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RCPA President/CEO Richard Edley expressed our concerns regarding the ongoing need for retainer payments for Community Participation Services (CPS) providers in a letter to Deputy Secretary Ahrens. While we recognize and appreciate the leadership and flexibility that Ahrens and the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) have demonstrated toward providers, as well as the consumers and families they serve, during these difficult times, there is a growing problem for CPS providers.

CPS providers are experiencing significant and unprecedented hardship due to COVID-19 restrictions that have been put in place in order to keep everyone safe. Edley stated, “…we have to go on record that the time for immediate and urgent action is upon us. Without state relief, there will be closures, and they will be permanent. This critical aspect of service to individuals with disabilities will forever be lost as we rebuild the system in the future. I urge you to revisit this issue and reconsider whether any state-only relief can be made available while we all wait for an additional federal package.”

On a federal level, RCPA, along with ANCOR and other national partners, has appealed to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to remove the restriction of three 30-day periods of time for retainer payments. We will continue to advocate for relief for those programs who have been affected by the community restrictions.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

ODPANN 20-114 COVID-19 – Update: FAQs About Modifications to Medication Administration Course Requirements informs stakeholders of an updated frequently asked questions (FAQ) guide that describes modifications to Medication Administration Course requirements and the extended use of the Modified Course.

Per Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Announcement 20-032, 55 Pa. Code Chapters 2380, 2390, 6100, and 6400 provide that a staff person can administer medications to individuals if the staff person successfully completes an ODP-approved medication administration training course.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ODP has allowed staff who are required to take the Standard Medication Administration Training Course (Standard Course) to take the Modified Medication Training Course (Modified Course) until December 31, 2020. Because the pandemic is ongoing, staff can continue to take the Modified Course in place of the Standard Course until June 30, 2021.

TOMORROW – Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time

Description: The things we say to ourselves have a huge impact on what we do and on the way we feel. We often make statements without being aware of what we are actually saying and without recognizing that we are in complete control of these words. This webinar will focus on the importance of self-talk and how it can be used in a way that supports our mental health.

Use this button to register.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Good afternoon,

As you are likely aware, last week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency authorization for the first COVID-19 vaccine. Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approved its use. The below message went out from the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) earlier today; it details Pennsylvania’s current COVID-19 vaccination plan and a request for feedback.

“In recent weeks, the Department of Health has significantly ramped up efforts to prepare for a safe and efficacious vaccine rollout for Pennsylvania. During this preparation, DOH has assembled the Pennsylvania COVID-19 Interim Vaccination Plan. Please note that this is an iterative plan that will be ever evolving as we continue to learn more through our channels of partnership with the federal government. This interim plan is provided as guidance for distribution and administration of the COVID-19 vaccine throughout 66 of the 67 counties in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; it is provided by DOH and its public and private partners. Philadelphia County will receive independent federal funding and is establishing its own COVID-19 vaccination administration plan; however, the department will continue to communicate and cooperate with the public health officials of Philadelphia. The goal of this interim COVID-19 vaccination plan is to provide a transparent strategy to vaccinate all Pennsylvanians who want to be vaccinated so that they can return to everyday activities as quickly and safely as possible.

“Feedback is welcomed and essential throughout our continued administration-wide coordination and collaboration to drive a successful vaccine rollout. The administration is working to create a process and defined space where all stakeholders can send their comments and concerns.

“COVID-19 has changed the way Pennsylvanians connect and support one another. This virus does not discriminate, and what this virus has shown is how interconnected we all are. You all play significant roles in keeping Pennsylvanians safe and healthy. Our vision at the Pennsylvania Department of Health is a healthy Pennsylvania for all, and we remain laser-focused on this goal.”

The Department of Human Services (DHS) would like to be sure that you are aware of this interim plan and that you are able to provide feedback relevant to your work and the people you serve. As mentioned in DOH’s message, the administration is developing a process and centralized location for receiving ongoing stakeholder feedback. When that becomes available, we will share it, but for now, we want you to have the current plan so that you can review it. Additional updates and information will be shared as they become available.

We have reached an important milestone in our fight against COVID-19. The availability of a vaccine and the start of this process will require continued collaboration and partnership, but I am confident that this is a process through which we will navigate and succeed together. While I have hope, we must also remember that we are experiencing an incredibly difficult surge in Pennsylvania, and, as a nation, we are approaching 300,000 deaths. The vaccine will be a critical defense for our most vulnerable, our frontline workers, and, eventually, the general public. For now, we must continue to closely follow mitigation guidelines on masking, distancing, and limiting trips and contact outside the home.

Thank you for all you do. We look forward to working with you as we move forward in this critically important process.

Teresa Miller, Secretary of the Department of Human Services