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Providing Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Direct Support Professionals Survey

Direct support professionals (DSPs), like the people with disabilities who they support, face a high risk of infection during the coronavirus pandemic. They also face financial hardship, exhaustion, and challenges in supporting their families.

The Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota, in partnership with the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP), is conducting a survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on direct support professionals. After more than eight months since a national emergency was declared, we want to know how DSPs are doing and identify the most effective ways to protect them and the people they support.

Please forward this survey to the direct support professionals who you employ. Their answers will be anonymous. National and state-specific results from the survey will be shared widely in March 2021.

A similar survey of DSPs was conducted by ICI and NADSP in the spring of 2020 and completed by more than 9,000 DSPs. Those results are available here. The new survey is for both DSPs who completed the earlier survey and those who did not.

The Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota is a designated University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, which is part of a national network of similar programs in major universities and teaching hospitals across the country. ICI’s collaborative research, training, and information-sharing ensure that people with disabilities are valued by, included in, and able to contribute to their communities of choice throughout their lifetime.

The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals is a national non-profit whose mission is to elevate the status of direct support professionals by improving practice standards; promoting system reform; and advancing their knowledge, skills, and values. Our vision is a world with a highly qualified and professional direct support workforce who partners with, supports, and empowers people with disabilities to lead a life of their choosing.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) recently released the attached fact sheet on the Pennsylvania and Federal Pharmacy Partnership program for long-term care facilities. The Office of Long-Term Living (OLTL) is sharing this informative document here for your convenience.

PHAN has announced an upcoming series of webinars for health-care providers on accessible health-care for people with disabilities. While the webinars will focus on information for health-care providers, the information will also be valuable for people with disabilities and those who support them. All are welcome to attend.

This series is part of the Rural Healthcare Access Project, an initiative funded by the PA Developmental Disabilities Council to improve health-care access for people with disabilities in rural Pennsylvania.

Session 1: Core Competencies on Disability Part 1 – Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 1:00 pm

This session will be a presentation of Disability Core Competencies by Dr. Susan Havercamp, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at the Ohio State University Nisonger Center.

The Core Competencies are skills and attributes that enable health-care professionals to provide quality care to consumers with disabilities. They were developed by the Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education in partnership with the Ohio Disability and Health Program at the Ohio State University Nisonger Center by using a consensus process, which included people with disabilities, disability experts, health educators, and health-care providers.

Zoom Link

To join by phone, call (646)-876-9923 and enter meeting ID 850 2318 3980.

Session 2: Core Competencies Part 2 and Stakeholder Panel – Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 1:00 pm

This session will include a recap of the Core Competencies. People with disabilities and other community leaders from the Rural Healthcare Access Project will also discuss their care experiences and answer questions.

Zoom Link

To join by phone, call (646)-876-9923 and enter meeting ID 881 9628 8579.

Session 3: Provider Panel – Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 1:00 pm

In this session, we will hear from a panel of health-care providers about their experiences treating people with disabilities, challenges, best practices, and how providers can help improve access to care.

Zoom Link

To join by phone, call (646)-876-9923 and enter meeting ID 821 1634 1873.

*Register for sessions here.*

Thank you for your interest and involvement.

Casey Pegg, PHAN Community Organizer



ODPANN 20-115 – Public comment for intellectual disabilities and autism (ID/A) waivers and adult autism waivers (AAW) announces that the proposed amendments to the consolidated, person/family directed support (P/FDS), community living, and adult autism waivers are available for public review and comment. There is a 30-day public comment period that starts on December 18, 2020 and ends on January 18, 2021.

The Department of Human Services (DHS), Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) is pleased to announce the release of Bulletin 00-20-04: “Participant-Directed Services: Agency with Choice Financial Management Services Model. This bulletin obsoletes and replaces ODP Bulletin 00-08-08: “Agency with Choice Financial Management Services (AWC FMS)”.

There have been extensive changes in ODP’s waivers, regulations, and structure in the 12 years since Bulletin 00-08-08 was issued. Bulletin 00-20-04, which was developed with significant stakeholder input, updates and modernizes ODP’s expectations for AWC operations to reflect contemporary practices in service delivery.

ODP intends to provide targeted training and education sessions on Bulletin 00-20-04 as soon as it can be accomplished. See the following attachments for additional information:

Attachment 1: AWC Employer Responsibilities

Attachment 2: Managing Employer Skills Training Topics

Attachment 3: Model Managing Employer Agreement Form

Questions about the bulletin’s implementation or contents may be directed to the appropriate ODP Regional Office or to ODP’s Participant Direction Administration Unit.

The Arc of Pennsylvania’s Making Employment Work course is an Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) basic certification training. Live webinar training will take place from January 13, 2021 – January 15, 2021 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm each day. Register here for the training. If an agency is interested in registering extra staff, please contact Jen Hipps.