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The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) is conducting a survey on regulatory reform that will help guide its work in this area. The survey is available online, and responses are due by close of business March 28, 2024. Regulations governing licensed addiction treatment providers under DDAP’s authority can be found in the Pennsylvania Code and Bulletin. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Beidler.

Time is running out to register for RCPA’s Capitol Day, which will be held next Tuesday, March 19. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to advocate for yourselves and others by meeting with legislators directly! We will hold a press conference in the Main Rotunda between 10:30 am – 11:30 am, which will tentatively include speakers such as:

  • Representative Dan Miller;
  • Representative Stephen Kinsey;
  • Representative Doyle Heffley;
  • Senator Art Haywood; and
  • Senator Frank Farry.

You can register for our Capitol Day press conference by contacting Allison Brognia or Christine Tartaglione with the number of anticipated attendees. RCPA requests that members schedule appointments with their Senate and House legislators directly to discuss the state budget, legislation, and regulations after our press conference.

To help support our members and their families during these visits, RCPA asks that you use the following handouts:

Please note that copies of materials will also be available at the Capitol Rally. As an additional resource, members can visit the Pennsylvania Capitol website to locate parking and view maps of the building. If you have questions regarding our 2024 Capitol Day, please contact Jack Phillips.

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The Office of Children, Youth & Family has compiled a list of the top 10 frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the renewal process for existing Certificates of Compliance/Licenses. These FAQs cover essential information for providers operating under office regulations, including document requirements, submission procedures, and anticipated timelines. Providers can access the Licensing Administration Top 10 FAQs and are able to share these FAQs with relevant personnel. Providers are also encouraged to include their Certificate of Compliance or License number and agency/facility name in all communications with Licensing Administration staff.

If you have any questions, please contact RCPA Policy Director Jim Sharp.