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Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Yesterday, the Wolf Administration launched an interactive vaccine provider map. This map shows enrolled vaccine providers and indicates which providers have received vaccines to date. In addition to highlighting the status of vaccines available, this map also includes contact information to connect Phase 1A eligible individuals who are not affiliated with a hospital/health system with vaccines.

The map is also provided on the Department of Health’s (DOH’s) main COVID-19 vaccine page. DOH will continue to update this resource as information becomes available.

The Office of Development Programs (ODP) Announcement 21-002 provides notice that the Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment will increase beginning in January 2021. This will impact providers who collect room and board such as residential habilitation or life-sharing services through the Consolidated, Community Living, and Adult Autism Waivers. It will also impact providers of base-funded residential habilitation and life-sharing services.

To account for the new cost of living adjustment (COLA), room and board contracts should be reviewed to determine the appropriate adjustment. The following room and board contract (DP 1051) is found on the ODP website by following this path: Resources> Intellectual Disability> Forms.

Beginning on July 1, 2020, the requirements for room and board as established in 55 Pa. Code Chapter 6100 must be followed. ODP is in the process of replacing the DP 1051 form to reflect Sections §§6100.681-6100.694 that providers will begin to use. The present DP 1051 will continue to be accepted as current until the annual due date or until a change requires that a new form be completed.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) is supplying guidance on COVID-19 vaccination for providers. The information in 2021- PAHAN- 545- 01-06- ADV should be used to supplement other relevant guidance documents and guide the implementation of public health expectations for vaccine providers.

Key messages included in the guidance include:

  • There are two mRNA vaccines with 90 – 95 percent efficacy in preventing clinical COVID-19 currently available through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States.
  • The only absolute contraindication to COVID-19 vaccination is a history of an immediate allergic reaction to either COVID-19 vaccine or any of their components.
  • Severe adverse reactions are uncommon, but vaccine providers should be prepared for this rare event.
  • Vaccine providers should report all adverse events following vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Recording System (VAERS).
  • All COVID-19 mitigation measures should continue to be followed after vaccination.


The purpose of ODP Announcement 21-001 is to gather information (for planning purposes) on system interest in completing the Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP’s) virtual Quality Management (QM) Certification classes in 2021. Please review the announcement for additional information and to complete the survey.

Please tell us if you would be interested in attending a QM certification class in 2021 by visiting the following link and completing the quick survey no later than January 15, 2021.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

ODP Announcement 21-003 provides guidance on accessing the Medication Administration Train the Trainer course; it also announces required maintenance to the Medication Administration Student Courses that will last until January 19, 2021.

Train the Trainer Course:

If you are a trainer or trainer candidate taking the Train the Trainer course, you can continue to access the course here.

  • Do not make any adjustments for Adobe Flash to view the webcasts or access the exams. Adobe Flash was discontinued on December 31, 2020.
    • You are able to view all Train the Trainer course webcasts without the use of Adobe Flash.
    • You are now able to take the Part 1 and Part 3 portions of the Written Documentation Exam without the use of Adobe Flash.

Whether you started the Train the Trainer course before the Adobe Flash maintenance was completed on December 28, 2020 or whether you start the Train the Trainer course now, you do not need Adobe Flash.

*Please Note: When you have successfully completed your exams, if your final scores do not calculate or do not appear, you must contact the Medication Administration Help Desk in order to be enrolled in a virtual face-to-face class.

Student Course (to Pass Medications):

The student course is currently undergoing required maintenance on the webcasts and the exams to ensure that they will work properly because of the discontinuation of Adobe Flash. This maintenance will impact the webcasts and the exams.

  • If you are a trainer preparing to create a Medication Administration class so that your staff can learn to administer medications, please do not create any new classes until January 19, 2021 or after that date.
  • If you are a trainer currently conducting a Medication Administration class, please ask your staff to suspend all classwork until January 19, 2021 or after.
  • If you are staff currently taking the Medication Administration class, please suspend all classwork until January 19, 2021. Please inform your trainer that you have had to suspend your work.

If you run into problems or have additional questions, please contact the Medication Administration Help Desk.