The purpose of ODP Announcement 21-001 is to gather information (for planning purposes) on system interest in completing the Office of Developmental Program’s (ODP’s) virtual Quality Management (QM) Certification classes in 2021. Please review the announcement for additional information and to complete the survey.
Please tell us if you would be interested in attending a QM certification class in 2021 by visiting the following link and completing the quick survey no later than January 15, 2021.
ODP Announcement 21-003 provides guidance on accessing the Medication Administration Train the Trainer course; it also announces required maintenance to the Medication Administration Student Courses that will last until January 19, 2021.
Train the Trainer Course:
If you are a trainer or trainer candidate taking the Train the Trainer course, you can continue to access the course here.
Whether you started the Train the Trainer course before the Adobe Flash maintenance was completed on December 28, 2020 or whether you start the Train the Trainer course now, you do not need Adobe Flash.
*Please Note: When you have successfully completed your exams, if your final scores do not calculate or do not appear, you must contact the Medication Administration Help Desk in order to be enrolled in a virtual face-to-face class.
Student Course (to Pass Medications):
The student course is currently undergoing required maintenance on the webcasts and the exams to ensure that they will work properly because of the discontinuation of Adobe Flash. This maintenance will impact the webcasts and the exams.
If you run into problems or have additional questions, please contact the Medication Administration Help Desk.