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CMS wants to remind states that effective October 1, 2020, state Medicaid programs are required to provide coverage of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) services and drugs under a new mandatory benefit. The SUPPORT Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-271) amended the Social Security Act (the Act) to add this new mandatory benefit.  The purpose of the new mandatory MAT benefit found at section 1905(a)(29) of the Act is to increase access to evidenced-based treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) for all Medicaid beneficiaries and to allow patients to seek the best course of treatment and particular medications that may not have been previously covered.

CMS interprets sections 1905(a)(29) and 1905(ee) of the Act to require that, as of October 1, 2020, states must include as part of the new MAT mandatory benefit all forms of drugs and biologicals that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved or licensed for MAT to treat OUD.  More specifically, under the new mandatory MAT benefit, states are required to cover such FDA approved or licensed drugs and biologicals used for indications for MAT to treat OUD.  States currently cover many of these MAT drugs and biologicals (for all medically-accepted indications) under the optional benefit for prescribed drugs described at section 1905(a)(12) of the Act.

The President has signed H.R. 8337, the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act. This new law made a statutory change to Section 1905(a)(29) and 1905(ee) of the Act, and now clarifies that MAT drugs when used for OUD as described under the mandatory benefit are deemed prescribed drugs, and covered outpatient drugs subject to section 1927 of the Act requirements, as appropriate.

Specifically, these amendments to the Act ensure a state’s ability to seek section 1927 drug manufacturer rebates, and apply drug utilization management mechanisms, such as preferred drug lists and prior approval, and a manufacturer’s duty to pay appropriate rebates and comply with all applicable manufacturer drug product and drug pricing reporting and payment of rebates. The change in law is effective as of the date of enactment of the original SUPPORT Act, which was October 24, 2018. Further CMS guidance will be forthcoming on other implementation issues relating to this new mandatory MAT benefit.

View in web browser: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USCMSMEDICAID/bulletins/2a3b044

The US Department of Labor (DOL) continues to support American workers with disabilities and position the economy for a strong rebound. DOL invites you to participate in a national online dialogue, Job Developing for People with Disabilities during Times of Increased Unemployment, through October 18, 2020. We want to hear from you about how job developers are helping people with disabilities obtain Competitive Integrated Employment during times of increased health risks and unemployment.

This national online dialogue, hosted by DOL’s Office of Disability Employment Policy, invites individuals with disabilities, their family members, and advocates, along with employment specialists, VR counselors, job coaches, employers, and others, to submit their ideas. We want to hear your best ideas about:

  1. Addressing health risks;
  2. Balancing self-determination and health; and
  3. Addressing increased unemployment.

The dialogue will take place through October 18. During this period, you can join at any time to submit your ideas or comment and vote on ideas submitted by others. Simply visit WorkforceSystems.IdeaScale.com to participate at your convenience.

We look forward to hearing from you!


The ePolicyWorks Online Dialogue Team

Today at RCPA’s quarterly Drug and Alcohol Committee meeting, Secretary Smith informed our members that she has been asked by the Federal government to reach out to providers to determine whether providers have received Federal funds in Phase 1 or Phase 2 of the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund, and if providers have not received funds to find out whether providers applied or whether their applications were denied.

If you have not received funds in either Phase 1 or Phase 2, please send Jack Phillips an email as to when you applied for these funds and if you were denied or are still waiting for an answer on your application.

As a reminder, you may apply for Phase 3 of the Provider Relief Funds. The application deadline for Phase 3 funding is Friday, November 6. Questions, please contact Jack Phillips.

Harrisburg, PA – 49 state employees were honored yesterday with the Governor’s Awards for Excellence, showing bravery, innovation, persistence, and dedication to the residents of our state.

This group included the Community HealthChoices Team – Department of Human Services
Wilmarie Gonzalez, Jennifer Hale, Michael Hale, Randolph Nolen, Daniel Sharar, Jill Vovakes, and Kristen Wierman for leading the largest phase of implementation of Community HealthChoices, a program for older Pennsylvanians and individuals with physical disabilities. Their carefully planned coordination and communication with participants, stakeholders, advocates, local officials, and managed care organizations, as well as health care, home care, and long-term care providers, resulted in a successful roll out with no disruptions in care or services.