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The Regional Response Health Collaborative (RRHC) program, a statewide program providing clinical, operational, and educational support to long-term care facilities preparing for or facing outbreaks of COVID-19 at their facility, is available to providers in the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) system.

The RRHC program was designed to bolster Pennsylvania’s support for long-term care facilities and their residents and staff. Launched in late July, the RRHC program was established to provide clinical support, technical assistance, and education to long-term care facilities as they work to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The RRHC is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week to support the nearly 2,000 nursing facilities, personal care homes, assisted living residences, and private intermediate care facilities in Pennsylvania and the residents they serve. Eleven health systems were selected to serve six regions across Pennsylvania.

Supports provided can be assistance with testing, assessing a facility’s preparedness, staffing support, rapid response deployment to facilities, personal protective equipment (PPE) support, testing to ensure PPE is properly fitted, and questions or concerns requiring consultation.

Yesterday Secretary Miller was joined by Janet Tomcavage (see press release here), the Executive Vice President and Chief Nurse Executive at Geisinger, who leads the Geisinger RRHC in Northeast Pennsylvania. Along with leadership from the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Department of Health (DOH) who are overseeing the RRHCs, they discussed their work in supporting facilities in Northeast Pennsylvania and why the program must continue to be supported in 2021.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Personal Care Services (PCS) Bulletin 07-20-04, 54-20-04, 59-20-04,00-20-03 outlines compliance requirements when manual edits are required to correct EVV visit data. The bulletin includes the following language addressing documentation for manual corrections:

  1. Visit Corrections and Documentation for Manual Corrections
  • If EVV visits require manual corrections or edits due to missing or incorrect data elements, providers must maintain hard copy documentation of the manual corrections for auditing purposes. Hard copy documentation is a paper copy.
  • Providers are to establish policy on documentation required to meet auditing requirements and standards as well as organization needs.

The intent of this requirement is to ensure that providers are prepared to provide physical documentation (hard copy) of the reason for manual corrections if requested during an on-site audit. Providers have flexibility in how to implement this requirement as long as physical documentation can be provided upon request. This statement does not dictate that providers must use paper time sheets; however, that is one option to satisfy this requirement. If documentation is kept electronically, such as in the provider’s EVV system, providers must be capable of producing hard copies of this documentation as requested.

Questions on the bulletin or this bulletin clarification should be directed here.

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The state Senate met in a voting session on Monday with the Senate Appropriations Committee and then the full Senate as well as the state House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee advancing legislation that is expected to be part of the package of bills needed to complete Pennsylvania’s state budget of which there are still seven months for which to provide. Senate Bill 1350 is currently a supplemental appropriations bill for the 2020-2021 General Fund budget, a legislative vehicle that could be amended at some point – GOP staff remain hopeful that it will be this week – when budget conversations produce a final product. The bill was reported out of the House Appropriations Committee yesterday and has already had its first day of consideration by the full House, positioning it for potential amendment when the House is in voting session on Wednesday with the possibility of a final vote on Thursday. No solid details have emerged regarding the budget other than that it’s not likely to have too much additional spending beyond what was spent throughout the prior year given the state’s current fiscal situation due to COVID-19 and the mitigation policies pursued with the goal of slowing the spread of the virus. There could be some areas that see targeted spending cuts, though with the sizable amount of mandatory expenditures in Pennsylvania’s budget, areas that can be cut are limited.

Source: Capitolwire: Under The Dome, November 17, 2020

Good Afternoon:

The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance in distributing the following communication containing updated and additional guidance: ODPANN 20-108: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Version 3: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About the Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) Requirements During the COVID-19 Pandemic and ODPANN 20-108 Attachment COVID Frequently Asked Questions Version 3.

Thank you.