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a memo is on the keyboard of a computer as a reminder: meeting

The next Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for December 4, 2020 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. The meeting will be conducted via webinar. Members can register to participate here. Public comments will be taken after each presentation, and questions can be entered into the chat box during the presentations.

To participate via telephone, please dial:

(415) 655-0060

Access Code: 570-909-331

Statewide Family Network

Application Due Date: Monday, January 4, 2021

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is accepting applications for the Statewide Family Network (SFN) grant program. The purpose of this program is to more effectively respond to the needs of children, youth, and young adults with serious emotional disturbances (SED) and their families by providing information, referrals, and support. The program will also create a mechanism for families to participate in state and local mental health services planning and policy development. This population of focus will hereafter be referred to as children and youth. SAMHSA expects that this program will be a catalyst for transforming mental health and related systems in the state by strengthening coalitions among family organizations and between family members, policy makers, and service providers.

SAMHSA plans to issue approximately 10 grants of up to $95,000 per year for up to three years.

Statewide Consumer Network Program

Application Due Date: Monday, January 4, 2021

SAMHSA is accepting applications for the Statewide Consumer Network (SCN) grant program. The purpose of this program is to improve efforts to address the needs of adults with serious mental illness (SMI) by developing and/or expanding peer support services, peer leadership, and peer engagement strategies statewide. The population of focus is adults with SMI, including those who are underserved and underrepresented (e.g. consumers from ethnic, racial, and cultural minority groups); veterans; individuals who are chronically homeless; individuals with co-occurring disorders (COD); sexual orientation and gender identity minorities; and individuals who have been involved in the criminal justice system. It is expected that this program will increase access to mental health services for adults with SMI. It will also increase the quality of these services, increase the sustainability of consumer-operated organizations, and enhance state capacity and infrastructure to support the recovery of adults with SMI and their families.

SAMHSA plans to issue up to 12 grants of up to $95,000 per year for up to three years.

The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) has announced that new resources are available for the 2.0 Intensive Outpatient and Partial Hospital Programs American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria Service Alignment on the DDAP website.