regarding these suspensions should be directed to your OMHSAS Field Offices or your RCPA Policy Director.

  • Central Field Office:          717-705-8395
  • Northeast Field Office:      570-963-4335
  • Southeast Field Office:     610-313-5844
  • Southwest Field Office:    412-565-5226

The Department of Human Services (DHS) has posted a helpful COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ document on the COVID-19 Vaccine page of the DHS website. The document is meant to be a resource for answering some common questions you may have about the COVID-19 Vaccine. The Office of Long-Term Living is sharing the document here for your convenience.

Additionally, ANCOR staff shared this resource available from CDC:

The CDC has updated their Community-Based Organizations COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit.
It includes a number of resources on:

  • Promoting Vaccines;
  • Communicating within your community;
  • Flyers;
  • Printable stickers; and

How to create a website widget!

For those interested in supporting early intervention and treatment services for people with substance use disorder, and those at risk for developing these disorders, the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) and the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) is presenting a two-part Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) training and implementation series. More information and registration are available here.

In keeping with the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Program’s (DDAP) mandate that all addiction treatment providers contracted with behavioral health Medicaid managed care organizations or Single County Authorities provide treatment in alignment with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) guidelines, Beacon Health Options has issued an alert summarizing the key aspects of the ASAM criteria.

DDAP has set July 1, 2021, as the deadline for ASAM implementation.

RCPA continues to work with its D&A members to understand the significant effects this change will have on their ability to continue to operate. In addition, RCPA continues to work with regulatory agencies and the legislature to make them aware of the extreme challenges this mandate has created and its potential effect on access to care for Pennsylvanians in need of treatment for substance use disorder.

Beacon’s alert can be viewed here. Questions for Beacon can be directed to the provider’s field coordinator.

The Information Sharing and Advisory Committee (ISAC) met today and heard updates from Deputy Secretary Ahrens, Jeremy Yale and Dr. Cherpes.

The “blue book” for the Governor’s proposed budget has not yet been releases, but some of the points of interest proposed for IDD include:

  • $13.9 million for Waiting List initiative to include moving 732 individuals from the Emergency Waitlist into Community Living Waiver, and 100 consolidated waiver slots for unanticipated emergencies
  • $828,000 for Outcome based incentive payments for transitioning individuals from group home settings into Lifesharing and Supported Living programs (details yet to be determined)

Enhanced Rates for CPS and Transportation Trip have been implemented.  There were some glitches with the implementation that ODP believes are resolved, or near to being resolved. These enhanced rates will be published for public comment mid-March.

ODP continues to work on a method of reimbursement for CPS and transportation providers to address fixed costs during COVID.  It is anticipated that this will be available for providers to complete application for reimbursement mid-March.

No individual should lose ANY service due to the enhanced rates.  Teams have been asked to evaluate the year- to -date usage of approved units of service, and adapt ISPs if possible, to keep their approved services below the P/FDS waiver cap.  If that is not possible, then a request for a waiver cap should be requested.

An update regarding vaccination roll out was provided by Dr. Cherpes.  While many individuals and staff have successfully received vaccinations, there are many who are still in need of accessible vaccinations.  Many providers have generously hosted clinics and ODP is grateful for the collaboration.  It is recommended that those who have not yet been successful in accessing vaccines should refer to Pa’s DOH website to find locations in their area where vaccines may be available.

Every adult enrolled in ODP services is eligible for vaccination in either 1A (residential programs, ICF’s), or 1B (home and community-based services).  All staff and unpaid caregivers are eligible in 1A.

Please see ISAC Updates for further information regarding these topics, and report on ISAC Recommendation #3 to Increase Employment.